Assistant Admin
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:23 pm
| I usually go with two types of characters when I play games:
She usually specializes in rogue-like abilities, but if there is some sort of speechcraft in the game, then she'll specialize in that too. Although the symbolism is almost painfully simplistic, she's a thief/rogue because she seeks out hidden truths. In my mind, the sneaking isn't even for fighting. The sneaking is for getting into locked rooms and finding out what dirty secrets are hidden inside. She's less concerned with actual thievery and more concerned with learning. If she can, she'll even avoid actually stealing things.
The moral dilemma only crosses her mind briefly. Mostly, she just doesn't want to bother with the hassle of being caught. (Though she rarely is.) Chu doesn't take unnecessary risks. She's brave, but not stupid. Just tactful. If she runs across any morally ambiguous quests, she does naturally drift toward the side of good. And, although you may think that she wouldn't waste time with minor quests, you are wrong. She's painfully curious, so if even the slightest air of mystery floats around a quest, she will be sure to finish it. With no one life path in mind, she figures she has all the time in the world to explore and experience as much as she wants.
The reason that she chooses to seek out this knowledge in such an under-handed way is actually pretty simple: as much as she craves to uncover things that are hidden in the dark, she is most at home there. The darkness is her domain, and she is unwilling to share it. Nothing can be kept secret from her. Sure, she could be a more traditional scholar: but people tend to seek scholars out. They attract attention, and that’s the last thing that she wants. And, scholars rely on libraries of books. Those hefty piles are too much for Chu, who can't stand to stay in one place. She likes staying on the move and keeping her mind busy. Deep philosophizing just doesn't suit her.
She doesn't particularly like fighting, as you could probably guess. If she can, she'll try to talk her way out of fights... or even run away. Cowardice isn't something that she dwells on much. Instead, she figures that there's no sense in wasting time on something that you're not interested in.
If you’re familiar with the goddess Athena, then you probably have a good idea of what kind of character this is. One thing that both Athena and Chu share (and I failed to mention this with Chu) is crafting. Both ladies craft – although Athena goes all out with it, whereas Chu gets distracted by other things. But, what makes Athena shine is her intelligence and her prowess in battle.
Athena uses whatever weapons I give her, but blunt weapons are pretty rare. She doesn’t lurk in the shadows like Chu. Although Athena likes fighting from a distance (because she's a natural strategist) she will fight close combat. Sometimes she’ll use a spear and shield, and others, she’ll use a sword. Again, she uses whatever I give her.
She is very focused on her goal, so she’ll rarely stray away from the main quest. However, if something particularly compelling comes her way, then she’ll pursue it. The only way to snatch her attention from her main goal is by addressing her deeply-rooted sense of justice. For example, a threat to an established seat of power will convince her to aid the defenders. It just has to be a significant one.
Those are my two main characters. I’ve been trying to come up with another one, but I usually fall back into one of these ladies. I tried to make Athena a mage in GW2, but I’m not liking it much. Meh.
What characters do you usually create?
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:09 pm
| In RPGs it tends to vary, but my most common ones either relate to one of my writing characters or just my most common ones. For example:
Usually focusing on long-range and healing, Harveste is my main RPG character. She usually specializes in things that involve nature such as foraging, and she tends to be cautious and focus on the straight and narrow.
Based on one of my personal characters, Linear is always used if there is some sort of entertainment or musical based character class. She's quiet and tends to stay to herself, but has a tendency to make reckless movements. She's also rather close to nature, and never does well with fire elements.
When I feel like playing a guy, sometimes I play Sayaku. Because of his background in my stories as a farm boy with a tendency to be injured by animals, he usually plays a role where higher strength and defense is involved, and usually is more of a front liner. He's fairly athletic, which makes for an advantage.
I made a character based on a program once in Etrian Odyssey. I made her a master of blades for fun, and she has a cute image. She is one of my strongest characters ironically, but has a tendency to die quickly. I swear....It fits too much. Thus I had to mention it anyway.
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Assistant Admin
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:58 pm
| One of your strongest characters, who dies quickly. XD Are you reckless with her or something?
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:21 pm
| I only use her in Etrian Odyssey because I randomly felt like using my characters, and since ComiPo is the software, it seemed fitting to include her. She happens to have high strength parameters, but monsters really like to attack her and my healer isn't always fast enough to save her before she goes bye bye...
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Assistant Admin
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:32 pm
| Ahh, I gotcha. I typically go for stealthy builds, or at least long-range ones. Although, I do like tanking from time to time. But I'm usually more of a glass canon than anything. xP
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:36 pm
| Hehe, I still prefer clerical/healing classes or long range in general over up close fighting...But in some games where you have to have a team, having a good mix is important!
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Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:30 am
| Saygen
Runs in guns blazing. Rather tactless.
That's pretty much it. I'm an unhelpful noob at most games. XD
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