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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:58 am Reply with quote        
Name: Alex
Age: 18
Gender: Male


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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:55 pm Reply with quote        
Name: Erica
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pic: Here she is!

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:23 pm Reply with quote        
Alex was sitting in a crowded bus and looking through the window. Numerous buildings, trees and people appeared and disappeared quickly from his sight as the bus just swished pass them. He was rapidly approaching the town he left almost thirteen years ago, the town where she was.
He didn't have a lot of stuff with him, just a big backpack that held most of his belongings and his loyal music player. He liked his music loud, probably that's why he couldn't hear an old woman nagging at him for not letting her sit.


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 PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:16 pm Reply with quote        
Her shift was nearly coming to an end and all she had to do was finish up was re-stocking a few things on the shelves, which wasn't much.
"Ok, here we go," She said putting back her final can and smiled.
"Ah, nice work Erica," an older woman came up and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Erica smiled and looked back at the woman, "Thanks Ms. Johnson." Ms. Johnson was the owner of this little general store that held practically everything in this small town of theirs. From book, to utensils, to books, to clothes, to food, and more. Ms. Johnson was a kind faced woman with a warm smile and a warm heart and everyone knew her and loved being with her, she was almost like the grandma of everyone in the town, even the other grandmas. She was old, yes, but she wasn't the sterotypical old lady, on no, Ms. Johnson was a sturdy woman and if she wanted to she could out run any child wanted to. At least that's what she tells people, however apparently she was never really in the "mood" to out run them when they took something out of the store without paying, but no worries, it'd come back to her eventually. She knew, so people guessed that's why she didn't run.

Erica put a peice of hair that was dangling in frnt of her face behind her ear, "So, I've re-stocked everything and I finished taking inventory and, um," She looked around the store as if trying to remember everything she had done, "And I have also swept, dusted, cleaned the windows."

Ms. Johnson raised her eyebrows, "Is that all?" She gave her a sly smile and Erica gave a small, nervous laugh.
"Um, yes? Was there something else I was supposed to do?"
Ms. Johnson laughed, "No, no dear, I was just teasing," She patted Erica on the shoulder who had let out a sigh of relief, "Don't worry dear, you've been here for only a two weeks now and already you've done more than I could've asked for. That I have asked for!" Ms. Johnson laughed again.

Erica smiled, not sure of what to say.
"Alright, I guess you're off duty now, have a safe trip home Erica," Ms. Johnson said and started to walk away.
"Ok, thank you Ms. Johnson," she replied before she started to slip off her work apron. It was blue and white and actually looked a bit strange on her. She was about to walk out of the store when Ms. Johnson stopped her with a quick hey. Erica turned around, "Yes?"
"Be sure you welcome him back well!"
"Um, I'm sorry?" Erica was wondering who she was talking about, "Welcome who back?"
Ms. Johnson gave her the same confused look that Erica was giving her, "Ya know, the boy. The um, the one with the hair? Your friend."
"Ummm, who, I don't know what you're..."
"You guys used to be glued to the hip when you were younger, I remember that, but he left... remember?"
Erica's eyes widened. She couldn't be talking about, "You don't mean...Alex?"
Ms. Johnson shrugged and then laughed, "I don't know. I can't remember everything, I'm an old woman, remember?" She started to walk back to the end of the store.

'I don't believe it, could it be true?' Erica bolted out the store and ran toward her house, 'It's been thirteen years! He's coming back, really? How? How did Ms. Johnson know before me? Why didn't he tell me? Anyting? Nothing?' Her thoughts raced just as fast as her feet, 'A letter? Something?' She had to go home and see if anyone else knew about him coming back to town. Ms. Johnson might have been mistaken, maybe it was someone else she was thinking about? In this small town, it's hard to get anyone confused with someone else, but it wasn't impossible, and like Ms. Johnson had said, she was an old woman afterall, but...

