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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:03 pm Reply with quote        
Name: Naldon
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark brown, slightly messy hair, blue-grey eyes, tall and muscular
Background: Naldon lived free until he was 13, when his village was attacked in a raid by a neighbouring kingdom. He was taken into slavery and worked for years, always trying to get back to his home. Now he has, but is having trouble settling down even within his own kingdom.


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:46 am Reply with quote        
Name: Elizabeth
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Elizabeth is tall and skinny. Her hair is wavy and golden brown. She has bright green eyes. She always wears make up, as she has to.
Background: Elizabeth has two elder sisters. One of them, Victoria has already been married off to the prince of some other country, and the other one, Emily, is a widow at a very young age, for her husband died from food-poisoning. Elizabeth has still not found anyone that has caught her eye.

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:43 pm Reply with quote        
Cool. I'll start.


Naldon hated it, but he didn't have much of a choice. Finding a job was hard when he refused to do anything involving cleaning or serving. They didn't want him in those places, anyway. He didn't have a very good attitude towards it, they said.

After a long time waiting, a valet led Naldon into the king's chamber. He bowed low to the man and stayed low as he spoke.

'Your majesty...I have a favour to ask of you.'

'You may speak,' the king said.

'Your majesty, I ask for some money. Until I start work, I have nothing. I wish only for enough to feed me for the next month.'

Naldon glanced up slightly as he finished speaking. The king looked like he was considering it, but not very hard. The ex-slave didn't have a very good feeling.

'No,' the king said at last. 'You should earn your own money.'

'Wha- Your majesty,' Naldon said, standing quickly. The king held up a hand, and some guards came up behind Naldon.

'You may go,' the king said.

'Your ma-' Naldon said, but the guards had already put their hands on his shoulders. As angry as the young man was, he had learned long ago not to question kings. He turned, shrugging off the guards, and left the audience chamber. Once the door was closed, Naldon took a moment to try and calm down before walking to the door out of the palace and through the gardens.


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:25 pm Reply with quote        
'Father,' said Elizabeth, 'didn't you see how skinny he is? All he asked for was enough money to live. He'll be sure to pay it off. How can you have refused?'
'People like that make fake promises. He'll most likely keep feeding off of me and never find himself a job.'
Elizabeth gritted her teeth. 'Goodbye,' she said.
As soon as she was out of sight, instead of heading to her room, she wend to the treasury. There she filled a bag with gold coins. She glanced around to make sure no one had followed her. The corridors of the castle were long, and the man would still be going out. Ah, there he was. She gave off a small sprint, as much of a sprint as her high heels could cope with.

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:02 pm Reply with quote        
Naldon had his fists shoved in his pockets, and was staring at the ground as he walked. He looked back when he heard the click of heels behind him, and his expression turned from anger to shock. He stopped and quickly bowed. 'Hello, princess.'


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:13 pm Reply with quote        
'I am risking my place as princess for you,' Elizabeth said, giving the man a small curtsey in return. She handed him the bag of coins with a smile. 'Use them well, and please, try to find work soon. My father would punish me severely if he found out.'

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:53 pm Reply with quote        
Naldon looked at the bag in surprise, then bowed deeply. 'Thank you, princess.' He stashed it away where it wouldn't be seen.


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:03 pm Reply with quote        
'Goodbye,' she said. She walked away. As soon as he was out of sight she stopped, wondering if she had done the right thing. She sighed and walked on.

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:03 pm Reply with quote        
Naldon hurried out of the palace grounds and back into town. Once there, he slowed down and wondered what he'd do. He ducked into a back-alley and counted the money - it was enough to get him food and rent him a room for a while. Naldon smiled slightly. Perhaps getting a job wasn't so hard now...he could afford to wait for a good one.


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:12 pm Reply with quote        
Elizabeth, back at her room, took out a quill and a piece of parchment and started writing the letter to her sister:

Dear Victoria,
How are you? I hear your kingdom had some trouble with a plague during the winter and many have died of starvation. It is a sad way to die, but I hope the rest have recuperated well. I do hope you get to Greece one day, like you've always dreamt of when we were children...

((it's quite fun using a feather to write, you know. I've tried it))

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:54 pm Reply with quote        
(You're lucky. I've wanted to for a long time.)

A couple of days later, Naldon managed to get a job at the local inn. The proprietress prided the inn as being one occasionally chosen by the royal family if they were going on an over-night trip, which made Naldon wonder if he would ever see the princess there.


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:34 am Reply with quote        
Elizabeth sighed as the horse carriage took her along the road with her parents at her side. 'Here we are, Your Majesties and Highness,' said the coachman, bowing and opening the door. They went into the inn, built by Elizabeth's distant ancestors. Or so her father claimed. Wait... who was that there? He looked familiar.

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:38 pm Reply with quote        
Naldon and the proprietress were standing by the counter. The proprietress immediately fell into a curtsey, welcoming the royal family with humble words, but it took Naldon just a moment later to bow. So the princess really was here...She probably wouldn't recognise him, though.


Almost Sisters

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 PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:19 am Reply with quote        
Ah, of course, it was the man she had helped! Immediately, she felt guilty. She had betrayed her father. They moved towards the table in the middle, covered in the finest emboidered table-cloth reserved for when they came.

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:02 am Reply with quote        
Naldon glanced at the proprietress, who had her back turned preparing the drinks for the royal family. He opened a shelf, and took out a mild spice that would add a nice flavour to the princess' food and quickly sprinkled it on and put the jar away before the proprietress looked back. He put the plates on a tray and followed after the woman, who put each person's drinks in front of them, then put down everyone's plate. He kept his eyes respectfully downwards until it came to putting down the princess', when he glanced up for a fraction of a second before bowing and returning to the kitchen.


Almost Sisters
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