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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:37 pm Reply with quote        
Private Role-play
{Aelina & KoyiTar}

No posting unless your name is either Aelina or KoyiTar
Readers/Stalkers are Welcome!


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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:18 pm Reply with quote        
Full Name: Juliana

Nickname: Juli

Birthday: Mid to late Summer

Age: 19

Location of Residence: England


Gender: Female

Eyes: Green

Hair: black hair that goes to her mid back usually kept in a braid

Unusual Features: Her birthmark is shape like a star

Personality: She is rather stubborn and dislikes following orders especially those of men. This irks her father to no end. She hates the idea of arranged marriage’s seeing what it has done to her once lovable older brother who now seems to wear a mask most of the time considering he doesn’t love the woman he is with. She wants to find well love at least not necessarily true love or a soul mate but love at the least.

Appearance: She usually wears Dresses like this in various different colors her favorites being blue or purple though the dyes for those specific colors are rather expensive so she has very few and often times has to wear very dull colors despite being someone of a supposedly upper class.


Marital Status: Engaged????

Family: Father, Mother, an older brother and younger sister

Place of Birth: The home her and her family shares like her brother and younger sister.
Bio: Juliana used to be a quite shy girl listening to everything she was told to do. That was until the day she turned sixteen and had to watch her older brother be married off to some woman he didn’t even know just so her family could raise a notch in power. Ever since then she has been defiant not listening to a word any man has had to say to her including her father. She hates the fact that it’s now her turn to be married off now that she is of age. She had never even had the time to find what she had dreamed of and now she probably never will.



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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:18 pm Reply with quote        
Full Name: Demiren Wolfe (Pronouced: Deh-meer-en)

Nickname: Dem, Mire

Birthday: Mid Winter

Age: 22

Location of Residence: England


Gender: Male

Eyes: Gray

Hair: Dark Black/Raven. Normally back in a ponytail it comes down just touching/slightly below his shoulders

Unusual Features: Small scars and marks he's acquired over the years

Personality: Rather quiet and a gentleman, until you wear out his patience...which thankfully he has a lot of. Can appear cold or neutral as he doesn't smile without the need to, such as when he's in court. Outside of court however he does quite often when his nose isn't stuck in work or a book. He doesn't slack on his duties however and is a responsible person.

Appearance: Demiren prefers simple clothing to fancy and only dresses up when he really has to. Like for court or formal anything. When such things occur he normally wears things like this or this. For really formal things like balls and such, which he detests, he's normally shoved into something like this. However when at home he's normally found in clothing such as this. As for coloring he normally wears dark colors or dark shades of colors and really doesn't have a favorite.

Marital Status: Engaged

Family: Father, Mother, One older brother, A younger brother and sister.

Place of Birth: England with his family.

Bio: Demiren has led a boring yet normal life. He's always known his place and never questioned much of his parents or any authority figure. He kept to himself, normally in the Library, until he was 13 and began fencing. Since then he has become more social but still enjoys time to himself...in the Library of course or any quiet place really. As he got older the high possibility he would be married to a complete stranger was one he was well aware of. Of course he'd hoped to find his own wife but being 22 he'd come to terms that he had forfeited the time and ability to do so. He can now only hope that he and his wife will get along.

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:26 am Reply with quote        
Juliana was angry more angry than she had ever been in her life that she could recall at least. They had promised she would at least have a year to find her own husband. Her parents had promised that on her birthday. No just two months after they were telling her she was to be married off. How could they lie like that to her face. She sighed wiping her now red and puffy eyes.

She had argued with her mother for hours about the promise that had been made. She hadn't wanted to hear the excuse but it was a good reason despite her hatred of arranged marriages. Her parents were currently broke all because of her and her mothers need for fine clothing. Her family needed the money so they wouldn't be on the street. Her brother wouldn't be able to afford taking them in if it happened. So she had to deal with the broken promise.

"I probably won't like him even after a month of getting to know him" she said to the empty room hearing a small laugh from behind a large trunk on the other-side of her room. "You can come out Lil." She said her little sister standing up from her hiding spot. "How do you know you won't like him Juli? Your being given more time than brother was with his betrothed aren't you?" Lilian said coming over and sitting on the bed next to Juliana.

"A month is not long enough to get to know anyone not really. That and its not what they promised. Of course I can't leave you to be out on the streets so I guess I will have to accept a loveless marriage like brother." She said sighing she would be meeting the lord she would be marrying that afternoon which wasn't to far away. "I suppose I should get ready." She said sighing again getting up to get ready to meet her fate despite not really wanting to.