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:30 pm Reply with quote        
Once the bus came to a stop, Alex stood up, grabbed his bag and got out of the buss still ignoring the scowling old lady. He took out crumpled piece of paper and unfolded it. It was a small map, it showed the exact location of his new place. He got it just in case this old town changed beyond recognition, but on his way here Alex already noticed that not that much changed. He wasn't sure what was he expecting in the first place. There were still the same old alleys, parks and streets he used to run in.

How nostalgic... he thought surprising himself, however he decided to leave the sightseeing for later, now he had to find the building where he rented an apartment. Apparently it was supposed to be a newly built block so Alex was kinda looking forward to see it.

"Is this it?.." he wondered to him self as he was standing in front of a huge 12 story building. Without wasting any time he simply marched right in where he was greeted by a young receptionist. She promptly gave him the required papers.
"Sign here, here and here... Thank you very much and have a nice day!"
She smiled and gave Alex his keys, he thanked her and got into the elevator.


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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:17 pm Reply with quote        
Erica ran into her house, the door unlocked. "Dad? Mom?" She looked around, a little out of breath.
"Erica?" A woman's voice called from in a room down the hall from her.
"Mom?" She said and started to walk toward her kitchen. Her mother was in there enjoying a sandwhich, "Hey, mom! Did you hear? Alex is coming back."
Her mother gave her a confused look, "You mean, little red-head Alex? The one who moved away around, I suppose 10 years ago?"
"13 years, and yea, him."
Her mother smiled, her face brightening, "Really? How'd you know? Who told you?"
"Ms. Johnson down at the store, she said that he was coming back."
"What? How'd she know?"
Erica just shrugged, "I'm not sure, but I really hope she's right."
"Well, are you going to go and say hi to him or something?" She took a bite of her sandwhich, "Oh, I should tell your father, he'd be surprised too."
Erica laughed, "Yea he will, and I would go and say hi, but I don't know where he'd be."
"Hmm," Her mother thought for a moment, "Did he come with his parents or alone? I haven't seen any cars driving by their old place or anything, so... If he did come alone, then perhaps he could have taken the bus? Or drove... I guess there are a few possibilities aren't there?"
"I'll go and check the bus station I guess," Erica said.
"Alright, I'll call your father."
Erica waved and then walked out her back door because her bike was in the back, she wanted to try and see Alex as quickly as possible. 'Sure hope he remembers me.'

"What? He did?"
"Yes! That boy," the old woman mumbled and grmbled something under her breath.
'I guess he really did take the bus... or maybe it was someone else? I don't remember Alex being someone to make people upset...' Erica tried to ask the old woman once again, "Do you know where he eaded off to?"
"How am I supposed to know? Why should I even care!"
"Please, please Ms. Bird..."
The old woman brought her own bag closer to herself, "I leave, I come back, then him, now you!"
"Please?" Erica begged.
"Bah, he went that way," she pointed in the direction of who Erica was hoping Alex went.
"Really? Oh thank you!"
Ms. Bird didn't say anything and Erica went off on her bike. Maybe he's at the new apartments?

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:34 am Reply with quote        
When Alex reached his apartment door he noticed a couple of boxed were already waiting for him. He sighed running a hand through his hair.
Mother... he thought and opened the door. He was going to have a lot of unpacking to do. Alex carried the boxes inside one after another and once he was done, he kicked of his shoes and started to look around his new place.
It was a nice little flat; the kitchen was connected to the living room and the door to his bedroom was located to the right hand side of the living room. The only thing that place lacked, in his opinion, was some greenery.
Alex walked to the kitchen an opened the fridge. It was completely empty. He closed the fridge door and went to rummage through the boxes his mother sent.
"None here... None here...."
Disappointed he finally realized that among loads of stuff he had, one thing that was missing was food. There was no helping it, he had to go to a nearest grocery store.
I wonder if Ms. Johnson still runs her old store, maybe I'll give her a visit.


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 PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:12 pm Reply with quote        
((Sorry it's so short. x.x;))

Erica made it to the new apartments and looked up at them. She swallowed; Erica was really nervous.
'Oh man. I'm seeing him after all these years? I wonder what he looks like now. Will he remember me?' She planned on geting off the bike and walking inside, but she was still holding herself up on the bike, and the longer she stood there the more nervous she became.

