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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:11 pm Reply with quote        
Blinking he saw through Hob was skipping down the road when he noticed a group of travelers scurrying around trying to pack up. He noticed that alot of them had scrapes and cuts most looking like they are from weapons.

What happened to these people? Why would they have been attacked? They looked like they were poorer than he was.

The best of fellows deceided to go help the the poor travelers when he heard a loud cry. He deceided to search for where it came from. He had been looking for a little bit of time, when he heard a crash in the woods. He ran over as fast as he could and found a little girl on the ground with what looked like a gimp leg.

He bent over her face and looked into her eyes.

"You okay little one? That sounded like it hurt. I'm Robin. Whats your name child?"

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 PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:06 pm Reply with quote        
Tam stared up at the raggedy man standing above her.

"I'm fine," She said icily, "Just fell out of the tree." As she spoke, Tam exercised her will, easing stiff muscles and strengthening newly healed flesh. She blinked, suddenly dizzy from the effort, but started standing up anyway. She managed to get to her feet well enough to look at the man who'd found her.

He seemed more of a vagabond than Tam, his cloak was more patches than cloth with a disproportionately large staff. He reeked of alcohol, even if he didn't appear drunk.

"Robin?" Tam repeated, "Have a surname to go with that? Or do you just not feel like saying it? Not that I can blame you. Forest's full of unsavory types." Tam looked around in the darkness. She knew that the woman who'd helped the warrior were camped close by, and wondered if they'd heard her fall as well. If this strange man had, and the gods only knew where he came from, then they might have as well.



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 PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:17 pm Reply with quote        
Robin watched as the child got to her feet. She looked to be very tired like she was running on that bad leg for some reason. Robin opened his true eyes and saw a bunch of lights swirling around her head. Nodding in understandment, he turned to her.

"Why, you ask me my name? Such tenaciousness for one so young and obviosly frail! But seeing as I am a kind and ever gentle fellow, I will grant you the true and unbeliveable pleasure of knowing what I call myself. I am Robin Goodfellow my dear wit--, ugh..young child."

Well, that was smooth, thought the best of fellows. I almost told her I know about her. Oh well, if it can't be helped.

"Why young miss are you looking around like some daemon is chasing you?"

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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:50 pm Reply with quote        
"Goodfellow?" Tam repeated, rather incredulous. "Your name is...Goodfellow? That's a strange name. Also, I'm not frail. Frail people are the ones who can't do anything after they get knocked down. I'm not a young child. Young, maybe, but not a child." Tam glared at the ground, remembering the events of the past few weeks. No, she was definitely not a child anymore.

"I'm looking around because maybe something is chasing me," Tam said, more than a little sarcasm coloring her tone, "Not necessarily a daemon, but who knows? A few hours ago, it was bandits. Now...well, like I said, there are unsavory types about. It's stupid to let your guard down just because you're talking to someone who hasn't tried to kill you yet." Tam looked into the woods again. She didn't see or hear any movement. Maybe she was in the clear.

"Anyway, Robin Goodfellow, what is your business in the wood this night Most people running around at this hour aren't up to much good."



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 PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:57 am Reply with quote        
"What do you mean Goodfellow is a werid name? I am after all the best of fellows! Also I call all of your kind frail and children. So please do not take it personally." Hob had no idea why people take offense to silly things like that. Then again he didn't understand why people took offense to anything he ever said.

"Well fear not child of the coven........or whatever you call yourselves these days i will protect you from those, what did you call them again.....oh right, unsavory types. I don't know why you were looking at me when you said that though." As a wide grin swept across his face.

"To let you know child, i am never up to much good. But, I am never up to much bad. I am only ever up to much mischief and I believe i can acheive much with you around." Robin's smile is widens to cover his entire face, teeth showing in glee, as he looked into the bright light of the full moon. "Yes I feel this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship child of the moon!"

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 PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:51 pm Reply with quote        
Tam shifted her weight, and folded her arms, staring at Goodfellow without shame. The look upon her face was pure, unadulterated disbelief.

"Are you mad?" she asked, "Who is 'my kind?' Forget this, I'm leaving."Tam turned to go, and actually got a few paces away, but froze when Goodfellow spoke again. Children of the coven? How did he know?! What should she do? There was no way that Tam could let anyone know she was a witch. Magic was so strictly outlawed that a person who'd never done any harm, nor had cast a spell, was put to death just for knowing a witch.

Tam's hands started glowing a sickly green as corrosive energies gathered in her palms. Tumors, infections, viruses...all manners of sickness were present.

