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Post new topic   Reply to topic Yesh, I'm looking for an RPG partner. Anyone?

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:55 am Reply with quote        
Yes, I'm another person looking for a partner.

I RPG a lot [and I mean a lot a lot. Go check Popsicle. on PXLB.], and I thought I should have a partner. Be more fun xD

In a partner, I am looking for-
-Good gramatical skills
-No obsession with the mystical realms-one or two RPGs like that is okay, but anymore is just a bit odd.
-Okay with romance
-Is fun! xD
-Can come up with their own RPG ideas.

Thanks Bouncy Heart


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 PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:34 pm Reply with quote        
I roleplay privately, as well =) Pixelbee doesn't allow private ones...

Yeah, grammar is an important point. There are so many people I've roleplayed with on other forums (RolePlayGateWay...that was terrible for grammar) where I'd get run-on sentences, sentence fragments, people not knowing the difference between there/their/they're...
I do some fantasy roleplays, but also some realistic ones. If you prefer realistic ones, we'll do those. I rather like them; everyone agrees on what something is (trying to agree on what werewolfs or witches are like, for instance, is hard...)
Romance isn't bad. It should be a rather realistic romance, though - none of that stuff you find in romance novels where two people meet, fall in love for the first time, and stay together for the rest of their lives.
I hope I'm fun =)
I can come up with ideas no problem. I don't usually think of characters needed (I tend to decide that by committee, because I have pre-made characters and I tend to get annoyed when people say "How about you be someone like this and I be someone like that"), but I can come up with a general outline. I don't do very specific outlines (saying exactly how the story'll go) because each person has different characters who do their own things.

Well, do you accept me?


Almost Sisters
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