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This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.   This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies. [contest] Design a Monster!
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:08 am Reply with quote        

Well, the battle system has been updated... but we've realized that we really need some new monsters to fill it with. So, here's your chance to make one!

First, I want to explain how monster stats work. Magic Attack and Melee Attack actually don't affect how hard monsters hit: they affect how often monsters hit. Magic Defense and Melee Defense follow similar logic: they affect how often a monster dodges. So, there is no way to change how hard a monster hits - other than making it a high-leveled monster.

AND THE PRIZES ARE... in the next post.
Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:08 am Reply with quote        
But here are some rules first...

-You may submit up to 10 entries.
-All entries must be your original work.
-All entries must follow Midorea's rules.
-By entering, you give Midorea the right to use your entry on the site.
-The deadline is August 31st!

Contest Prizes:
1st Place - full EI set, Diety Weaponry Set, 20g
2nd Place - full EI set, Lower Deity Weaponry Set, 1,000s
3rd Place - full EI set, Fallen Deity Weaponry Set

Page Prizes:
Page 10: Kaujs Usagijan
Page 20: Baby Bumblebee
Page 30: Dagger
Page 40: Winter Scythe
Page 50: Rapier De James
Last post on those pages gets a prize.
Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:08 am Reply with quote        
Alright, now for the form. Just answer the questions in the form and post your entry in the thread. If you have any questions about it, please let me know!
[size=18][color=red]MONSTER ENTRY[/color][/size]
[b]Monster Name:[/b]
[b]Image/description:[/b] (an image isn't necessary, but we would appreciate a verbal description at least)
[b]Do they have more HP or more MP?[/b]
[b]Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user?[/b]
[b]Do they hit often or dodge often?[/b]
[b]Anything else?[/b]

Juneberry wrote:
Monster Name: Possessed Can
Image/description: A seemingly normal, used can with a razor sharp lid that seems to have life in it. It's open lid acts similar to a mouth, and it moves by bouncing or being kicked.
Element: Dark
Do they have more HP or more MP? More HP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Generally a melee fighter, strangely enough.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They attack more then they dodge.
Anything else? Again...It's a can. A can with a plot for revenge! Also, it's based off of the rare can to some degree from Rune Factory, except that's just considered trash in the game, not a monster or item you care about.

Monster Name: Giant Bubble
Image/description: A giant bubble with a face, basically.
Element: Water
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic User
Do they hit often or dodge often? They dodge more, using the air to guide them.
Anything else? It's basically a giant bubble that can attack with water lasers or some other method. But otherwise, it's a bubble. Meant for low levels.

Monster Name: Brick Pig
Image/description: A pig seemingly made out of blocks or bricks, but otherwise generally pig-like.
Element: Bacon
Do they have more HP or more MP? More HP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee fighter.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They don't really do one more then the other...But probably they'd doge a bit more.
Anything else? Think of the three little pigs and you have a brick pig. It's possible to have a hay or a stick pig instead, I suppose. I almost made the three my entrees instead.

Urboros wrote:
Monster Name: slimy snail
Image/description: http://i41.tinypic.com/2wqz5ew.png
Element: earth
Do they have more HP or more MP? mp
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? hit /snails aren't good dodgers
Anything else? they want to slime you with love

Saygen40 wrote:
Monster Name: Hipster Polar Bear
Element: Ice
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit often
Anything else? Knew about Global Warming before it was cool.

This is a little crude, I know.