"How do you know I'm referring to you when I say 'unsavory types?'" Tam asked, "There are two of us here. Why would I be a friend to you? You're dropping secrets rather easily there, and I can't afford to be found out."



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:52 pm Reply with quote        
Hob noticed the green glow around the young witch's hands. He rasied his hand, palms outward, as he backed up slowly. Staring right at the young girl's eyes he spoke in slightly more reverant if tones.

"Now listen young miss, as you can see I am not armed in anyway. Also I do not know if you have the gift of sight, few of your kind do these days, but if you did you would see that I, the very best of fellows, am without magic as well." Robin backed up until he came to a log behind him. When he reached it, he sat down, and brought his hands down on his lap. He did this all while never breaking eye contact.

"I am just a traveling vagabond, a gleeman of sorts. But, now you must ask yourself. What gave me away? How was this ordinary looking man able to figure out my identity? Regardless you little one," Hob changed his demenor into more forcefull, "are the one who isin trouble. I seem to remember that there are a couple of people around here at this very moment. If I just so happen to scream that I found a witch and that she is attacking me, how far do you think you could run on that gimp foot of yours? Thats what would happen if you attacked me. On the other hand, not only do I know that you are a witch, but I have yet to do that. As you can see I am not making, and have not made any motions that have endangered your well being in anyway. As such I have only offered my help to one such as you. So if you so kindly will, stop casting that spell and maybe, just maybe, talk like reasonalbe beings. It would truly hurt me if i were the one to cause your death"

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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:26 pm Reply with quote        
Tam listened to him, and as much as she hated to admit it, he was completely correct. The glow faded from her palms as the spells faded. She folded her arms, and stared at the ground.

"Fine," she said, "I guess I'm just a little mistrustful of random vagabonds I run into in the forest at night who can somehow tell I'm a witch. Also, it's not a gimp foot, it's just an injured leg. I'm not a cripple." Tam glared at her feet for a moment before meeting Goodfellow's eyes.

"I'm sorry for threatening you," she said, "I've had a...scary past few weeks. Th' name's Tamyra. Tam."



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:41 pm Reply with quote        
Learmount could not sleep.

She sat up on her bed, completely awake, and walked to the door. Maybe a walk would help her clear her head and ease sleep along. As she made her way down the stairs, she thought of what Moth had said to her, and really regretted keeping everything a secret. She had maybe missed her chance at getting help. Her family was still well-liked among the Fae court, and maybe they could have gotten her out of this predicament. That was the past, though. She knew that she would get another chance.

As she made her way through the nighttime streets, she watched as other late-goers meandered up and down the walkways. As she looked each and every one over, she saw the swirling energy that signified that a few of them were magical. It was late at night, though, and she was not working yet. She would let them go for now.

She also saw other lights in the street. The fae were out and about tonight. Cait sidhe, the cat-fae, was on his usual nighttime prowl looking for the odd rat or imp that was foolish enough to not avoid the predator's claws. She went over to the feline and he came to her, rubbing against her leg. She knelt down and scratched the top of his head. "Let's find you some food." Learmount smiled, looking down at him. Cait sidhe purred.

The two of them walked down the street together.



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:02 pm Reply with quote        
Allyn bid his wife goodbye, and left for the city, knowing he'd be unable to sleep. Their lodgings were just outside Camelot, so it didn't take long before Allyn found himself among the rabble. He hadn't worn his armor, for it was late and he didn't want to needlessly wake his squire, although Bittersweet Memories was belted to his hip.

Allyn guided his horse through the streets, avoiding the small groups of people. Most of the people up and about at this hour were up to no good, be they thieves, harlots, or any number of depraved people. That being said, Allyn didn't feel much more righteous than even the lowest of sellswords at the moment.

He found his way to a tavern, and started asking around.

"Excuse me good sir," he said to the barkeep, "Do you know of a place I can find a maid by the name of Learmount?"

"Sod off buddy," the burly man grunted, not even looking up from the glass he was trying to clean. Allyn considered bribing the man, but he had a feeling that he had no idea who Learmount was. Nonetheless, Allyn flicked the barkeep a coin before continuing on.

Allyn repeated the process a few times, enduring ridiculous conversations with drunkards, shameless advances from prostitutes, and threats from bouncers. Eventually, he got an answer.

"Learmount? She don't come here, but I seen her about the Cut Of Your Jib, the inn down the main way." Allyn thanked the man, and got directions to the place. He quickly made his way to the inn, asked the innkeeper, a large orcish man by the name of Mark Rutt, where he could find the woman.

