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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:54 pm Reply with quote        
Why helloooooooo there!
My name is EposVox. I've also gone by demo, d3m0, d3m0l1sh3r, tehd3m0l1sh3r, and some other equally embarrassing names in the past. Humans call me Adam, so you can just call me that.
Adam, sounds so... not epic. Cool
For those wondering, "Epos Vox" is a play on "Vox Epos" which means "Epic Voice" in Latin. :3 (And yes, I do have an epic voice..) Embarrassed
Who am I? I am your best friend. I am your worst enemy. I am your idol. I am that guy you make fun of. I am all the things.
Nah, who am I kidding? I'm nobody.
Some of you might already have an idea of who I am because I am Chu's boyfriend. Bouncy Heart Yes.. that guy. Wink

I would like to take some time to get to know some of you and have some enjoyable conversations, but a quick overview of what I'm all about:

I like video games. A lot. A LOTLOT.

I have a YouTube channel. The name is the same on here, but I'm not here to advertise, so no links for now. Actually, I have two. One is partnered with around ~6k subscribers, but I have retired that handle to the more professional EposVox and I have about ~2k subscribers on that one. I make videos based on video games, game play, real life adventures with Chu, or whatever I see fit. I would really like to get into some serious video editing and production stuff in the future. I really enjoy recording just about everything and all the creative energies I get to channel in the editing afterwards. Smile

As I stated above, I have an epic voice. It's awesome, I must admit. I can do some pretty cool Voice Over stuff, and am trying to nudge my way into that industry to ideally do some voice work with games and/or animes in the future.

I enjoy writing. It's not something I can do a lot, but when I do, I enjoy it and do a pretty good job at it. Roll Eyes

I also really enjoy photography. In recent months, I've obtained a Canon EOS Rebel T3i and am absolutely in love with it. This camera is the best toy ever. I really hope to learn a lot more about it and about photography as a whole, as well as improve my skill as a photographer in the coming years.

Sweat Wow, that was a lot just to sai... HAI!!!!!
Chu has convinced me to join Mido and hang out, so here I am!
Hope you all don't hate me yet, and have a wonderful day!
Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:22 pm Reply with quote        

Welcome, long-winded-butt. Your butt releases long winds. See wat I did thar?

After reading your post, it occurred to me that you could set up a photo gallery thread if you wanna share any of your photography. You could probably throw in some links to your youtubz if you wanted. Just a suggestion though. You know where to go if you have questions or anything - like why it is inappropriate for a male to wear a bra. ;p But we'll cover that some other time.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:27 pm Reply with quote        

My name's Sly (in case you didn't notice) and I'm...not really all that interesting...kind of a derp at times, actually. Duh But I'm still awesome, just like most everyone else here and the site in general. I have a YouTube account with nothing on it. orz Also, I love photography and write A LOT. I'm not much of a gamer, but y'know...who cares about me? xD; Anyway, it's nice to meet you...hope you stick around with us and have some fun here. Hai


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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:31 pm Reply with quote        
Well, he did actually come! I thought Ace scared him off.

Normally I would say something about how to get around blah blah blah, but I'm sure Chu's already done that. Welcome to Midorea! We're kind of crazy :3

Cat Likes my pants <3


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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:34 pm Reply with quote        
Of course we don't hate you, we just think your stewwpid. Jab

Anyways U: I'm Weaseldale... or Ace, as most people here call me. I'm also not really interesting, and I dunnu what to really say to most people anways. xD I am jealous of your text wall abilities, though. This is a long post for me. Oh Mai

But yeah. c: Welcome to Midorea

I am Lady Sprinkles.

Uni has swallowed me whole, in more ways than one, sorry guys. Feel free to PM any questions (or nonquestions {or anything else, no limits here}) you have, although I don't know when I'll get to them since I'm barely on atm.

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:53 pm Reply with quote        
Happy Hai Oh Mai Weeeee Soft Smile Happy
Thanks everyone!! Nice to meet you all!!
Harro Sly! Harro Ace! Harro AnDe! (I think i wrote that right..)