Titanic wrote:
Monster Name:Bacon Lilies
Image/description:A heard of flowers that look and smell like bacon. They lure their prey to them for smelling so yummy. And just one bite can do something awful. DUN DUN DUN
Element:Bacon c;
Do they have more HP or more MP?MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user?Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often?Hit
Anything else?Beware the bacon c;


Titanic wrote:
Monster Name:Bacon Ninja
Image/description: A ninja who smells like bacon. And throws crispy bacon at its victims
Do they have more HP or more MP?HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user?Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often?Dodge
Anything else?They have long gloriously greasy hair


lexi luthor wrote:
Monster Name: Scorpanine (Scorpion Canine)
Image/description:Scary Monster
Element: Poison
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit
Anything else? This thing has been in my nightmares XP

Monster Name: Fancy JellyFish
Image/description: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/11lexy2005/001-2.jpg
Element: Poison or Water
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit
Anything else? >-> uhm nope

Juneberry wrote:
berry"]My count is now up to seven with these <3

Monster Name: Stick Pig
Image/description: A pig seemingly made of twigs and branches, yet strangely mobile. Be careful of the pointy ends of his twiggy arms!
Element: Bacon
Do they have more HP or more MP? More HP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? They hit often. Especially when you hit.
Anything else? Related to the Brick Pig and Hay Pig.

Monster Name: Hay Pig
Image/description: A fake pig made of hay. Like the scarecrow of old, it is merely a bundle of hay...But this one seems to have a grudge. Oh, and it's pig shaped...So it doesn't really scare anyone.
Element: Bacon.
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? It's more of a magic user.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They don't do either often, but possibly they'd try to dodge more. They're quite quick and weak.
Anything else? Weakest of the three pigs.

Monster Name: Magic Hat
Image/description: An upside down top hat, perhaps with bunny ears sticking out! It seems to be lost from its magician.
Element: Energy
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP by far.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? A definitive magic user.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They dodge often by hopping out of the way. That rabbit in there...
Anything else?

Monster Name: Spider Lily
Image/description: A spider-like creature with a lily strongly attached to its back. It's long legs act as roots to the ground to suck in nutrients when they need food.
Element: Earth
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? They tend to hit often.
Anything else?

Saygen40 wrote:
Monster Name: Yappy Dogs
Image/description: http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o176/Saygen40/yappydogs_zpsec7693e5.jpg
Element: Energy
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge often
Anything else? Handsome, Precious, and Angel. They emit such ear-piercing yapping sounds the enemy becomes disoriented and blood-thirsty.

realAniram wrote:
I'm having way too much fun with these.

Monster Name: Flaming Monkey
Image/description: A monkey with fiery fur that is so hot that it emits all the colors of the spectrum.
Element: Fire
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Slightly more melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge often
Anything else? Put it in a sexy pose~!

Monster Name: Red Dot
Image/description: A red dot that appears randomly and moves with supernatural agility. Has been theorized to just be a piece of a much bigger enemy...
Element: Energy
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic user
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge often
Anything else? Can it use an attack that has to do with blinding?

Monster Name: Feral Rock
Image/description: A pet rock that was abandoned and has returned to its wild state.
Element: Earth
Do they have more HP or more MP? More HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit often
Anything else? Can it look like this?

Pikmin wrote:
Monster Name: Innocent Bystander
Image/description: Link
Element: None
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge often
Anything else? Basically this character would have lowish hp, low attack, but very high dodge.

Monster Name: Pizza Mimic
Image/description: Link
Element: Bacon
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit often
Anything else? Doctors were right when they said calories could kill you...

Saygen40 wrote:
Monster Name: White Rabbit
Element: Earth?
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit
Anything else? Never underestimate the White Rabbit.

Siyue wrote:
I'm sure you guys didn't see this coming...

Monster Name: The Flaming Blarsucks
Image/description: Shaped like a generic coffee store coffee cup, this flaming monster spits hot coffee at its victims.