"Mark Rutt no know," the innkeeper grunted (he was quite drunk), "But her room is upstairs. Mark Rutt show you the way." Allyn followed the man upstairs, and was shoved into the room.

"I send her up when she comes," Rutt proclaimed, "You wait here." Allyn felt it best that he not argue with the innkeeper, because the man looked like he could crush Allyn's head with his bare hands. Instead, Allyn sat down on a chair, and waited.



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:12 pm Reply with quote        
Learmount made her way back to the inn where she was staying and opened the door. Mark was still up, of course. It was almost as if he never slept. "Mark, do you have any table scraps?" She asked. Cait sidhe mewed next to her, hopping up onto a bar stool.

"I have scraps." Mark nodded, grabbing some chunks of bread and meat out of a rubbish bin that had yet to go out. He placed them in a small dish and handed them to Learmount. "Oh yes. Man ask for you. Sent him to your room."

"Thank you." She smiled, taking the dish of scraps. Cait sidhe followed her up the stairs. Who was this man and why did he need to see her now? Hopefully it wasn't work-related. She opened the door.

Sitting in the room's one chair was an older man who looked like a more upstanding gent than she usually came across. She put the scraps down next to her bed for the feline and sat down. "Mark Rutt said you were asking for me?"



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:21 pm Reply with quote        
Allyn had been pondering the stitching in his gloves (he'd run out of other things to ponder) when the door opened to reveal a small young woman. He immediately stood, and bowed at the waist.

"Marian Learmount, I presume," He said, "I am Sir Allyn of Glynn. I have been told of your rather special talents, and unfortunately, I've found myself in a position where those talents would be very useful." Allyn glanced at the door, then the walls.

"I have a request," he said, "But I would prefer to discuss it outside, where listening ears do not have such thin walls to hide behind. Would you accompany me on a stroll under the moon? It is a lovely night, and being cooped up is never healthy."



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:28 pm Reply with quote        
Of course.

It was work-related. She sighed, and considered telling him to come back in the morning because she needed sleep. But that was a lie, as she still was unable to sleep.

"If you were told about me, Sir Allyn, then I can assume that you were referred by my employer, as nobody else around here knows about my special talents." Lord Bainard made it clear that only those he referred knew anything about her second sight. She sighed, looking around. "I will hear you out."

She looked down at Cait Sidhe, who was contentedly eating the bowl of table scraps. "Keep an eye on the room for me, okay?"

The cat meowed, and then resumed eating. She looked back at Sir Allyn. "Shall we be on our way, then?"



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:39 pm Reply with quote        
Allyn nodded, and opened the door for the woman. He led the way outside, and set a leisurely pace.

"I apologize for disturbing you so late," he said at first, "If you had been in, I would have waited until morning. However, since that was not the case, I'm afraid I must discuss this...nasty business as soon as possible. I assume you've guessed what it is I do, considering your talents are not suited to much else, as far as I know. As for your employer, I have no idea who it is. Earlier this night, I received orders from His Grace the King. Within was an unsigned letter describing you. It was an offer to use you, but I prefer not to force anyone to do work they would not wish to.

"Before I ask you to join me in my task, I feel I must reintroduce myself. As I said before, my name is Allyn, and I have sworn my fealty to King Arthur, but my skills have earned me another name, one that I cannot seem to shake despite my greatest efforts. They call me 'the Ratter' for in my career, I found that I was very good at catching witches. It was for this reason that His Grace requested my services, for he suspects a concealed group of mages within the very court of Camelot. He asks that I drive them out, using any means necessary." Allyn glanced down at the woman, trying to gauge her reaction.

"Madam, I do not enjoy my work," he continued, "But I am loyal to my king. I will complete this assignment, however I have a family to care for, and I wish to finish this as quickly as possible. I would request that you assist me in my assignment. Please, do not be ashamed to refuse this. If I had my way, it is what I would do."



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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:49 pm Reply with quote        
Learmount listened as he talked, taking in every word. He thought that the letter that he received was a request. Of course, she knew otherwise.

"You can count me as recruited. I know what those letters mean. While my employer sounds polite, he means for me to take this mission. If I deny, I'll never hear the end of it..." her voice trailed off.

The first time she refused to take a request things did not work out well for her. He decided to give her a taste of life in prison and had her locked up for about a week. Once she was let out again, he gave her the same request, threatening to have her do double the time if she ever refused again.

That was not going to happen again. If there was one trait that she shared with the fae, it was that she hated closed spaces and locked doors. For now, she just did as she was told and waited for the day he was done with her.

Learmount shook her head. "So, a group of mages in Camelot, you say? Any suspicions of where they might be?"


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