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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:01 pm Reply with quote        

There is a city named Haelmur. Haelmur is not the safest place to be, for many strange and dangerous things things happened, and all kinds of strange creatures haunt the shadows. It is a place far from normal. Beware! For once you enter, you cannot escape the clutches of fate!


Biography: (Optional)
Race: (Human, neko, vampire, werewolf, elf, etc.)
Description: (Image or words)


You SHOULD already know them all =P

My character:

Name: Mioka Andafel
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Biography: N/A
Race: Werewolf
Description: Dark haired skinny girl. Has yellow slanted eyes. She wears worn out ragged clothes. In wolf form she is a dark brown wolf with long teeth and claws like daggers and is practically twice the size of a normal wolf.

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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:00 am Reply with quote        
Name: Jensa Legosie
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Biography: after growing up in a family of blonde elves, Jensa decided that it was too much trouble to act like she wasn't different from everyone in her family. She ran away and stumbled upon Haelmur. Here is where she felt most at home where people didn't judge her for being a brunette elf.
Race: Elf
Description: The only brunette in her family of blondes, Jensa has emerald green, almond shaped eyes and tan skin.

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 PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:19 pm Reply with quote        
Name: Kalya Dirian
Age: 142
Gender: Female
Biography: Kayla isn't sure where she came from or how she ended up there. All she remembers is some fuzzy memories about a strange glowing gem.
Race: Shape-shifter
Description: She's a shape-shifter, so she can be anything.

O shucks what's up buddy
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