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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:33 pm Reply with quote        
I haven't found one yet on this site and I thought that adding a friend system would be nice! And maybe a wishlist page! Smile
lexi luthor

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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:06 pm Reply with quote        
But everyone here is friends Bisquit!! =0

hehe, I think that would be an ok idea, but what would be the point of it? I mean, this is a relatively small community.

I'm not trying to turn you down about yur idea or anything, I'm just wondering what you think a friend system would provide.


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 PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:25 am Reply with quote        
It may be nice just to see certain people online, for the roleplayer groups.

I personally wouldn't use it, but I've never used the Friends System on anything. It never seems very useful to me, though some people must really like it or use it for it to appear on so many sites.

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Overlord Branny

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 PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:40 am Reply with quote        
I thought a friends list would have been neat back in the start but due to the small community...it would just seem kinda silly..

I know my list would pretty much have all the active members. lol

I dunno about the wishlist either. That sounds like coding to me..
*Rubs his chin*


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 PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:03 am Reply with quote        
Both pretty much sound like coding to me XD
And we don't have much resources for that right now...

I don't really see the point of having a friend list. I know it can be useful on larger communities, just so you can easily keep track of who's online/ been online recently and all, but... maybe when Midorea grows?

A wishlist... could be nice. I don't really need it and probably would not use it much, but I'm sure some people would find it useful. Then again, there's tons of stuff that are higher on my priority list for Midorea, but it could be nice someday. Wink

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