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Joined:  17 Dec 2008
Total posts:  10777
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Location:  Midorea
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All about Maeve
Hello there and thanks for visiting my profile!

Firstly, if I was supposed to do something with/for you, haven't answered after a few days and other things like that, please poke me and remind me! When real life gets busy, I tend to forget a few things, or miss some posts, etc. Sweat

Now that this is cleared out, I guess it's time for the good old intro thingy.
My nickname is Maeve. My real name is Geneviève, and although I don't really mind if you use it when talking to me, it kinda annoys me when people make mistakes/typos in it. So yeah, the nickname may be safer. Wink
I'm a 20-something years old Canadian girl that can speak French and English. I am currently studying visual arts at university and looking for a job or some other way to make money legally of course.
I love arts, writing, drawing, role-playing, and a lot more stuff. I can mostly be found lurking around the Newcomers Help Center, in my hangout thread, the role-play corner and the art chat/art shop forums.

If you need my email for something, just ask. I'm just not writing it here because it seems to mess up with the profile layout.

I really don't know what else to say, but if you have any question, just PM me! Happy

On Midorea...
... I'm also known as Kuma and Usagi. Although, I'm not too active on those accounts, so if you need to contact me, I'd suggest PMing this one (Maeve).

Outside of Midorea...
Here are some links to my page or profile or blog thing outside Midorea. Feel free to PM me or send me a friend request or whatever's used on that site.

° DeviantArt
° Tumblr

My babies here...
Just a little spot to show my babies (i.e adoptables), with links to the thread where you can get info about them, and possibly get your own. I hope I didn't forget any.

Baby Elkin - Teenage Elkin

Baby Desthe - Teenage Desthe

Baby Reza - Teenage Reza

Reza's companion

Maeve's Character
Image Description Level
Forge Forge Skill 14
Enchantment Enchantment Skill 2

Vital Stats
  Health Points:: 234/234
  Mana Points:: 138/152
  Weight: 6,916/2,390
  Experience:: 18,886/19,672
Armour Class Armour Class 106
Strength Strength 39
Intelligence Intelligence 18
Wisdom Wisdom 21
Constitution Constitution 20
Battle Statistics
Victories 3083
Defeats 30
Flees 215

Level: 25
   Class: Assassin
   Race: Lower Deity
Lower Deity
   Element: Metal
   Alignment: Neutral

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