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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:03 pm Reply with quote        
Gray eyes stared out the carriage window in a sedated fashion. Chin propped up on the heel of his hand Demiren watched the scenery move by as they headed to his betrothed's estate. There wasn't much noise other than the clomping of the horse and his Mother sighing every now and again.

He'd hoped that Marylin and Benjamen would of been able to convince their parents to let them come along. There would of been at least some noise to lighten the mood that way at least, but Father had put his foot down and said this visit was strictly business. Though Mother had promised that they could come along on a more friendly visit after everything had been settled.

Sighing quietly himself for once he felt a hand on his arm. Blinking and turning to meet his Mother's concerned gaze "...Demiren, You really haven't said much about the whole arrangement...are you alright?" Slightly surprised he gave back a reassuring smile. "Mother I'm 22. Really I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner." His answer did nothing to relieve her features making his Father sigh agitatedly. "Amelia, the boy's fine and he speaks sense." Half sulking at his Father Amelia huffed. "Well forgive me for being concerned for my son's mental health William."

Demiren couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm fine Mother, really." She gave him a disbelieving look but said no more as they settled down again and he went back to looking out the window.

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:08 pm Reply with quote        
"Really mother I have to change again this is the fifth time." Juliana huffed going back up the stairs to her room to change her dress again. As if the past five dresses hadn't been fine enough. It wasn't as if the lord that was coming didnt know they were poor that was the reason she was being married off to his son anway. "Well what about this one?" She asked her mother coming down in a red dyed dress with a gold belt around her waist. "Yes much better now go do something about your hair." Her mother said shooing her back upstairs again.

"I swear shes making such big deal over nothing." She said sitting down in front of her mirror brushing her hair normally a maid would be helping her but they could no longer afford them so she was having to get ready on her own. "Hopefully Lilian will never have to go through this. Maybe she will get to find love." She said to her reflection as she began to braid her hair. As she did so she could here her father saying something downstairs to another gentlemen.

"I guess they are here." She said as her sister came into her room to tell ger what she already knew. It was time to meet the man she was to marry despite never having met or known each other until today.



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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:44 pm Reply with quote        
"And this is our son. Demiren." Stepping forward at his name he bowed in respect to the two adults and raised himself with a small polite smile on his lips. "Pleasure to meet you sir." His tone pleasant, trying to break the tense mood set in the room.

He could feel his Mother's regret for not forcing him into something a little more dressier half pouring off her. His parents were decked out in their normal attire, dressing them of their rank. While he himself was in a simple white shirt and deep blue vest and black pants.

Personally he preferred the simpler things but he could see where his Mother's concern was coming from. Why was the son of a supposedly rich family dressing so plainly? Answer? Because he'd hidden all his fancier things from everyone so they couldn't turn him into an over stuffed poof for today.

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:53 pm Reply with quote        
Juliana finally finished fixing her hair. Her mother would have to deal with the fact that it was a loose braid. Of course she was beginning to think about not going downstairs to meet her betrothed at all. In fact she decided that she wouldn't. "Come on Juli their here already father's talking to them now." Lilian said tugging on her sleeve. " I'm not going I've changed my mind it's not fair that they made a promise and then reneged on it." She said crossing her arms and turning her back to the door and her sister.

"Father isn't going to like this." Lilian said going downstairs to tell him and her mother the news. "Hmm not exactly what I expected really but he seems like a decent lad ah here is, well never mind this is my youngest daughter Lilian. Where is Juliana dear." He said as Lilian entered the room from there stairs. "She said she refuses to come out of her room. Something about your promise and such." She said which caused her fathers face to go red with rage.

"I'll handle it Markus please calm yourself. Today and now of all days to be stubborn." Mariana said going up stairs after her daughter. Ready for another round of argumentation before actually being able to get the girl to come downstairs and meet her betrothed.



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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:14 pm Reply with quote        
Raising a brow in slight confusion and amusement he followed his family to the sitting room and stood behind his parents as the two adults engaged. In truth he hadn't expected the girl to be so downright rude as to not even meet them. Sure she had the right to be upset, but to just snub their faces in it was truly uncalled for. Sighing he hoped it would get better and waited quietly.

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:16 pm Reply with quote        
After arguing with her mother for about ten minutes Juliana agreed to follow her mother downstairs and meet the man she was to be married to. "I will be right down mother I promise." She said as her mother looked back sceptically through the door. "I'm just going to fix my hair really fast I promise." She continued going to her mirror. "Alright you had better make it downstairs or I will allow your father to come up next time Juli." Her mother said closing the door and heading downstairs to everyone else.

