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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:33 pm Reply with quote        
Hills and forest surrounded the military base. It was a rectangle with two more larger ones on either side and behind. Two stories of reinforced steel, with the only accessible entrance being a large, reinforced steel door with a number pad and scanners to one side. The two larger wings had no windows, but had vents near the ceiling that hot air escaped from. The air was chill, it was only spring.

On the inside, children were rushing to prepare for battle, most unwilling. The few that made their objections known experienced death by exploding collar, which revealed three, inch-long spikes that held them in place.

A teenaged woman hurried around the labs, handing strange pills to a collar-less boy in a blue uniform, and he shoved each one in a bag. The labs were quickly becoming bare as the machines turned into pill-like capsules with a button on one end. Finally, at the computers, she withdrew a flash drive and the computers ceased to hold anything-- the real computer was in her hand as she tossed it to the boy, who shoved it into the bag.

"Mistress," the boy addressed her. "They're preparing. You should prepare to flee." Grey eyes watched the young woman as she hurriedly packed. His psychic senses could easily pick up the army outside.

My Roleplaying Search


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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:14 pm Reply with quote        
Outside of the facility, a brigade of armed men and women awaited orders. The hastily put together army sat in the shadows of the surrounding forest, getting briefed as to what was expected of them. It was too much to hope that they had the element of surprise. But hopefully, the combines efforts of military personnel, and sparsely trained civilian volunteers would be enough to put a halt to the madness. They hadn't had much luck in that field, thus far.

The gathered army were armed with canisters of tear gas, smoke bombs, tranquilizer darts, and in some cases, more lethal means of taking someone down. They watched the activity in the fortress below, with nervous anticipation. They were going to be fighting children, most of whom didn't want to fight in the first place. They needed to get in, under the cover of smoke and gas, engaging only when nessessary, and hope to whatever higher powers were out there that no one would die.

Black dressed men returned to speak with the commander. The one they wanted was still inside. The silent order was sent. Within minutes a large volley of metal canisters were sent flying over the compound walls. Tear gas and smoke choked and blinded anyone present. Masked fighters rushed the ominous facility. Trained intelligence personel moved to hack the doors while others scaled the walls using grappling hooks.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:28 pm Reply with quote        
Little tan-clad children were crying on the other side. From the roof, shots were fired by slightly older, green-clad children. The green-uniforms looked like they knew what they were doing, and the lack of brain-smears indicated that they knew better than to try wimping out. So, they fired at their maybe-rescuers, knowing that they would hit, because they were trained to, and that if they tried to miss, to waste ammo, they would be killed.

Behind the green-uniformed kids was a boy wearing blue. He had dark hair and a tan, and under his uniform, muscles showed. He was fastening a gas mask onto his face, firing when he could at the attacking army. In one of the bulletproof windows, the ice woman was freezing what and who she could who weren't on her side.

It didn't take long for the gate to open. It only needed to break to open, after all.

My Roleplaying Search


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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:49 pm Reply with quote        
The armed children were making quick work of the wall climbers. It was to be expected, but they had hoped that they outcome would be a bit more positive. They fell to the ground, clutching heavily bleeding wounds, if they weren't outright killed by the gunfire or the fall. One the bulkhead doors were open, a larger force rushed from the forest. Some individuals broke off to drag the wounded to safety. The walls were abandonded, the suriving members regrouping with the rushing adults.

More canisters of smoke and gas were launched into the compound. They didn't want to make it too easy for the enhanced humans to overpower the assaulting team. Inside, the masked figures did their best to ignore the incapacitated children. They couldn't be helped while their collars were still active. All the same, some of the civilian volunteers and a handful of trained military figures broke off shouting muffled names into the chilled air.

Led by the military, those that remained entered the building. If luck was with them, they could dispose of the members in charge of the facility and deactivate the collars. The thought of firing live rounds at children made even the hardiest stomachs roll. They only had so many tranquilizer darts. The troops that entered the building broke off into several teams. The sooner they finished their objective, the more were likely to come back alive.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:01 pm Reply with quote        
Shots continued being fired from the roof, and the boy in blue jumped down the two story building and began punching at the adults, trying to prevent any more from getting inside. This child wore no collar-- he had to be Obsidian, since Psiblast would have exploded brains rather than gone in punching. Inside the building, there were two levels. Collumns held up the second level, where more child soldiers were firing on the adults.

Arriving late, Biocybera herself began firing laser blasts at the army below her. The doors to get to the rest of the base were firmly shut save for those on the extended balcony above.

