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 PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:18 pm Reply with quote        
ok... so you have to kill 4 wild boars for shota to give you the staugrim aviator.
worked fine the first 2 times. but now the button for her to give you the item wont appear again... and i checked my battle history and i've beaten 14 wild boars, so i should have been given a third one by now... .__.; she's mean. lol.


Overlord Branny

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 PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:25 pm Reply with quote        
Is she still asking for the 4 boar kills though?
You have to revisit her after every turn in to start the quest over.

So, if you got the last turn in and went killing without talking to her for the quest first then the kills don't count.

Thats how it works for me, not sure if cat has it designed that way but it makes sense.

I've turned in the quest about 5 times now..


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 PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:27 pm Reply with quote        
yea, thats what i thought it might be... well i know i checked back pretty soon if it wasnt immediately. i'll kill one more then try again, she should definitely give me another then *sigh* x.x;

EDIT: yep, that worked... i swear i had checked back to restart her questy sooner tho x_x thats what i get for doing this so tired hahaha.


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