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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:23 pm Reply with quote        
I'm making this for personal use. I'm making it in the OOC forum because I couldn't find a character workshop thread. Therefore I'm posting my RolePlay characters here so I may link it back if someone would like to view the profiles of my characters. If this is offensive or deemed unnesessarcy I will ask a moderator to delete the thread.

Note: This is for all my characters and only mine; therefore I will not post someone else's work/art/character. I respect and understand the copyrights of every artist and author.

Now for my character who owns the namesake of my Midorea account. Wink

Name: Arthil Nimveril
-> Trivia: Her first name, "Arthil" is transferred from Slack'N'Hash's elf name generator of; arth (exalted) and gil (star). Her last (sur)name is taken from nim (white, pale) and meril (rose), meaning "pale rose" or "white rose."
Age: 16
Occupation: Traveling apprentice/mage
Class: Magician (Mage)
Astrology: Pisces (Aquarius Rising; Cancer Moon) sign(s)
Tribe: Horai
Element: Ice
Personality: She has a very conflicting personality; she is both shy and outgoing - she tends to be shy around anyone that seems out of her species and quite outgoing to see them if they have become her friend. She is very affectionate but also nostalgic. When she is outgoing to see her friends, she becomes affectionate and tends to hug a familiar face. She is somewhat nostalgic if a stranger happens to walk up to her and greets her directly (which she then becomes very shy).
She always wears a hooded cloak clasped with a special family pin that was given to her by the elders of her Tribe, being the Horai. Akin to being Horai, she thirsts for knowledge and learning though very shy and sheepish. She travels around in order to take knowledge from each village, city or town she goes through to add to her gaining knowledge. She goes back to her Tribe every so often to store the knowledge with the Elders and in timeless books. Being a diplomat and a naive mage, she has much more to learn that what she already has given and received.

Appearance: She tends to wear a sorcerer robe underneath her cloak with a tome latched to her handmade, leather belt by a thick fob chain. Her hair is a midnight-toned black (has a purplish shine to it) with blue eyes. Her skin is naturally pale and on her left shoulder she has the tattoo of a Horai apprentice/diplomat.

Additional Info: She wants to see the better of people; even if she is a pacifistic/optimistic girl she will fight for her rights of magic. She pushes herself every moment she can in order to become stronger. Though she is young, naive and beautiful; she has trouble with learning some things and might not catch on quickly.

-If you would like to RP with this character please send me a PM at any time! I absolutely love any RP; 1x1's, Advanced, Storybook, Novelty, Midorean, any genre or whatever you can think of. ;3
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