Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:31 pm
| Well I make sure I never play it with the 3D on without my glasses, but even so...
Kinda wonder really, because the 3DS is only a year old, technically there is no solid evidence on the effects the 3D may have on someones vision in the long term o3o Though they do say to not let young kids play it 'cos their eyes are still growing...
... Hmmh, my eyes are ****ed anyway, can't even get laser eye surgery.
Slightly happier note:
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| _________________
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:17 pm
| Srsly?
I'm in the same boat, laser surgery will not work.
There's all kinds of stuff wrong with them that is not reversible. I could list them off but i dun want to look up spellings and stuff.
anyhow if there is nothing serious listed then it shouldn't be fine to get one, I might look into getting oner
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:01 am
| it's probably just a good idea not to play for too long at a time - ALL consoles actually come with that warning, as playing for hours on end is bad for the eyes, but nobody really pays attention to that rule x.x
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| _________________
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:13 pm
| I do, or try to,
My eyes start to sting if i don't.
But I really want to be sure it won't strain my eyes short term.
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:43 pm
| Well only 3DS games actually have the 3D capabilities. ^^;; So regular DS games do not have the option to play them in 3D, just thought I might clear that up for you because it seems to me that you were thinking that you'd be able to play your DS games in 3D and that's not the case.
And also I don't really play with the 3D on at all either unless I'm taking pictures of my puppies. xD Cuuuute, picture btw Kupsy~! <333 x3
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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:54 am
| I've decided I need to complain about Nintendo for a moment.. Specifically, Ocarina of Time.
Don't get me wrong, love the game.... Completed it many times.
But where do they get off selling it on the 3DS at £30 when it's a re-release? Not only that but it's been re-released several times! AND I can buy the same game for £7 in the Wii Shop... Sure, it's not 3D but it's a hell of a bigger screen.
Nintendo, you have performed a logic fail. >_>
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| _________________
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:31 am
| lol, you say it as if it's the first time they've done this.
hasnt anyone noticed that rather than develop ANYTHING new nintendo just recycles the same games over and over?
Mario... MORE Mario....
Zelda... MORE zelda...
Nintendogs... hmm lets see... ooh a slightly different version! oh and now you can have cats too!
Consoles too.
Nintendo DS.
Nintendo DS Lite.
Nintendo DSi.
Nintendo 3DS.
this is why, tho i have a DS Lite, i actually freaking hate nintendo. They are the laziest of companies, srsly. >.>
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| _________________
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:42 am
| I know it's happened loads before, I just get so sick of it, this one in particular..
I think it's because I have a really annoying Zelda obsessed fan and he's constantly bugging me to buy it and I'm just like, "Why the f*** would I even do that??"
And then he'll probably go in a mardy... Boys..
I used to love Nintendo but lately they are annoying me a bit... I think because they're focusing more on gimmics such as the motion play, the 3d, and the Wii U that's coming out just looks ridiculous...
I mean I don't think they shouldn't do it but they should still have the option to be able to play normally instead of thrashing around like someone put a wasps nest in my brain.
Plus, I just don't like Mario. He's.. irritating. And if Peach gets kidnapped one more time I will find her myself, punch Bowser in the face, and then murder her. The Zelda games are at least more entertaining because they do change it around a little bit...
Though Links Crossbow training needs to go to hell.
So I have a PS3 now as well, which gets much <3
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| _________________
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:07 am
| hahaha. yea, i love sensible fans. unquestioning fans piss me off, though XD its like. i love Final Fantasy. i don't get how people can't like it at least a little XD but FF X-2? WTF WAS THAT! as well certain other things they made *cough*spiritswithin*cough*
but yea. nintendo... need to stop treating their consumers like idiots and actually start making some new games and an actual new console at some point. it just annoys me that they'll add something useless (like a camera to the DS. wtf? most people have digital cameras or a good quality cameraphon these days anyway! why the hell would you want that??) rather than developing something new and worthwhile.
also, PS3 is totally where it's at, bro 8D 
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| _________________
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:22 am
| FFX-2 was... the worst thing I have ever seen. Like, EVER. It took the job system from 3 which I always loved, and made it into a pathetic excuse to dress up a group of bimbos. Not to mention I never could stand Rikku.
And I like FF games normally...
Nintendo, it almost seems like they feel the need to be ahead of their competitors instead of technology all the time... If that were the case though they would've made better graphics by now o\ *zing*
*snuggles PS3*
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| _________________
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:30 pm
| Guess who just got a 3DS
Originally I was not going to get the 3DS(just a normal DS), but I'm so glad I was convinced otherwise. The 3D graphics are surprisingly good, though I've only played one of the 3D games. Oh, and the AR games are sooo addicting. xD I love to make my mii fly around my desk. Endless entertainment right there.
I need more friends though ;3; to send swapnotes to! And play games with.
Friend code: 2879 - 0253 - 4653
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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:55 pm
Friend code: 4425 - 1856 - 4743
What game(s) did you get Cat? o 3o
I still can't wait for my psVita though~!!!! 
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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:50 pm
| YEAH I have more than one friend now.
I got Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart 7, Mario 3D land and Pokemon Rumble. Oh aaand kirby's adventure.
I haven't seen the psVita yet. Need to go check it out... not like I could afford it anyway. >3>
What games are you going to get for it? .gif)
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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:01 pm
| I'd be your friend if I had a 3DS Cat! ;-;
Buuut alas. I does not. 
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| _________________ I am Lady Sprinkles.
Uni has swallowed me whole, in more ways than one, sorry guys. Feel free to PM any questions (or nonquestions {or anything else, no limits here}) you have, although I don't know when I'll get to them since I'm barely on atm. |
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:38 pm
| Oh nice nice!! I have Mario Kart 7, Pokemon Rumble, Super Mario 3D land (sharing the game with my gf actually) and Kirby's Adventure too! I love Kirby games probably about as much as Kupsy or maybe she loves them more than me but I think you get the idea! xDDD
Hmmm, for the Vita, I'm looking forward to Gravity Daze or Rush, I forget what they're calling it here in the states. =\ And I'm starting to think I might also get Marvel vs Capcom 3 on it as well because I would love to play as Kuro and Toro! xDDDD I wasn't originally going to get that one because my gf was going to get it but I think I might have changed my mind some. xD I'm also really hoping to see Monster Hunter portable 3rd to come to the states as well because I really would LOVE to play it! 
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