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 PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:29 am Reply with quote        
Alot of us love to roleplay around here. In the forums, on instant messenger, but how many of us are into the old school Role Playing Games? Dungeons and Dragons, GURPS, Dark Heresy, Mutants and Masterminds, you name it.

If you, at any time periodically got together around a table with friends to slay some goblins, stop a mad genius or Hell, exterminate a planet, why not share some stories? Also use this place to talk about anything tabletop related.

I may share a few stories here if people are interested.... or if the thread seems to be dying.

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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:08 pm Reply with quote        
I love D&D, although I'm not sure how I feel about 4th Edition. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, since the one group I could find in this tiny town was filled with crazies. Not the fun nerdy kind, either. The straight-up Chaotic Neutral kind.


Huge fan of White Wolf stuff too--I'd love to try a Changeling game now that it's been updated.

I played Shadowrun in college, but my DM was rather terrible so I can't say if I liked the system or not. I'm more of a fantasy/superhero fan anyways, so it's not really my thing.

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 PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:46 pm Reply with quote        
We used to play D&D in my group of friends when we where all attending the same collage. It was very story driven and we kinda ignored some of the rules but when you leave a bunch of theatrical people to it you get an amazing game. We at one point where taking down quotes but had to stop as the girl writing couldn't keep up.

Had that group held together I think that we would have had some serious alignment changes as around the end I had killed off another players character and another player had a split personality with one being good the other evil so that was bound to be funny.

We played 3.5 but I have heard some good things about 4, but have yet to get my hands on the 4 books.

I want to try and play Serenity, it is a Firefly style tabletop but again he group I would play with meets rather irregularly and I haven't heard about a next game date as of yet.

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 PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:56 am Reply with quote        
I was the DM for my group, and I did something naughty. I put a big, stone tower in the middle of nowhere with a warning on the door in an ancient language that the mage was able to decipher. "Do not open this door for any reason, we really mean it. Seriously, don't even touch the damn thing! Get back on your horses and go somewhere else now."
Naturally, they immediately determined that they were going to open this thing or die trying. Eventually they split the door down the middle, and a purple fog started billowing out of it. That's when they noticed that they couldn't hear any more. They got the hell out of there, but the fog kept spreading until the entire world was blanketed in a permanent Silence spell. Rather than trying to find out what they did, they decided to get the hell out of dodge, and went plane-hopping to get away from it. This worked out pretty well for them, but then things got worse. As you can imagine, a lot of bards back home were less than happy about the mess, and being bards eventually found out who they had to blame. I created a new prestige class for them that focused on manipulating the silence, and was more offensively geared. At tenth level they even got a power that could make their opponent's heads explode by the power of silence. So now the party was working their way through the planes trying to stay one step ahead of the "Silent Bards". Much hilarity ensued, mostly along the lines of, "I don't want to go to hell, let's find another portal. Oh shit, they're here! CHEESE IT!"
Eventually the only way they could nullify the Silent Bards was to go back to their home plane and set things right.

Lily Cat

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 PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:57 pm Reply with quote        
Ooh I like these kinds of games. Well, I'm kinda new to them, but I'm catching on. I love the storytelling aspect of them.

I think it's great to have a group of friends and regular meeting place for these things.

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:25 pm Reply with quote        
Truth be told, I've actually written two of my essays on Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 for english class. The teacher think's I'm obsessed! Then again, I kind of am.

I played in one campaign as a human bard that was a notorious coward, but she would run in harm's way to help a hurt person. She was wonderful!

Right now I'm working on a campaign that I'm gonna DM for my friends. I'm stuck storyline-wise, though...


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