Element: Fire
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? They hit often!
Anything else? Blarsucks is supposed to sound like Starbucks if anyone was wondering, but I figured Starbucks would cause problems with copyright or something so... yeah XD

Sly wrote:
So, uh...I'll just leave these here. Sweat

Monster Name: Shnookums
Image/description: Shnookums is a massive, three-headed dog. Its fur is fluffy and white, it drips drool, and all 6 of its eyes glow red.
Do they have more HP or more MP?More HP definitely.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user?Melee.
Do they hit often or dodge often? Shnookums rarely, if ever, dodges and hits often.
Anything else? Think of the Greek legend of Cerberus with a special disposition, and the ridiculous-sounding name of a Toy Poodle. Laugh It’s basically a giant, three-headed, possessed Poodle. xD;

Monster Name: Great Green Glob
Image/description: It is unclear whether this viscous glob is more of a solid or a liquid. It glows green and sort of just squelches around without form.
Element: Poison
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? It’s a magic user.
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit.
Anything else? I have a picture of Flubber attacking people in my mind; is that bad? Duh xD;

Monster Name: The Baconator.
Image/description: This is a hideous creature; part pig (at least the tasty, fried kind) part machine. Its one mechanical eye glows the ferocious orange of an electric burner. Its fingers are comprised of twisted and charred strips of swine flesh, while its feet are solid cast-iron.
Do they have more HP or more MP? I’d say HP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee.
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit, I’m sure. Laugh
Anything else? If The Baconator had a catch phrase, I’d imagine it’d be something like “I’ll be back…with a side order of toast.” xD;

Juneberry wrote:
Well when you get back, you can see it...'cause it's here xD

Monster Name: Feedback
Image/description: A blurry haze of messy colors, created from different energies going against each other with interferrence (think of the old fuzzy screen you'd get with an issue with a tv in the old days if you can kids).
Element: Energy
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? MP
Do they hit often or dodge often? It hits often comparatively.
Anything else? It loves places with various sources of energy and magic~

neomattlac wrote:
Monster Name: Mysterious Evil
Element: Darkness
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge
Anything else?

neomattlac wrote:
Monster Name: Tentacle Monster
Image/description: Tentacles reaching out of darkness, or just a tentacle. These tentacles will reach out, grab, and mutilate anything it can get it's suckers on. Seems to have a preference for Japanese school girls.
Element: Sexy
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit
Anything else?

Pikmin wrote:
Monster Name: Crazed Fairy
Image/description: Link
Element: Poison
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge
Anything else?

Juneberry wrote:
Well now I have nine >Happy

Monster Name: Three Little Pigs
Image/description: A trio of pigs that are interrelated. One pig is literally made out of hard bricks, another from straw and the last from sticks. They're weak alone, but together they pack quite a punch!
Element: Bacon
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP, overall.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Tends to be more of a melee fighter, but uses quite a bit of magic at times too.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They hit more than they dodge for certain.
Anything else? Based off my original piggy entries, but combined. Just to prove there's safety in numbers, y'know?

neomattlac wrote:
Monster Name: Bob
Image/description: Bob used to be a good guy... until he met Bill. Bob didn't like Bill. Bill doesn't seem to care for Bob. Now Bob thinks you are Bill.
Element: Darkness
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge
Anything else?

Monster Name: Band of Misfits
Image/description: We are the band of misfits!
Element: Energy
Do they have more HP or more MP? HP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Hit
Anything else? We are the band of misfits!

Monster Name: Depression
Image/description: At first, you just didn't feel right. Over time, things got harder and harder, like wearing a backpack where a handful of sand was added everyday. Slowly, it infiltrated your mind. Things you enjoyed weren't as fun, and you no longer left the house. Life started getting unbearable...
Element: Darkness
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge
Anything else?

neomattlac wrote:
Monster Name: Anxiety
Image/description: At first, you just thought about what people thought of you occasionally, but then it got worse and worse. Soon, you got nervous on the phone, then you couldn't even leave the house. Now, you just get nervous leaving your room.
Element: Energy
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge
Anything else? Very good at dodging
Juneberry gets the prize if this wins.

Saygen40 wrote:
Monster Name: The Dark Side
Image/description: http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o176/Saygen40/TheDarkSide_zpsb946f5bd.jpg
Element: Darkness
Do they have more HP or more MP? MP
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? Dodge
Anything else? Come to the darkside! We have cookies! Muahaha....

