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 PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:28 am Reply with quote        
I don't want to clutter the forum with all the stuff I may be making, so from now on I'll put it all in this thread.


"Mort, I can't move my legs."
"Yes Yorik, I can't move mine either."
Yorik the skeleton tried to stand up, but of course he could not.
"Mort, what's the point of being undead if you can't even move about?"
"Couldn't say, Yorik. Not that we can do anything about it now, of course."
Yorik sighed. Mort was right of course. It hadn't been so bad when they were freshly dead, but once the muscles and such started to decompose, being an undead began to lose some of it's charm.
"I feel like we've been just lying here for years."
"That's because we have, Yorik. Three years, I think, if the growth on that stalagmite is any indication."
Yorik muttered peevishly, "Oh right, I'd forgotten. You've got a view, you have. You with that glass eye you had enchanted back when you was alive, lucky bastard!"
Mort smiled weakly, or would have if the ravages of time had left him with anything to smile with. "Just lucky I guess."
"I'd spit in your face, but I haven't had any spit for decades now, so I'm just gonna make a hocking noise and you can use your bloody imagination."
"Now Yorik, you know you don't mean that. You remember I used to carry you around after you lost your locomotive skills up until the same fate took me. All we've got is each other now."
"Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I have to like it," Yorik muttered bitterly. "Anyways, how come we can still talk? It's not like we've got lips or tongues anymore."
"Would you rather we couldn't?"
"Well, no," Yorik said a tad more calmly, lest he tempt fate. "I'm just saying it don't make no sense, see?"
"O'course it makes no sense, it's magic. If magic made sense anybody could do it. We'd be up to our eyeballs in pointy hats and magic wands."
There was a frosty silence.
"Sorry Yorik, I didn't mean anything by that bit about the eyeballs. I knows you're sensitive about it."
"Why, 'cause I haven't got any anymore?"
Yorik and Mort both went silent.
After a while, Yorik said, "Mort, I can't move my legs."

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