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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:36 pm Reply with quote        
From HealingBeats.com:
The binaural beat effect is the result of two slightly different audio waves being heard separately by the left and right ear (such as in a pair of headphones) in a manner that encourages the neurophysiology to generate a specific unified brain wave pattern.

Some of the things that these beats can be used for include concentration, sleep aides, weight loss, and pain relief. I had a headache yesterday, and I decided to try out one called "asprin" on another site, and it relieved my headache quite well! My dad listens to a confidence-booster, and that seems to work too.

There are other ones on other sites, though, that are supposed to mirror the effects of drugs on the body, such as Marijuana and LSD. Because of this, some schools are banning iPods because of kids using these bianural beats to get high in class.

So tell me, Midorea, what are your thoughts on bianurals? Has anybody else used them for health or recreational reasons, and if so, what have your experiences been like? And do you think they are a healthier alternative to drugs?

Here are some websites:

i-dose.us- This is where I got the Asprin beat that worked really well.

i-Doser- This is the site with recreational bianurals.

The Science of Bianural Beats- A place where you can get a little more information about bianurals.


Athilea Majiri

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 PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:06 pm Reply with quote        
Errr, I have not. Actually this is the first time that I have ever heard of this, I may try it out. Though...it seems a bit odd to me and not much better then homeopathic medication.

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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:16 am Reply with quote        
This is the first time I've heard about this. Sounds interesting, I think I might try it. (Coffee Break sounds nice in the morning)

O shucks what's up buddy
Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:05 pm Reply with quote        
I've had a terrible migraine all day, so I'll try out the asprin thing. I'll edit my post with my thoughts on it later.

EDIT: As soon as the sound began I noted a strong heaviness in my head and feet. After laying down with the ear buds still in, I felt soothed by the sound. However, possibly because of the occultist/conspiracy theorist in me, I felt that there was a subliminal quality to the noises and began making out words in parts of it. After everything was done, I felt relieved for the noise to fade out rather than abruptly end, and my head does feel slightly better. However, I laid down for roughly the same amount of time earlier and felt nearly the same way - minus the heaviness.

Meh, I think that the mind likes being tricked into believing good things. I'm not really sure what I think of this yet, but I know the mind likes playing tricks on you, so it may just be that.

I also wanted to say that I heard of this theory before but never put much thought into it. Like the light/color thing.

EDIT2: I just looked over the full list. I'm going to try the deep sleep one tonight to test it again, because I'm quite curious.

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:40 pm Reply with quote        
Hmmm Just to kindave bring this back because I am currently trying the Asprin one in class right now because of a headache I have. It is helping quite nicely despite my skepticism.



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 PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:24 pm Reply with quote        
You know, one reason that this might be working for you is because you believe that it works for you. Believe it or not, the things you say and the things you believe in can drastically affect your mental AND physical states.

When I change, everything changes.

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