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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:23 am Reply with quote        
Weasely Trouble!!
By: jessiekins
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its char actors. I just use them to have a little bit of fun writing some stories. I do however own my own character Enola Black/Snape. My very good friend owns Bethany Lupin.

Part One "A daughter?"
“Well,” said Enola as she walked up the stairs to Hogwarts. “It is time for me to talk to my real father about some things.” She knew that Severus Snape did not know she was really his daughter instead of Sirius Black’s, this proved a lot of problems. You see Enola’s mother Zabrina Clearwater got pregnant to Severus right before she broke up with him and started going out with Sirius. Now it was time to tell Severus the truth and it was Enola’s job. Sighing she walked through the castle doors and headed up to talk to Dumbledore first.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Knock Knock! “Enter.” Albus said from behind his desk.
Enola enter his office smiling. “Uncle Albus what a pleasure to see you.”
Albus had a big grin across his face. “Enola sweet come here.” He said opening his arms for a hug.
Giggling Enola gave her uncle a hug. “Uncle I have come here to discuss a very important matter with you.”
“I thought as such Enola.” Albus said sitting back down. “Would this happen to do with your father?”
“Yes Uncle it does. Severus doesn’t even know that I am his daughter and I would really like him to know that I am his daughter now. I am of age and it is completely my decision. I know I still have a full year of schooling left here at Hogwarts but I would want that year go by smoothly knowing Severus knows the truth and I don’t have to hide it any longer.” Enola told her uncle as she sat down.
“I can see where you are coming from Enola but there are some things to consider. Severus is still working as a double spy and you know he is in danger all the time. For Voldemort to learn that you are his daughter will also put you in grave danger as well.” Albus stated warmly. “Now think about this. Would your mother and Sirius want you to tell Severus the truth?”
“Yes Albus I believe my mother would want Severus to know that I am truly his daughter and not Blacks. Honestly I think that would make him happy and a little bit more pleasant knowing that his rival did not steal the love of his life totally. And knowing that I am alive and well will also make him a little less, oh what’s the word? Less grouchy!”
Albus laughed. “Enola my dear I do say you will have one hell of a time getting that man to be less grouchy. I would like to say this. Do as you wish just remember he may not open up to you completely. He is a very private person.”
“I know Uncle, but I got to try I really want to get to know my real father before George and I go off and get married here after the next school year.”
Albus handed Enola cup of tea. “Now that my dear and a great accomplishment. You got George Weasely to get ready to settle down. I thought that boy would never come close to it seeing as he’s always coming up with new pranks and things to sell in that shop of theirs.”
Enola had to laugh. “Yeah I know Uncle I’m surprised by it as well. I can’t wait to get back home so I can spend some time with George before the school year starts.” She took a sip of her tea. “Well Uncle Albus I believe I shall be heading down the dungeons now.”
Albus got up and hugged his young god daughter. “Now Enola just be careful of how you tell him.”
“I will be.” Enola said standing up. “Thank you for the chat uncle I will be talking to you again soon.” With that said Enola walked back out of Albus’s office and started making her way down to the dungeons of the castle where she knew her father Severus would be.
“Good luck Enola.” Albus said to himself as he watched the young girl leave.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Enola hummed to herself as she was heading down to the dungeons. “Well I hope Severus won’t be too angry with me when I tell him the truth.” She reached Severus’ office door and knocked. “Here goes nothing.”
Severus heard a knock on his door. “What in Merlin’s blazes.” He went and opened the door. “Enola! What are you doing here during the summer you should be out gallivanting with Potter.”
“I’m sorry to bother you right now Professor Snape but I have something very important to discuss with you.” She pulled her mothers journal out of her back pocket. “I believe Rina would want you to know this.”
Severus’s eyes went wide for a moment. “Come in Enola.” He ushered her into his study and got her a cup of tea. “So Enola what is it that your mother Rina would want me to know?”
“Well Professor. You need to read it for yourself.” Enola stated as she handed him the journal. “The page is marked where you need to start from. It involves my birth and some other details.”
Severus took the journal from his student and started to read.
Well today I did something I had to do in order to protect the one I love and our baby. I had dumped Severus today and had a fake marriage to Sirius Black. He was in on it, and was fine with the fact that I truly didn’t love him. But mine and Severus’s baby will never be able to know the truth or this will all be for nothing if the dark lord finds out. I shall have to place a charm on the baby when he or she is born to hide any traits of Severus. They will be able to come off when the child turns of age. I hope Severus is not mad at me.
The next entry read.
Well I finally found out that I am having a daughter. Severus will have his one and only child be a girl. When she comes of age everything will be revealed to her and Severus either by myself or by Sirius. The truth needs to be known that my little Enola Rae is Severus Snape’s one and only child. I pray that I come out of childbirth well. I have not been doing too well these last few weeks. If anything goes wrong, and I do not live Enola will be in the care of Albus and Sirius. I just want her to be taken care of. To my Severus, I am deeply sorry for all the pain I have caused you but this had to be done. I had heard from Lucius that if Severus and I were to produce any offspring that the dark lord would use the child in a ritual to make himself stronger. I had only done this to protect my child, mine and Severus’s little girl.
There were no more entries after that one. Rina, Enola’s mother had died shortly after childbirth.
Severus looked up at Enola. “Is this true, Rina did all this to protect me and you?”
Enola raised her head up. “Yes, Professor it is true, when Sirius died I became the full charge of Uncle Albus and he took care of me for the longest time. Just a few weeks ago when I turned 17 an owl came and delivered me a parcel containing this journal and a letter for me. It explained everything to me. I am sorry, but I just couldn’t hide this from you any longer I was asked to keep this a secret until the dark lord was defeated.”
“Well that hasn’t happened yet. I am glad to know the truth Enola. Thank you kindly but it will take me some time to come to terms with this.” Severus stated trying to hold back the tears. “Now this charm she used to hide traits of me has it worn off yet?”
“Yes to my eyes it has, but I have to do a spell for it to be worn off to your eyes.” Enola smiled slightly and pulled her wand out. She waved it at her face mutter a stream of Latin quietly.
There before Severus’s eyes Enola started to look more like Him and Rina combined. Enola’s hair turned a dark red and her skin turned a pale tone while her eyes stayed the same bright green they always have been. “Enola I would have never known just how much you do look like me I see you kept your mothers’ eyes though.”
Smiling Enola stood up and quickly gave Severus a hug. “Thank you…father.”
Severus smiled and hugged his daughter back. “You are welcome my daughter.”

Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:24 am Reply with quote        
Part Two "Pregnant!"
Time had soon passed and Enola had gone back to school for her last year. Her and George had shared a passionate night right before she had left for school. Now it was Enola and George that were in for the surprise.
Enola was in the bathroom throwing up again after breakfast during her Charms lesson. She was soon joined by a sixth year student in the bathroom. “Enola is that you?” she heard a voice.
“Beth?” Enola coughed out.
“Yes it’s me. Come on out and let me take you to the hospital wing.” Beth said to her sick friend.
Enola stepped out of the stall soaked in sweat from throwing up. “Beth I’m so glad to see you.”
“Enola what’s wrong?” Beth asked concerned for her friend. “You don’t look very good and I can see that you have been throwing up all morning.”
“I just feel horrible I can’t keep anything in my stomach. Not even water.” Enola said as she held her hand over her mouth. “Excuse me.” She mumbled as she ran back into the stall to throw up again.
“Oh Nollie.” Beth said as she rubbed her friends back. “I will go and get Madam Pomfrey.”
“No don’t leave. We’ll go together I can last that long.” Enola said as she was getting back up off of her knees.
“Alright as long as you are sure you won’t be throwing up again before we reach the hospital wing.”
“I promise.” Enola said holding up her hand.
“Good. Now lets go.” Beth said as she quickly walked with Enola down the corridor.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Beth walked with Enola to the hospital wing. “Madam Pomfrey!” she yelled as they entered the wing.
Madam Pomfrey can running out of her office. “What is it?”
“It’s Enola Madam, she’s really sick. I just found her throwing up in the girls’ bathroom. And she did it twice in less than ten minutes before I could get her here.” Beth said as she led Enola over to one of the beds.
“Well we’ll just have to see what’s causing this.” Madam Pomfrey said as she started her medical examination of Enola. She pulled curtains up around her bed and began waving her wand. Once finished she looked at Enola and asked her one question. “Enola, dear when was the last time you had your menstrual cycle?”
Enola’s eyes opened wide. “Six weeks ago!” she said quietly.
“Well Enola I’ll have to do a better test but I believe my dear that you are pregnant.”
Enola started to cry.
Madam Pomfrey wrapped her arms around the girl. “Enola it isn’t the end of the world you know. May I ask who the expectant father is?”
“George Weasely Madam.” Enola cried out. “I need to speak with him.”
“Enola dear you are in no condition to be leaving my hospital wing at the moment. With you throwing up so much you are not getting enough nutrients for you or the baby. You will be staying here over night so I can get some potions into you. Is there anybody else you would like to have come visit you?”
“Yes I want to speak with my father.”
Madam Pomfrey looked at her weird. “But Enola Sirius died a few years back.”
“I know silly but Sirius was not my real father. Just let me have some parchment and I will send him an owl please.”
“Yes, would you like Beth to step in?”
Enola nodded rapidly. “Yes I need to speak with her. She’ll help me figure this all out.”
Madam Pomfrey nodded back and opened up the curtain to see Professor Snape standing there. “Severus I didn’t hear you come in. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Yes Poppy, I wish to speak with my daughter.” Severus told her. “Beth Lupin came and got me.”
Enola could see and hear that her father was not happy with her. “Father?”
Madam Pomfrey left the bedside and pulled the curtains around Enola’s bed so they could have some privacy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Severus placed a silencing charm around Enola and himself. “Now Enola care to tell me what’s going on with you. Miss Lupin came running down into my first year’s potions class and told me you were gravely ill.”
Enola’s face turned beat red and she looked down at the bed. “Father I am surely not gravely ill. I will just be ill for the next nine months.”
Severus looked at her funny. “Nine months. What illness only lasts nine months?”
Enola looked up at her fathers face with tears running down her cheeks. “Daddy I’m pregnant!” she said and wrapped her arms around Severus in a bone crushing hug. She started to sob into his chest.
Severus was flabbergasted. “Pregnant!” He was about to yell at the girl in his arms but looked down at her crying form and decided against it. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. “Enola we’ll figure this out. I’ll come up with a concealment potion that way you can hide your big belly when the time comes.” His voice got a little stern for the next part. “BUT I want to know who got my daughter pregnant in her last year of school. Is it a current student?”
Enola shook her head no.
“Then who’s the father Enola?” Severus asked kindly.
Enola looked up at her fathers face. “It’s a Weasely father.”
“Which one Enola? There are a few.” Severus said clenching his teeth. ‘If it was that Ronald I will kill him.’ He thought to himself.
