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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:51 am Reply with quote        
I am going to place this in big and bold letters

these are suggestions on how to succeed, NOT necessarily problems with the site, please do not take offense to anything no harm is meant by it

Well since I feel partially useless here, I wanted to say some suggestions. i will make some random suggestions here. KEEP in mind they are suggestions, nothing more. Also I know quite a bit about ava sites so maybe they will come in handy. ALSO do not take offense to any of these, if you do I am sorry, I myself can be a little harsh and I know it but if it gets the point across then it works.

First,I think you should use 5-6 shades for shading clothing, it makes the shading smoother, yes I know I am also a pixel artist and i do know how to do Dithering. But since you aren't looking for a clothing pixel artist well then that's pretty useless for me.

Second, the theme colors should probably change. The green and blue are bright very saturated, and you may say hey that's my style but unfortunately you are going to have to look at it that some people might find it not only painstakingly annoying on there eyes, they may not join because of it.

Thirdly, A new layout and more art. I realize that this is harder to find but there are enough artists on ava sites willing to do there art for gold and items That you should be able to find an artist. Why not ask them if they are willing?

Fourthly, Don't bog yourself down with everything. If you want to succeed you can't make yourself hate your own ava site, One quick way to do that is to make yourself do everything. And just because you want one thing to go your way doesn't mean the community wants that. Unfortunately for anyone in the avatar business no one gives a shit what they want, you have to put the community first.

Fifth, STAY ACTIVE no one likes an ava site that can't keep up, as I am sure you all know there are ava sites that closed because people just couldn't keep up (i.e. Eternalnox and Cruinne)

Last but not least, Listen to your community if they demand a re-pixeling of your avatar, deal with it and do it because they are what matters in this business, if they demand something DO IT. Without your community you get shit for business and without business you can't survive.

May add some things later, just suggestions

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:47 am Reply with quote        
more suggestions now

Battle System: I think that nothing over 30 health should be there, MAINLY because it seems redundant when your gonna wast all your gold on getting to the next level, seems like it takes to long

Prices: Copper?? For the newbie store it says it takes copper but I dont have a piece of copper at all and I can't buy things with silver. Also because of this.... you should have cheaper weapons, if there is a way to get copper tell me, it should be EASY and visible.

Items: There should be a well balanced amount of male items and female items, I see plainly that this site has alot more female items than male items.

Leveling: You make it EXTREMELY HARD to level up, you may think this is a good deal but really it makes the battle system long and annoying. You can take the amount of experience from monsters up or take the amount needed down. Just a suggestion because i don't want it to take 5 hours for me to get from level 1 to 2, it takes me less time in a platform game.

Rule: Your rules are very long and hard to read, i think that perhaps you should have an extra enter space between rules and you should highlight the most important things in a different color so it is easy to get the just of the rules without having to read it all, Also make them easy to understand. I also don't understand why there is a code limit O.o

Eyes: i think the eyes seem a little, alienish? Perhaps

colors: to help the site grow I would suggest that a bigger color palette is in order, I know how annoying it seems to be to get a crap ton of colors but its actually fairly easy if you know how (i suggest always starting pixels in a blue or red, it makes color changing fairly simple)

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:15 pm Reply with quote        
kalima wrote:

Second, the theme colors should probably change. The green and blue are bright very saturated, and you may say hey that's my style but unfortunately you are going to have to look at it that some people might find it not only painstakingly annoying on there eyes, they may not join because of it.

I've been told I don't know how many times the colors are saturated or to bright, and I've already planned to fix it.
kalima wrote:

Thirdly, A new layout and more art. I realize that this is harder to find but there are enough artists on ava sites willing to do there art for gold and items That you should be able to find an artist. Why not ask them if they are willing?

As I've stated numerous times, I am NOT finished with the layout. I added some things but I'm not even close to finishing the art and graphics for the layout.

kalima wrote:

Fourthly, Don't bog yourself down with everything. If you want to succeed you can't make yourself hate your own ava site, One quick way to do that is to make yourself do everything. And just because you want one thing to go your way doesn't mean the community wants that. Unfortunately for anyone in the avatar business no one gives a shit what they want, you have to put the community first.