Below, more children were firing, including another boy in blue. This one had brown hair and angry grey eyes. Again, this boy had no collar. He was standing near a collumn that looked somewhat weakened. He exploded a few heads, then gripped his own a moment. He felt dizzy.

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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:16 pm Reply with quote        
The adults took cover as best they could once they noticed they were under fire. Those that were armed as such, began to fire live rounds upon the blue clad children. As sick as it made them to do so, they wouldn't survive for much longer if they only viewed their opponent as 'just a child'.

Those wearing armor protected those that did not, long enough to dart some of the child soldiers. The trauma plates protected the vitals from the children's gunfire, but did little to stop the white hot bullets from tearing though extremities. Those that went down, were never given a chance the get back up. Blood from the still figures stained the floor a bright crimson color.

The sudden appearance of Biocybera caused the military to call a regroup. They were not about to let her get away. They concentrated their fire on the teenager while the rest tried to defend themselves as long as they could.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:45 pm Reply with quote        
The young woman had riot gear on to protect her body, and a helmet protecting her head. Her legs were protected by children, as was her body up to her armpits. Rarely did she stay still. Occasionally, she ducked down to recharge, one arm bleeding from a shot she took. It hurt, but she was used to pain like that.

Psiblast hid behind the pillar after taking a shot to his arm, shivering. Sonuva bitch that hurt! Concentrating, he exploded more of the adults' heads. The column was weakening more, as each time he poked his head out, more fire went at it. He could hear it groaning... It wasn't stone, just wood. It wouldn't stay up... It didn't need to. It was just decorative.

Obsidian ran inside, punching, kicking, headbutting anyone not on his side. Morticea emerged and grabbed her Mistress. "It's time." she muttered and pushed her through a door. They were taking heavy casualties. Biocybera ran onto the roof and ordered the children there to head to evac. This group on the roof was the oldest of the children, having been taken early and proven useful. Their lives were spared, and they were fed decently enough. These minions followed her as she ran back inside and to a lab, where she adjusted their watches to go to another place.

((I hope I'm not going too fast here. D8 ))

My Roleplaying Search


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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:07 pm Reply with quote        
"Don't let them get away!" The order rang out, once they saw that Biocybera was calling a retreat to the roof. The surviving adults, capable of giving chase, persued the fleeing woman, guns blazing. They concentrated their fire on the teenager and her generals. They knew their adversaries could bleed. Therefore they could be killed.

The adults had suffered heavy losses, with little, if any apparent gain. But they continued to press on. The hurried after the fleeing children, darting those that weren't firing at the adults as they retreated.

(We're just establishing the premise of the roleplay. Like a prologue. Once everyone has a chance to regroup, I'd expect it to slow down a touch. Besides, pages and pages worth of bloodshed eventually get boring to read, as well as a pain in the arse to write.)

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:30 pm Reply with quote        
(( Alrighty. Only Bio and Mort fled, Sid and Psi are still fighting. ^^; ))

The young woman sent those children on the way, as well as any who had followed her. Outside of the locked lab, Psiblast continued firing sporadically at the adults. He had to protect his Mistress at all costs. Slowly, he teleported children to the new base, feeling dizzier and dizzier. It wasn't long before he heard the creaking of the column change. Looking up, he shouted in alarm as it crashed onto him. The boy teleported the other children, as well as the other generals away before he fainted. It was him and Biocybera left. Psiblast's legs were crushed by the column and the boy was unconscious.

Looking around, Biocybera realized she was alone and pulled what looked like a large fish oil pill out of one of her breast pockets. There was a needle poking from one end. Quickly, she injected herself in the wrist.

Just a few minutes left to "live" now. She hurried to the nearest computer and began to break it with her bare hands. The glass from the screen cut her hands. When she finally collapsed, alone in a locked lab, she was shivering hard enough not to be able to control her body. She was undergoing seizures now, and soon the poison would kill her... Just like every other time. Brown hair, matted with sweat and smelling of dust fell over her face and shoulders. Her trademark pince-nez was on the floor nearby, shaken off by the wild thrashing of its owner. Desperately, she tried to undress. She had no capsules on her now, but even with her scanty amount of dress, she felt overheated.

Red heels went flying as her legs kicked wildly, flashing the door with a view of what lie under her skirt. No underwear. It was a pretty violent poison she had taken this time, hardly the easy ones like before that caused a calm, sleepy death.

