Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:33 am
| Favorite movies or movies to suggest anyone?
The Amazing Spider-man is my favorite recent one right now.
I watched Brave for the first time yesterday too and liked it. I'm big into Pixar movies xD
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Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:43 am
| Cloud Atlas was a pretty good move that came out recently. Otherwise some good ones are Spirited Away, the Fifth Element, Moon and some others. I'm horrible with movie titles, but I'll try and think of some more.
The Amazing Spider Man was awesome, also. Had awesome company with me when I saw it too. Haven't seen brave yet, but it looked really beautiful. Need to watch it soon..
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Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:49 am
| My favorite Pixar movies is DEFINITELY Monsters Inc. I looved that movie growing up. And not just because I got to see it before it was in theaters~
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Assistant Admin
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:20 pm
| Threads about movies, books, music, TV shows, etc. belong in the subforum, The Arts.
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:11 am
| Ugh, it's so hard to choose just one. I am a huge fan of psychological thrillers so movies like Memento, Fight Club, and Silence of the Lambs would be on my list.
Angelic.Demon wrote: |
My favorite Pixar movies is DEFINITELY Monsters Inc. I looved that movie growing up. And not just because I got to see it before it was in theaters~ |
YES, another Monsters Inc. fan! My favorite Pixar movie is actually Up, but Monsters Inc. is definitely one of my top five. All the Pixar movies I've seen were good (the only one I haven't seen is Cars 2) so it's hard to choose! But my partner keeps trying to convince me that A Bug's Life is better than Monsters Inc. and I just can't see it.
So how excited are you for Monsters University? o3o
Also, how the heck did you see it before it was out in theaters?! D: Have a relative who works at the theater or something?
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Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 2:21 am
| Someone else has seen Cloud Atlas! Yay! I really loved that movie as well.
My favorite movie right now is Prometheus. I love anything to do with Ridley Scott.
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Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:43 pm
| My favourite movie right now is definitely The Avengers. I'm sorry, I'm a nerd, I can't help it. I also adored Arthur Christmas. And The Last Unicorn is always a wonderful movie to watch.
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Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:42 am
| My favorite movie is Labyrinth.
But the last movie I saw in theaters was Despicable Me 2 and I loved it. But then again... minions. You know?
The movie I'm most looking forward to seeing soon(ish) is City of Bones. Though it won't come out until August. 
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Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:55 pm
| Disney/Pixar movies are definitely my fav!
I love Harry Potter though. Those movies = all the feels!!!!
I'm looking forward to City of Bones as well! Love the books, love the author and can't wait to see what the film adaption will bring to the scene!
Has anyone seen the trailer for Disney's upcoming movie, Frozen? It looks so amazing!!!!!!
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| _________________ back for now, hello midorea! |
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:18 pm
| My most favorite movie is Pan's Labrynth. Watched it probably a dozen times.
My favorite Pixar movie is Up. I was crying in the first 2 minutes and laughing my head off the rest of the movie.
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Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:26 pm
| I saw Pacific Rim yesterday and it was just fantastic. I'd definitely recommend, like 11/10 For sure.
I also watched Despicable Me 2 recently as well and also Man of Steel and they were both pretty entertaining with respect to their genres. I enjoyed both movies.
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Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:40 pm
| I have a soft spot for gigantic robots and monsters, so Pacific rim was right up my alley. I LOVED it!
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Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:20 am
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:16 pm
| I don't just like movies, I love them. And let me tell YOU
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Tron Legacy (it wasn't as good or funny but it was BEAUTIFULLY done cinematic and art wise)
Pacific Rim (everyone has been saying it and I agree)
*Evil Dead (1980s trilogy SO GOOD SAM RAIMI)
Any Disney/Pixar animated film for nostalgic-feel-good times
*(? I think there was some minor gore I can't recall) The Werewolf (2011)
*ANY Tarantino film.
Anything where Mel Brooks was involved (The Producers, Spaceballs, Robin Hood: Men In Tights etc. He's a laugh riot. Guaranteed comedic genius.)
The Princess Bride
Willow (okay, it's like Lord of the Rings except the ring is a baby and there is no volcano)
*Jaws (but no sequels. Only the first one. If you watch any Jaws sequels I will find you and I will kick you in the eyes)
*The Cabin In The Woods
Big Fish (this one made me cry a little true facts)
The new Spider Man film (the one without toby macguire is SO MUCH BETTER)
I will probably add more later. But I will never suggest a movie I didn't like, or at least find entertaining. The "horror" movies really don't bother me which is why there are a few on there?
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| _________________ I'm currently a college butthead so I'm now super preoccupied trying not to be a loser please bear with me. |
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:22 pm
| If you haven't seen pacific rim, GO WATCH IT. Somehow.
It was instantly one of my top movies. 
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