Scarlet SilverFire wrote:
Monster Name: Math Homework
Image/description: [Scaryyyyyyy reality]
Element: darkness
Do they have more HP or more MP? Hp
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic
Do they hit often or dodge often? hit
Anything else? It torments you with unimaginable pain of never ending problems when all you want to do is be done with it and go play.

Omg that's such a good entry Saygen!!! I love the pic!! hhehe cookies

Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:09 am Reply with quote        
Reserved. Go ahead and post!

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:40 pm Reply with quote        
Monster Name: Possessed Can
Image/description: A seemingly normal, used can with a razor sharp lid that seems to have life in it. It's open lid acts similar to a mouth, and it moves by bouncing or being kicked.
Element: Dark
Do they have more HP or more MP? More HP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Generally a melee fighter, strangely enough.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They attack more then they dodge.
Anything else? Again...It's a can. A can with a plot for revenge! Also, it's based off of the rare can to some degree from Rune Factory, except that's just considered trash in the game, not a monster or item you care about.

Monster Name: Giant Bubble
Image/description: A giant bubble with a face, basically.
Element: Water
Do they have more HP or more MP? More MP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Magic User
Do they hit often or dodge often? They dodge more, using the air to guide them.
Anything else? It's basically a giant bubble that can attack with water lasers or some other method. But otherwise, it's a bubble. Meant for low levels.

Monster Name: Brick Pig
Image/description: A pig seemingly made out of blocks or bricks, but otherwise generally pig-like.
Element: Bacon
Do they have more HP or more MP? More HP.
Is this monster a melee fighter or a magic user? Melee fighter.
Do they hit often or dodge often? They don't really do one more then the other...But probably they'd doge a bit more.
Anything else? Think of the three little pigs and you have a brick pig. It's possible to have a hay or a stick pig instead, I suppose. I almost made the three my entrees instead.

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:46 pm Reply with quote        
Wow, I didn't expect entries so soon. xP If people want, I'll change the limit on the entries you can submit. We'll see.

Thank you for your entries!

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:53 pm Reply with quote        
Hehe, you're welcome? Thank you for making it possible! I honestly thought of brick pig last anyway, so I mostly didn't switch because...Well, I'd feel bad for my other two (albeit silly) ideas.

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
Monthly Theme Writing Contest
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Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:56 pm Reply with quote        
Haha, it's a creative concept. I had no idea what you were going for at first. xP I really like it.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:58 pm Reply with quote        
I'm glad you do! I like creative ideas. And creativeness. I can make all sorts of simple creative ideas, which is good since I've got limited assets in my comic program. So far, most of the aliens in my comic have been giant animals though. I've had a giant rabbit, a giant tadpole that can fly, a super big fish....Thinking of using a giant mushroom colored weird next.

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:59 pm Reply with quote        
I love looking at difference concepts for aliens. /o/ I grew up with sci-fi movies, so I guess I never got over my love for aliens and weird creatures.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:02 pm Reply with quote        
I never got over my love of aliens because I am one. Seriously, my grandmother has admitted she's from Mars. Though I think I'm really from Pluto... >>;

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
Monthly Theme Writing Contest
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Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:10 pm Reply with quote        
Is it hard to breathe here?

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:12 pm Reply with quote        
Nope. Oddly enough, it's easy. Well for me. My dad has to use one of those oxygen masks to sleep now. I think the gravity is troublesome though...

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
Monthly Theme Writing Contest
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Assistant Admin

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:16 pm Reply with quote        
I'm so tired that, half-way through reading that, I was taking you very seriously. >< I was like, "Wow, they're really casual about their dad's health problems." I need to go to bed, haha.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.


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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:22 pm Reply with quote        
...Well actually, my dad really does need a c-pap machine. He has sleep apnea. But to be honest, Mayo Clinic has officially claimed we're not from this planet when they had to deal with my uncle. He's allergic to penicillin and anesthetics have absolutely no effect on him. Three times the maximum dosage and he still feels everything as if he got nothing at all.

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
Monthly Theme Writing Contest
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