“George father, he doesn’t even know yet. I just found out and Poppy still needs to do more tests to make sure.” Enola said still crying.
“Shh shh, there there my dear daughter it will be alright. No need to fret now, what’s done is done. You two will just be getting married a lot sooner than planed.”
Enola looked up at her father questionly.
“Enola in the wizarding world it is really frowned upon to have a child out of wedlock. So you and George will be married this weekend no ifs or buts about it.” Severus said very sternly.
Enola nodded her head. “Yes father.” She said as she laid her head back on his chest and continued to cry.
“Come now Enola no more crying this is actually something to be quite happy about. You becoming a mother.” He paused for a moment. “The timing may be off a little but it is still a happy thing none the less. Now I want you to send an owl to George here as soon as I get back with a few potions for you to take. Alright?”
“Yes father.”
“Enola you don’t have to say the word father like it’s a bad thing. If you want to call me something else you may.”
Giggling Enola said, “Alright Daddy!”
Severus had to chuckle. “God you remind me of Rina so much.” He smiled and kissed Enola’s forehead. “Now get some rest until I come back.”
“I will.” Enola said as she lay back down on the cot.
Severus got up and took the silencing charm off. “Now get some rest. Do you want me to send Beth in?”
“Yes that would be great I have a lot to discuss with her. For one asking her to be in my wedding.” Enola said happily.
Severus half smiled. “Alright Enola I’ll send for her to come and visit you. You must listen to what ever Poppy tells you do to.”
“I promise.”
“Good. I will be back shortly then we will write that owl to George.”
“There’s no need to write that Owl Professor Snape I’m already here. Poppy had owled me and summoned me here. What is wrong with Enola?” George Weasely said as he pulled back the curtains around Enola’s cot.
Severus looked at George. “Ahh George what pleasant timing I’m sure. Now I want you to follow me. I must get a few potions for Enola. We shall talk on the way.”
George looked at Enola. “Dear what’s wrong?”
Enola sighed and looked up and stared in George’s eyes. “George, I am Pregnant!”
George fainted right on the stop.
“Oh my Merlin’s beard.” Madam Pomfrey said coming out of her office. “Severus what did you do to the poor boy?”
“Nothing Poppy he fainted when he found out he was going to be a father.”
“Common very common.” Poppy said as she levitated George’s body over to the next bed. “Please go and get those potions Severus while I try and wake up poor George here.”
“Alright,” Severus said and then turned to his daughter. “Try and keep him awake if he does come to. I have important matters to discuss with him.”
“Yes daddy.” Enola said and then turned to look at George.
Severus swept out of the room in a wave of billowing black robes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Severus returned to the hospital wing with a case full of potions. “Poppy I’m back.”
Poppy came around the corner. “Good to see you Severus, George is up and about he’s currently up talking with the headmaster about a few things. He shall be back momentarily.”
Severus nodded and handed the case of potions to Poppy. “Here, may I speak with Enola?”
“Severus she is your only child you can speak with her whenever you feel like it. Take advantage of this time while you can.” Poppy said placing her hand on Severus’s shoulder. “She needs you now more than ever. Go.”
Severus nodded and smiled warmly at Poppy. “You know this does mean a Wedding this weekend.”
“Yes Severus I know, with our ways it has to be done.” Poppy looked over at Enola. “She is really scared now.”
Severus walked over to his daughter and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Enola my dear what is bothering you? I already told you things will be alright.”
“Yes I know Daddy but what about the dark lord. What if he finds out I’m pregnant and that I’m your daughter?” Enola asked worried.
“Enola he is not going to find out the only people that know the truth is Me, You, Albus, Poppy, George and Beth. Out of those six people only one of them does not live here at Hogwarts right now and that’s George. But all that will change I am taking you and George to the family Manor here in a few days.”
Enola tilted her head. “The family Manor? Where is that at Daddy?”
Severus smiled. “Actually it’s not far from here to tell you the truth. But its location is hidden by many many spells and wards. NO Wizard knows where it is said one. Albus.”
“Awesome I can’t wait to go and see it. Is there house elves?”
Severus nodded. “Yes dear there are house elves there. That is where we shall have our private wedding take place this weekend.” He kissed her forehead. “Now get some rest I shall go and talk to Albus now about the wedding. If George returns before I do I shall talk to him tomorrow. You two need to talk things out.”
“Thank you Daddy.” Enola smiled. “For everything.”
“Enola I am your Father I would bend over backwards and still some for you and my grandchild. Now get some rest.”
Enola nodded and smiled at her father as he walked away.

Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:25 am Reply with quote        
Part Three "The Manor"
Enola walked down to her father’s office the next morning. She knocked on the door and entered. “Professor?” she said as she looked around the corner for her father.
Severus came through the door leading to his personal laboratory. “Hello there Enola. Come in and shut the door please.”
Enola shut the door and as she was shutting it Severus put a silencing charm around the room that way no one could hear them speak.
“So Enola my dear what brings you down here so soon?”
“Well Daddy I wanted to talk to you about the wedding.”
“Ah yes yours and George’s wedding. I’ve already cleared it with Albus he is getting the necessary paper work in order that way you two may perform a unity wedding.” Severus stated as he poured Enola a cup of tea. “Everything will be perfectly legal of course. You will be allowed to finish your schooling here but will not be permitted to live here after you are married thus where the manor comes into play. You and George will be moving in soon after the wedding. You will be allowed 3 months here after the wedding then you must live at the manor. I’m sorry to have to tell you this but thus is the rules of our way. Plus seeing as you’ll start to show then that would be a good idea as well. I have already started to prepare your concealment balm for when you are in school. It will take 3 months for me to get it finished.”
Enola nodded as she slowly sipped on her tea. “Daddy you truly aren’t mad at me?”
“Enola, yes of course I’m a little mad about you getting pregnant. But it happens. Almost did with me and your mother. But she lost your older brother. Lucius was the blame for that. He attacked her while she when she was about 4 months along and she lost our little boy. I will not have that happen again with you. You will be safe at our family home. It is hidden as I’ve already told you. Now on another note. I must take you shopping later today. I need to get you a wedding gown.”
Enola almost choked on her tea. “I didn’t know that. A gown really. I don’t wear wedding robes?”
“No, you will be wearing a gown. In our family all the women have worn gowns. And after the wedding you will be referred to as either Lady Snape or Lady Weasely. It is your birth right to be lady Snape you will be head of the manor so it will be your call.”
“Thank you father. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
Severus chuckled. “Probably be living with Molly and Arthur to tell you the truth. They would help out as much as they could. I’m sure of that but George does make a good deal of money with his joke shop.”
“Yes indeed he does Daddy; he brought me my ring today.” Enola said as she held up her left hand showing off the sparkling diamond engagement ring.
“Good, have you two picked out wedding bands?”
“Yes it was a whole set that George had bought.”
“Good good, I see he does have a good head on his shoulders. So are you two going to be staying at the manor on a honeymoon after the wedding?”
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Just let me know that way I can have Tabitha get the stables and the green houses up to pare.”
“Aren’t they now?”
“Yes but the stables need to be repaired some. And the green houses need to be cleaned and have some new flowers planted.”
“Ah I see, can you please tell Tabitha to plant me some tiger lilies. I just love that flower.”
Severus smiled. “Of course Enola, I’ll send word to her here in a little bit.” He thought for a moment. “Why not you tell her yourself. Send word to George and have him meet us here at my office in one hour. I shall take you two to the manor today.”
“Really, that would be great.” Enola said as she sat her tea cup down. “I will go right now to send word.” She gave her father a hug before she exited his office and headed up to her common room to write the letter.
Severus chuckled. “I never knew what joy I could actually have by having a daughter. I am so glad she had been safe all these years.” He went and sent word to Tabitha that they were coming to visit.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Enola couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the manor that would become her home. "OH MY!" she gasped as she looked over the vast land that surrounded her new home. "Daddy?"