..What's wrong with a bra?? Something has to keep my junk in place!! Duh

Anyway, wooooooo people! YAAAY!

So. so. so. so. so. I'm here!!! What do?!

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:13 pm Reply with quote        
Are you implying you have junk?

And yes, you wrote my name write. People call me Angelic, Demon, AnDe, and some other unflattering names :U

Cat Likes my pants <3


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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:24 pm Reply with quote        
I'll just go with AnDe, because that's what Chu calls you and it's easy.

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:11 pm Reply with quote        
...AnDe is easy. U:

XD Anyways, welcome to the site Adam! I've met you before but never really introduced myself. Laugh But yeah, am Cat. I do lots of stuff for the site and that's about it.

Fellow video editor. U: Helloooooo. Hi. I edit videos and make films also. Though it's more of a hobby as of late... too much other stuff to preoccupy my time with.
And gah. I am jealous of the fact that you have a t3i. :c I'm planning on getting a t2i sometime soon though, only because I'm poor and that's the cheapest..
Though from what I've researched, it's basically the same as a t3i without the flip out screen, and some minor specifications?

-rolls around- Hope you enjoy the madness your time here. Hai If you need help with anything, just ask.

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:10 pm Reply with quote        
Catghost wrote:
...AnDe is easy. U:

XD Anyways, welcome to the site Adam! I've met you before but never really introduced myself. Laugh But yeah, am Cat. I do lots of stuff for the site and that's about it.

Fellow video editor. U: Helloooooo. Hi. I edit videos and make films also. Though it's more of a hobby as of late... too much other stuff to preoccupy my time with.
And gah. I am jealous of the fact that you have a t3i. :c I'm planning on getting a t2i sometime soon though, only because I'm poor and that's the cheapest..
Though from what I've researched, it's basically the same as a t3i without the flip out screen, and some minor specifications?

-rolls around- Hope you enjoy the madness your time here. Hai If you need help with anything, just ask.

Thanks, Cat!!

And yess, my T3i is my prized possession.... Smile
You edit films and stuff, too? Happy awesome!! I really want to get into focusing on some short film/movie kinds of projects instead of doing strictly web or game-footage work, but time.. and resources.. and yeah. :/

And yeah, looking at the specs right now, there seems to be only minor differences, but I remember there being something specific that sold me on the T3i. Something video related. It may have even just been a minor increase in quality (I'm a freak about having the highest possible video/picture quality for everything - things I make, things I watch, things others watch, etc.) and so I wanted the best. If I was rich I'd had that 7D.... Lips are Zipped

And I'm sure I will have a blast here! First I should probably sit down and actually read some rules/FAQs first.. heh.
But then prepare for inbound link spam to show off my stuffz!!! :3

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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:05 pm Reply with quote        
Yeah. XD Making films takes a LOT of time. A 3 minute film me and a friend threw together took about 3 days to film and then a day to edit. And I filmed it all on my phone too, haha. But it's tons of fun, and watching the final product is very rewarding.

Really? I've looked over both of them and they seem almost identical. Oh well, I'm still going for the t2i. My budget leaves me no choice.
And yes, that 7d... It's taunted me for so long now. :c Need

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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:29 pm Reply with quote        
Catghost wrote:
Yeah. XD Making films takes a LOT of time. A 3 minute film me and a friend threw together took about 3 days to film and then a day to edit. And I filmed it all on my phone too, haha. But it's tons of fun, and watching the final product is very rewarding.

Really? I've looked over both of them and they seem almost identical. Oh well, I'm still going for the t2i. My budget leaves me no choice.
And yes, that 7d... It's taunted me for so long now. :c Need

Yes yes, need need need...

And I bet it takes a lot of time! But I'd really like to be able to work on something like that. Even if it took a long period to produce the final product (as often my videos do) it'd be so much fun and so worth it in the end.

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