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Goody Shop Reward

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:52 am Reply with quote        
    Would it be possible to tweak the way silver is granted at the end of battles? I feel like ... this may have been mentioned before, I know I've thought it before, and I should probably research to find out if it has before posting this, but ... Oh well xD

    I think it would be good, if it's possible, to make it so that stronger monsters have a bigger reward? It's kind of annoying to do battle against a blood thirsty cannibal or even one of the event bosses and get the same amount of silver as I get when I one-hit kill a lizard with my volleyball.


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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:10 am Reply with quote        
I'm pretty sure this was mentioned before, but I can't find where and don't feel like doing research right now, so...

I think the amount of silver (and xp too) you get is random. Like, the admin can set the lowest and highest value the player can get, but those are the same for all creatures. Which probably means it'll need some recoding to make it work by level, and yeah, we don't really have the resources for that right now. Duh
I could be wrong though, but that's sorta what I remember from some long forgotten discussion. Wink

Anyway, I think that's why some monsters have a bigger chance to drop bags of silver. The bags give you more money according to your level (or at least higher chances of getting more money?). Of course, not all the monsters drop bags of silver all the time, so yeah...

Although, I agree that, in the long run, it'd be nicer to tweak the system to make it give more money and xp for harder monsters. Wink

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:31 am Reply with quote        
What Maeve said is correct; For the silver granting system to work by level, it would have to be recoded. That's why we introduced bags of silver... they give you silver based on your level. Smile

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:45 am Reply with quote        
    Ah. Understood.

    I know I love fighting spiffy shits. In fact, I think I have a bunch of silver bags from them I should open...

    Well, thank you for explaining, and tentacles crossed for such advances to be made in the future!

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