Severus chuckled and wrapped his arm around Enola's shoulder "Yes Enola. This will be your new home. However don't think that it is entirely yours either. It's still the Snape manor and i'm entitled to my rooms."
Enola had to laugh as she hugged her father. "daddy this is perfect. i just love it." She grabbed Georges hand and started pulling him up the walkway to the front doors. "George come on!"
Severus chuckled as he followed the happy couple up the walk way. "Enola sweetie slow down, you don't want to hurt yourself do you?"
Enola blushed and slowed her pace down as her and George walked up to the doors. Once they Enola smiled widely as she grabbed both handles and shoved the doors wide open. "Wow!" she said as she peered into her new home. The entrance hall was done in an ornate Gold and silver pattern in all the marble. There were two grand staircases sweeping up to the upper levels. She turned her head to the left and right to get a full look. As she was gaping in awe a house elf poped into the room surpriseing Enola. "Ahh."
"Many oppoligies Lady Snape." the house elf said as she bowed. "I am Tabitha. The head house elf."
"Tabby." Severus said smiling. "i see you've been busy since i sent you word last night."
"Yes indeed Master Snape we most certainly have been." Tabitha said smiling. "Now this must be you're and Lady Rina's daughter correct?" she got a nod and then looked at George. "And this must be the Weasley lad she is marriing. Pleasure to have you in our home." She said and bowed to George. "Now Master Snape when is this wedding?"
"This weekend." Enola answered before her father could have a chance. "I hope that gives you enough time to get things ready?"
Tabitha smiled and took ahold of Enola's hand. "My dear that is more than enough time. Are you going to be wearing your mother's gown or buying a new one?"
Enola looked at her father. "My mother's gown? Daddy?"
Severus smiled warmly. "Enola my dear me and your mother were about to get married when she did what she did. Of course she had a gown picked out. If you wish to use it you may. If not then we're heading shoping in London today."
George smiled. "But i can't see the gown Enola love. Bad luck and all that stuff." He said as he wrapped his arms around Enola's shoulders. "So how about we explore this Vast Mansion that will be our home first while you decide what you want to do."
Enola smiled and placed her hands over George's. "That is a good idea." She turned and looked at Severus to find him talking quietly with Tabitha. "Daddy can we go explore?"
Severus looked up. "yes of course just stay out of the dungeon. they are not safe and my potions lab is down there."
Enola and George nodded and took off running hand in hand to search the house.

Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:25 am Reply with quote        
Part Four "Shopping Trip"


Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:27 am Reply with quote        
Part Five "The Wedding"

Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:28 am Reply with quote        
Part Six "School?"


Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:28 am Reply with quote        
Part Seven "Pregnancy"


Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:29 am Reply with quote        
Part Eight "Bouncing Baby"


Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:29 am Reply with quote        
Part Nine "Severus's Life"


Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:29 am Reply with quote        
Part Ten "Together Forever"


Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:30 am Reply with quote        
Okays that's all the parts

I am open for comments!

Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:55 pm Reply with quote        
This looks like a good story >.>
Unfortunately I don't like Harry Potter D:


http://icrayola.mondozoo.com <--Zoo

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:14 pm Reply with quote        
I'm sorry to hear you don't like harry potter. i love it. ^^ lol hence the fanfic.

Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home
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