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:23 am Reply with quote        
((Don't worry about it ^^))

Alex locked his apartments door and headed towards the elevator. He watched the numbers slowly change from 5 to 1 as the elevator moved down and he heard a sound signal announcing that the door is about to open. As Alex moved down the hallway, the receptionist bowed greeting him again. He looked around and noticed a man in a guards uniform, he couldn't recall seeing him the first time he entered.

Further on the pavement he noticed a girl with a bike, she seemed to be waiting for someone maybe. Alex wondered if she could be renting a room here, if so, they might be neighbors.
"Good afternoon," he greeted her while passing by.
Now, which way was it again?


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 PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:02 pm Reply with quote        
She kept looking up at the building and sighed. She couldn't really get up the nerve to go in. 'Ah, curses,' she thought. Maybe she could try later? She didn't want to seem, too excitedor anything, she didn't need to freak him out, especially since it'd been such a long time. 'What would I say anyway? 'Hey! It's me! Oh my gosh Erica! Don't you remember?! We were glued to the hip when we were kids! Or so everyone...' No, I can't do that, I'd just keep rambling non-stop.'
Erica looked over at the door and then out walked a boy, a red-headed boy. That couldn't be...could it? He stated to walk toward her and she started to get nervous. Oh no! What was going to happen? Does he recognize me? When he passed he barely looked at her and only said two words.
"A-afternoon," Erica replied a little flusttered, nervous, but then relaxed. That couldn't have been him. Could it? He didn't recognize me at all.
She looked at him as he kept walking, but then it seemed as if he was searching for something. Maybe it is really just some new guy?
Erica rode up beside, "Hey there, you looking for something? I could help. You new around here?" She asked with a smile.

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:08 pm Reply with quote        
Alex blinked at the girl and smiled at her. She looked like a nice person and he would definitely love to have someone like her as his neighbor.
"Yeah.. Well no, not really..." he scratched the back of his head.
"I used to live here about 13 years ago, but apparently some things have changed and my memories got a little rusty..." he continued still wearing a silly grin on his face.
"But since you offered... Do you by any chance know a woman called Ms. Johnson?" he looked at her politely waiting for a response.


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 PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:36 pm Reply with quote        
"Thirteen years? No kidding," She said. 'Could this be him? "Um, yea, I know Ms. Johnson," She smiled back at him, "Need to get to her store right? I could show you, maybe even give you a lift, that is if you think you have good balance. She isn't too far from here," She gave a little shrug.

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:53 am Reply with quote        
"That's an interesting suggestion," he answered while looking her up and then glancing at the bike. She seemed to be quite petite and he was afraid it might be a tad too hard for her to actually give him a ride.
"You sure you'll manage?" he grinned and approached the back seat of the bicycle.
"Or maybe you get on the back and leave the riding to me?" Alex offered.
"That is unless you're afraid I might steal your bike," he smiled.


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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:13 pm Reply with quote        
"Hmm," Erica looked at him, it seemed like he'd do a better job at moving them along than she would, she hadn't exactly ridden a bike for two in such a long time, "Alright, you can take the wheel, I'll give the directions," She smiled at him. She had to trust the guy, he felt familiar, could it really be her long ago friend? If it was, shouldn't he be the one to speak up frst? Give reasons for not writing or something? Shouldn't he? Or...
Erica got off the bike and let him get on. I guess I'll know when we visit Ms. Johnson, right?

Would you like to roleplay with me? x: Warning: I tend to get bored of ROleplays and get distracted easily. Sorry, sorry. </3

Hey!Replying. >.o

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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:44 pm Reply with quote        
"Great!" he took the wheel and got on the bike.
"You ready?" he asked before starting to turn the pedals. It started of pretty wobbly, but he soon straightened the bike. The wind felt nice, it's been quite some time since he last rode a bike.
"So, where to?" he asked as they approached a crossroad.
All the while though, Alex had this strange feeling that the girl behind him was kinda staring at him, as if she wanted to say something or expected something from him.

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