"Well Mari any luck." Markus said to his wife as she entered the sitting room. "She promised to be down in a few moments after straightening her hair again." She said smiling hoping her daughter was telling the truth for once.

Juli looked at herself in the mirror a moment longer her hair fixed in place again. She sighed. She knew that she was lucky to have more than a few days to get to know her netrothed a month was the longest she had ever heard of any arranged couple getting to know one another. Most marriages you met who you were to be married to and a couple of days latter you were wed and you had the rest of your lives to hate one another. "Its still not finding love like they promised." She said to herself as she walked slowly down the stairs

She smiled weakly at Lilian who had been showed away from the adults in the sitting room standing in the doorway silently. "Ah here she is finally. I would like you to meet my daughter Juliana." Her father said when he noticed her. She steped forward at her name bowing in respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I apologize for refusing at first my hair was giving me some trouble" She lied like her mother uad asked her to in order to try and smooth things over.



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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:51 pm Reply with quote        
Sighing slightly as the slightly tense atmosphere continued he had to wonder if the girl was ever going to come down. He understood how she must be feeling, but she could at least be an adult about the situation. Perking up as his parents did when the Mother returned, they relaxed again at her words. His parents nor he were stupid people, they knew quite well what was going on. After all a Father didn't turn red in the face just over hair.

When she finally did decide to join them he didn't bother to turn and greet her as his parents stood. Half of him just wanted to give the woman a taste of her own medicine and see how she liked it. But the other half caught his Father's eye and knew that two wrongs didn't make a right. So giving a small sigh through his nose he turned as his parents praised her.

Amelia smiled warmly at the girl and nodded. "Such a lovely young lady." William gave a gruff version of the smile and nodded once. "Indeed. A pleasure to finally meet you milady." He gestured his hand out and Demiren stepped forward out. "May I introduce my son, Demiren."

Moving forward he bowed before rising again, "Pleasure to meet you Lady Juliana." His tone was even and pleasant, if not ever so slightly less, as he gave a small polite smile.

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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:28 pm Reply with quote        
"The pleasure is mine Lord Demiren." She said bowing again and going along with everything like her mother had pretty much begged her to. She wouldn't be if it wasn't for the fact that her mother had threatened to use her 13 year old sister instead. It wasn't unheard of so she had no other choice but to come down and accept her fate. At least the person she was betrothed to seemed polite but it could be an act just as much so as her own. Time would only tell. She looked to her parents wondering what was next. They seemed to be waiting for something but she didn't know what.



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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:13 pm Reply with quote        
Also well aware of the four sets of eyes Demiren glanced at his parents and he gave a small, almost unnoticeable, nod. Immediately some of the tension lifted and his Father smiled widely while his Mother seemed to give a sigh. "Well here's to the match!" Soon enough the four began talking and making arrangements. Glancing back up to Juliana, gray eyes almost seemed sympathetic before they moved on as Demiren walked over to the window.

Leaning against the sill he watched a breeze shake the trees and shift the sunlight that filtered through them. He could catch the faint whiff of an old garden and the ever permeating smell of grass. The land here was amazing even in its worsened state, he could only imagine what it must of been like in all its glory. He could still hear the chatter of the 'adults' behind him, even though he technically fit into the same category himself, but it seemed distant; like a far away memory.

He rested his head against the side of the window lightly as his eyes almost took on a glazed look. Slowly blinking and staring at nothing as he began to lose himself in his thoughts. Thoughts of; what was to come now that the match was set, how she might behave in the future if she really was that childish, what life would be like married...the list was endless. Sighing quietly he closed his eyes and listened to the wind.

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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:22 pm Reply with quote        
Juliana noticed Demiren looking out the window towards the old garden. It had once been her favorite place to be away from everyone when she could be which lately had been rare. She sighed when her mother beckoned her over. She leaned down when her mother motioned for her to and listened to what she had to say. "Yes mother." She said sighing deciding it best to just continue with the act for now.

She walked over to the window that Demiren was looking out and stood for a moment before speaking. "My mother suggested since you seem to enjoy looking at it so much through the window that we go for a walk in the garden." She said politely noticing the approving glance from her father she waited for Demiren's answer to the suggestion.



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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:20 pm Reply with quote        
Starting slightly he turned his head to see his, fiance?, standing there and offering to walk in the garden before glancing over at their folks. Following her example he found his own nodding. Giving a quiet sigh he gave a polite smile and gestured for her to lead the way. "I follow your lead Milady." He said quietly as he took a few steps to start them off.
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