I don't. I only work on the layout, do the art and sometimes pixel stuff for the site.
Everything else I ask or hire others to do.

kalima wrote:

Fifth, STAY ACTIVE no one likes an ava site that can't keep up, as I am sure you all know there are ava sites that closed because people just couldn't keep up (i.e. Eternalnox and Cruinne)

I am active.
I'm currently out of town for thanksgiving so I can only get on for a couple of minutes in the morning and afternoon, which is probably why you think I'm not very active.

kalima wrote:

Last but not least, Listen to your community if they demand a re-pixeling of your avatar, deal with it and do it because they are what matters in this business, if they demand something DO IT. Without your community you get shit for business and without business you can't survive.

You act as though I don't even know how to run my own site, I don't listen to my members and that if I add something to the site it's because I wanted to do it and not because the members asked for it.
And guess what? I don't appreciate it.

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:31 pm Reply with quote        
and as I have said, they are suggestion, don't take offense and I never said anywhere that You didn't know how, i never said you werent active. They weren't said pointing at you. If i didn't like the site I would not have donated money. If you read the first post it says i can be a little harsh, So you can at least forgive me for typing things out and it sounding Harsh, NEVER did I say anywhere that these were all the problems with the website.

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:34 pm Reply with quote        
Kal, I'm not sure if you know, but you can get copper from posting in the Music forum, the games forum and 1x1 rps(I still disagree with that, but I heard the reason for that one) After that, you get copper for each post and you can go buy the newbie weapons.

Rei Ann's Mule

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:39 pm Reply with quote        
kalima wrote:

Last but not least, Listen to your community if they demand a re-pixeling of your avatar, deal with it and do it because they are what matters in this business, if they demand something DO IT. Without your community you get shit for business and without business you can't survive.

You act as though I don't even know how to run my own site, I don't listen to my members and that if I add something to the site it's because I wanted to do it and not because the members asked for it.
And guess what? I don't appreciate it.[/quote]

This answer to me was the most, well I guess you could say unnerving, i did not say you do not listen, I did not say that you say that you started it because you wanted to. It is a suggestion thread, not Necessarily pointed at you as though you actually have that problem. I have been apart of this community for 2 days now, I never said all these were a problem, I said they were suggestion and they might sound harsh.

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:52 pm Reply with quote        
It seemed as though you where telling me I wasn't doing a good enough job of listening to my members, when you said "STAY ACTIVE" and "listen to your members".(which I had assumed where suggestions or feedback directed to me)

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Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:53 pm Reply with quote        
Firstly, I want to say that you are new. I don’t think it’s very fair that you place such harsh judgment on an avatar site and its owner because you haven’t really been around long enough to actually get a good feel of what we’re about. I understand that first impressions are key but that’s all they are – you have to remember that a lot of first impressions are wrong or inaccurate. In the sites defense, Mido is new and growing. We’re certainly not going to be perfect, nor will we meet the expectations of a site like Gaia or something.

kalima wrote:
Battle System: I think that nothing over 30 health should be there, MAINLY because it seems redundant when your gonna wast all your gold on getting to the next level, seems like it takes to long

Though things to get a tad redundant, I believe that the battle system is fine. It’s an easy way to get silver and doesn’t cost much at all. Trust me – I’ve deleted and re-created my character many times and can earn about 1.5k per level. It’s mindless clicking after all, and once you get to higher levels you have to take a monster’s stats into consideration, such as HP and element, so it can be challenging. It’s just mundane when you first start out because the low-level monsters are easy to beat.

kalima wrote:
Prices: Copper?? For the newbie store it says it takes copper but I dont have a piece of copper at all and I can't buy things with silver. Also because of this.... you should have cheaper weapons, if there is a way to get copper tell me, it should be EASY and visible.

There is a thread that mentions this. Help Center and New Member Guides. It probably should’ve been read when you first joined – along with the rules. Not to mention there’s a direct link to it on the bottom of every page.

