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Midorea Forum Index / The Storybook
Post new topic   Reply to topic Excerpt from Book in Progress: First Draft

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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:01 pm Reply with quote        
"My name's Runa by the way," the she-orc said in an almost companionable tone. "And you're Ranon. I suspect we'll be in each other's company for a good long while, so we may as well try to be civil about it."
"Will you put me down, this is embarrassing! People will think I'm a kid or something!" Ranon was already blushing from some of the looks he was getting.
Runa frowned. "Exactly how old are you?"
"Er, seventeen if you must know. That's as good as an adult here."
Runa shrugged, a gesture which jostled Ranon about on his perch on her shoulder. "You look younger, but maybe that's just 'cause humans live longer. I'm fifteen myself."
Ranon stared down at a pillar of muscle and bone that drifted through the crowd of people like a mighty iceberg. He couldn't help noticing from his current position that one of her ears was pierced with a rather large ring of gold. "You don't say?" he muttered weakly.
Runa paused for a moment, and used her free hand to shield her eyes. "Looks like I'll be able to put you down soon after all. I think I just found a rope seller."

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 PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:08 pm Reply with quote        
Bugger, there should have been quite a bit more. I guess the character-limit must be smaller than I suspected. Oh well, I think what's left is still a pretty good example.

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 PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:20 am Reply with quote        
That's cute! I like the "pillar of muscle and bone" comparison, but some people may get confused by what it's referring to, even though in the same sentence, you mentioned her earring. Sounds promising!
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