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 PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:22 am Reply with quote        
1. Spamming is not tolerated. All posts must be on topic and more than two words, only exception is in the Fun 'n' Games subforum. And word emotes do not count as words. Excessive usage of symbols to create pictures also count as spam as this will initiate extra currency earned.
2. Double posting is allowed but only if the post pertains to the topic. You can also double post if your thread has fallen off the first page. And using a mule to post again after yourself counts as double posting.
3. All content must be PG-13 and under. No linking to sites which are above the PG-13 rating.
4. You must be 13 or older to join, if you are younger than 13 get your parents or guardians permission first. I cannot be held responsible for anything someone under 13 might see/read/etc.
5. Only 2 mules are allowed.
6. Use quotes when posting something that you yourself did not write.
7. Maximum is 2 pictures for each post. This rule is void if you are setting up a shop/art gallery/etc. thread.
8. Limit 4 codes per post. This rules is void when setting up a shop/art gallery/etc. thread.
9. Do not page stretch.
10. All pictures posted in the forum must be 600x600 pixels or less.
11. Signature images must be 500(width)x400(height) pixels or smaller, and less than 250kb in size.
12. Off site trading is not allowed. This includes selling Midorea's currency/items for real Money or another sites currency/items. Anyone found breaking this rule will be permanently banned.
This is illegal, don't act like it isn't. When you are caught, I will sue you.
13. Do not advertise in the forums. Keep all off site links in your signature and in URL form. Referall links are NOT allowed.
14. Absolutely no URL-hacking. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's changing the url to try and get into restricted and/or currently unreleased parts of the site.
15. Do not PM another user about the items in their inventory; this also means do NOT look into other users' inventory without permission.
16. Please do not create anymore 13+/18+/R threads. If you would like to participate in a 13+ chat go to the 'official' 13+ lounge thread.
17. Threads cannot be considered dead unless the thread creator has stated it as so. But please do NOT "revive" a thread that has not had a post in a month, unless if you are the thread owner.
18. No bashing or harassing users, other sites, or anything in general.
19. Profane words are allowed. Just please don't use it excessively.

Please report all rule-breakers to an Admin or Moderator.

If you fail to follow these rules, disciplinary action will be taken against your account.

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