Although, the shopkeeper probably should link users to the games, music, and 1x1 roleplays subforums.

kalima wrote:
Items: There should be a well balanced amount of male items and female items, I see plainly that this site has alot more female items than male items.

Actually, a lot of the items are unisexed, and I believe that issue is being worked on.

kalima wrote:
Leveling: You make it EXTREMELY HARD to level up, you may think this is a good deal but really it makes the battle system long and annoying. You can take the amount of experience from monsters up or take the amount needed down. Just a suggestion because i don't want it to take 5 hours for me to get from level 1 to 2, it takes me less time in a platform game.

I partially agree with this but then again, it is kind of fair. Personally I don’t battle unless I need quick silver or if there’s an event going on. But, it is a challenge, albeit an odd one. Challenge is good – it prevents lazy users from making a crap-load of money.

kalima wrote:
Rule: Your rules are very long and hard to read, i think that perhaps you should have an extra enter space between rules and you should highlight the most important things in a different color so it is easy to get the just of the rules without having to read it all, Also make them easy to understand. I also don't understand why there is a code limit O.o

These rules are not long… not at all! Confusing, I agree with. I’ve actually been tempted to ask if I could re-write the rules but there hasn’t been a lot of confusion with them so I suppose it’s fine.
There is a code limit because using codes earns you extra silver.

kalima wrote:
Eyes: i think the eyes seem a little, alienish? Perhaps

There have been comments on them and I believe another set is being made.

As far as Cat’s activeness goes; she is active, as is Arikana. I had stated earlier that I may be a bit more active only because I’m practically ALWAYS on Mido.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:58 pm Reply with quote        
Chu, its harsh because thats unfortunately the way I am, i know Mido is new and growing and I do care for it. That is why I donated. I know alot about ava sites and I did not mean to make it sound like Catghost is inactive or anything, Suggestion on how to succeed, not necessarily suggestions on what needs to be fixed, I want catghost to understand that to. I like catghost and her site. I am sorry i should have said that these are suggestion on how to succeed, not on things the necessarily need to be fixed.
Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:02 pm Reply with quote        
Yes, and sadly I can be harsh myself. ^^; I just wanted you to understand that the things you've mentioned - a lot of them, at least - are either being worked on or have been resolved. You did bring up some valid points though.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:10 pm Reply with quote        
      Perhaps you can read what has been suggested/feedback-ed on before posting some of your own?
      Because quite a lot of the stuff you posted has been said already. :3

Currently: at Trisphee. Come find me? <3

Current cosplay: angel guarding the Garden of Eden with flaming sword to prevent humans from ever eating from the tree of life.

Alu is MY sexy NPC lover. <333 So hands off everyone! D:<

The fallen deity,

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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:10 am Reply with quote        
I think the biggest reason it may have been taken as an attack or possibly as harsh criticism is because you labeled it "ways to succeed". This differs from most everyone elses comments and suggestions in that they just point out what they think on different matters.

So since you put ways to succeed. . . it was seen as completely directed at the staff. Also as Arikana pointed out a lot of the issues you have mentioned have already been brought up. If you take the time to look over them or ask us it would be easier for you to see that a number of these issues are being worked on. Thing is some things need to take priority over others. I am sure you know a lot of this stuff takes time and some of it take a lot of time.

I believe and frustration between you and the staff is mostly confusion based on your method of conveying your suggestions. Not saying its all your fault. . . just saying I think everyone needs to step back take a breath and have a cool head about this.

You made suggestions. So thank you. However We do ask that people dont re post the same suggestions over and over again. So if you do have an issue or a suggestion and you dont wanna read through all the stuff posted as a mod or admin if its been brought up. Hell ask me. . . send me a Pm and I will look into it and if its a new thing then throw a suggestion out there.

I am glad you enjoy this site and I am sorry that we the staff took it so personal. We seemed to feel attacked by your Bolded words as if we were ignorant and stupid.

So yeah. . . hope this helps.

I quit.

Embrace the depression
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