My Roleplaying Search


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 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:09 am Reply with quote        
A couple of military folk approached the unconscious Psiblast. The rest of the adults went off to see if they could find a way to catch up with the fleeing woman. The boy might have been physically, crippled, but as long as his mind was intact, he was still dangerous. As tempting as a bullet in the brain was, there was no way to study it afterwards. The two men opted to slit his throat and guard his body in case something else turned up.

The group the moved after the woman pounded on the locked door. They burst through the door as Biocybera was in her death throws. They kept their weapons trained on the young woman, more for show that from any feeling of impending doom. They might have felt some pity, if they didn't believe her to be a monster that deserved her fate.

There were some that went to the computers to see if they could salvage any information from the broken machines.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:21 pm Reply with quote        
"My baby!" she screamed hoarsely as she suddenly became limp, brown eyes wide.

Feeling cold steel against his neck, Psiblast woke instantly, eyes filled with pain and fear. He teleported quickly, neck pouring out blood as he tried to stop it desperately. He was only two! He couldn't die like this, after the battle was done! Solidified water closed around his neck and inside his airway, stopping the bleeding as it went around the cut places. His body had lost so much blood... As the adrenaline quickly wore off, he collapsed into the other general's arms as the ice woman tried not to cry as she held her "little brother". He would survive now, but have no use of his legs.

Back on the now-abandoned base, Biocybera was now certifiably dead. A soldier arrived, tall and of asian descent, ran in. "Is she secured? The boy disappeared. Let's take her in." His face was hidden by a gas mask.

My Roleplaying Search


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 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:41 pm Reply with quote        
The military personel that were left in the room with the now deceased woman snapped to attention with the arrival of the tall man. The handful of civilians mearly watched the man enter. Not out of rudness, but more from lack of training. The untrained adults looked at each other, through their masks, at the order to restrain a corpse. But they didn't comment.

Biocyberas' body was carefully prepared for transport and removed from the room. The masked adults that were working on the damaged computers remained were they were, along with a small guard. The rest of the adults were ordered to either help remove the corpses for proper burial, or to guard the transport with Biocyberas' corpse.

Some adults, overwhenled with the magnitude of the assault sank down to the ground shaking and crying. They had gone up against a psycho, who used children as soldiers. Some of the children were relatives of the disheartened army. Some were mosters capable of killing a person without any apparent remorse. How could someone truly win against that?

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:46 pm Reply with quote        
As was usual, the corpse disappeared under mysterious circumstances during the following night. The Asian man disappeared again, and a note was left. "Haha, losers!" it said. The cycle was starting again. There would be more kidnappings, but some children, hit by darts or by crippling bullets, were rescued.

One child who had been hit by a tranquilizer was gripping a digital video camera and sobbing, during the night, he begged his Mistress to take him away. Around midnight, his cries faded. By morning, he was gone as well. This happened occasionally-- a rescued child would wish to return to the child-army.

My Roleplaying Search


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 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:58 pm Reply with quote        
The doctors and psychologists assigned to give aid to the rescued children did their best to alleviate the damage done berfore and during the battle. The damage done would cripple them mentally, and maybe physically for a long time, and would be the fuel for nightmares for many years to come. Those that still had someone left to go home to, would eventually be released to anxiously awaiting family.

The surviving adults didn't fare that much better than the young soldiers. With the news that the cadaver had vanished, yet again, the abysmally low moral of the survivors all but disappeared. Even the fact that any of them survived the slaughter was not enough to hearten those that remained. The disappearance of some of the rescued children was the last straw.

The cycle was starting again. This time, they needed to strike fast, and hard, before Biocybera had a change to rebuild. But first, they needed to find her.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:08 pm Reply with quote        
Within three days, Psiblast was spotted in a wheelchair, out of uniform. He was in a grocery store in Germany, buying some candy, bread, and a few other things. A bandage around his neck hid the stitches as the depressed boy struggled to wheel to the register. He placed his items on the belt and waited for them to be rung up. His clothes didn't look in good condition, and his hair was uncombed. The only recognizable trait was his eyes. They were sunken in self-pity and sadness, and yet still retained a permanently angry shape. He had lost much of his anger, though. Even though he couldn't be formally recognized as Psiblast, this lonely boy in the wheelchair was still avoided as he bought groceries.

On the new base, Biocybera recovered from her poison, tied down to a bed and thrashing as he body expelled it from her. She looked horrible. Morticea watched over her, leaning against a staff of ice as Obsidian kept order and made things ready.

My Roleplaying Search

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