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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:20 pm Reply with quote        
Private Rpg For Hikarii && Sam. Please don't post Private " only "

Name:Katsura Kotonoha
Animal:Wolf Artic
Powers:All main Ice
Weps:Fan,Sword Knives,Katanas,+ more

Powers:All Main Fire
Weps:Long sword,Big sword


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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:46 pm Reply with quote        
Name: Kimiko Honda
Race: Cat Girl
Age: 16
Animal: Black Leopard
Powers: All Elements (Mainly Uses Fire), Speed, Flexibility, Quick Reflexes, Mind Erasing, Etc.
Weapons: Katana, Shakuhachi Flute, Fans, Double Twin Blades, Twin Katanas, Etc.
Click Here! ^^ The one with the blue hair.

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:03 pm Reply with quote        
*Katsura was waiting for lunch time to come... It was just 10 min. till lunch.*
Katsura said to herself:"..>.>.. hurry up im starving"

Kei was in the same class with katsura too and they wer great friends*

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:56 pm Reply with quote        

Kimiko Says:
Kimiko was sitting quietly in her seat, tapping the pencil on her workbook bored as ever. "Jeez I wonder when class will end so I can go to lunch.." She thought, watching the clock tick by. Kimiko sighed, and saw some students get up and solve math problems on the chalkboard. Soon she notice a girl around her age walking up to the board solving a problem. She finished it up, catching Kimiko's attention quickly."That girl is Katsura right?" Kimi thought, trying to look away from her gaze.


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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:58 pm Reply with quote        
((Wait I'ma add another boy the one i already add is my bro))
Name:Makoto Itou
Animal:Dark wolf
Powers:All main shadows

*then it was lunch time everyone went to lunch

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:06 pm Reply with quote        

Kimiko Says:
Kimi smiled at the thought of munch but she wasn't hungry. She quickly organized her papers and pencils, slipping them neatly in her bag. Kimiko stood up and accidentally bumped into a male with dark hair and pretty purple eyes. "Oh I'm sorry.." She apologized as she ran off to the second music room.


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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:12 pm Reply with quote        
Makoto:*Surprise* *then went off to lunch *Makoto saw Katsura from another table and blushed*

Katsura:*Went to the lunch table and took out some stake (:

Kei:* Ordered his lunch and went to another table

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:19 pm Reply with quote        

Kimiko Says:
Kimiko watched him go to the lunch room for a while, seeing him look over at another girl. She looked away and headed her direction again over to the music room to practice playing grand piano. Kimi was a bit afraid to go in there because if she played the people in the lunch room could hear it. After all, the second music room was in a room that is placed on the stage, and as you know the stage is usually in a cafeteria. Kimi crunched her knuckles and started to play this piece: Click Here! ^^ She just hoped that no one could hear her play when hundreds of people come inside a lunch room and talk loudly.


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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:24 pm Reply with quote        
Makoto just started eating*

Kei was already done he headed to Makoto*
Kei:"Hey Makoto whats up!"

Makoto:"Nothing much... you"

Kei:" Same.. Is there any girls i can hook you up with?"

Makoto: Uh..Um.. *Blushes* ..

Kei:*sees him blush* O.o Uh.. You like someone huh or are you blushing at me? *he smiled handsomely

Makoto:"NO WAY. Your sick "

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:31 pm Reply with quote        

Kimiko Says:
Kimiko finished her piece beautifully, seeing that no one was around. She took out a case from her bag that held her shakuhachi flute. She played this: Click Here! ^^ Knowing that the flute was ouder than the piano for some reason, she knew some people would hear her and was afraid if people would go in the room and disturb her. One single move, and then she would mess up.


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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:34 pm Reply with quote        
*Some people heard some music*

Katsura:*Went back to class to finish work*

Makoto:*stared at Katsura*

Kei:So you like katsura eh.. she's very cute too... Uh but shes not my type D:.. too bad for me

(: Go to my Art Shop

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:47 pm Reply with quote        

Kimiko Says:
Kimi finally finished and took a deep breath. She wanted to practice using her instruments instead of eating lunch. She didn't fell like eating but she knew that if she didn't eat she would faint. Kimi didn't care, if she didn't feel it she wouldn't. Although, she walked quickly to the lunch room and grabbed a small container full of orange chicken just in case. She popped the lid open, taking a few balls, catching too guys talking about girls. Kimiko just hopped they weren't talking about her and they seemed to spot her. She blushed, but then looked away bashfully.


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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:53 pm Reply with quote        
Kei and makoto turn a bit a looked at kimiko* *then they got back to what they were talking about*
Kei: Well shes my sis thats what i mean I can hook you guys up for a movies? ok?
Makoto:*blushes Uh sur-sure.... 0..0 *thinking in his head :what am i doing she won't like me O.O

(: Go to my Art Shop

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 PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:57 pm Reply with quote        

Kimiko Says:
She glanced at them again, looking away as they kept on staring. Happily they got back to talking about some girl she possibly wouldn't know. Kimi was an eavesdropper but that's her thing. She couldn't really help it, but Kimi tried her best to ignore them as she popped the lid back onto the container of orange chicken. Kimi smooth;y placed it into a small plastic bag that pit the size perfectly for the container. Once the bell rung, she walked quiet;y back to class, hoping she wouldn't bump into more people.


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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:00 am Reply with quote        
then the two boys raced back to class*
*It was time to pack up and leave*

Katsura:Ok im all finished... >..>..
Kei:Hey Sis Kati!
Kei:Can i set u up on a date?
Katsura:*surprise*0.0.. Uh um..

(: Go to my Art Shop
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