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alix the dorkk

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:58 am Reply with quote        
Accually it seems that when i talk about it i get worked up even more.. i like for it to be a secret part of my life that i have to overcome by myself. I don't even tell my parents how scared it makes me because it makes me want to breakdown that im depending on someone else.

Idk.. But thats for being there for me!!

*hugs back*

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:02 am Reply with quote        
ahh ok Smile i just thought i'd offer, so the options there you know? i know a lot of people prefer not to talk about it though. Smile


alix the dorkk

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:08 am Reply with quote        
Well if my sister played this game, she would talk you to tears about it. She cant sit there and talk to someone about problems in her life for HOURS. She is the person who feels comfortable to open up to people.

But yea, having other options is very good. Gives you a little bit more support so if one coping idea doesn't work, another might help a little more.

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:26 am Reply with quote        
yea definitely, the more options are available in any circumstance, the better Smile

me and your sister have that in common then, heh ^^ im very open about most everything in my life, good or bad. but thats just me :P but i think because im so open, people feel comfortable talking to me about things they might not tell just anyone XD i dont know, but people certainly do come to me with their problems alot. but its ok, i like being there for my friends Smile


alix the dorkk

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:30 am Reply with quote        
Hahah, yea.. hearing about other peoples problems would probably upset me. It hurts me to hear what other people are going through in the world. It makes me feel shitty that i cant do anything about it as well.

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:31 am Reply with quote        
yea i can feel like that sometimes too. but then you should also feel good for being there for them, cos that in itself is something. Smile but i know what you mean though, just wishing you could do more, but never being able to.


alix the dorkk

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:33 am Reply with quote        
Yea, I've done a lot in my life to help out people in need, but it still feels like i could be doing more.. But there's really nothing major i could do. I just wish i could be in gods place and magically woosh away everyones pain. That would make me feel REALLY good.

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:06 am Reply with quote        
yea it would be amazing to have power like that!

the trouble is though that sorrow and pain etc exist so that we can appreciate and really understand what it is to be happy, peaceful and so on. thats one theory anyway XD


alix the dorkk

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:12 am Reply with quote        
Yea.. True.. But pain sucks..

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 PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:12 pm Reply with quote        
Just thought I would pop in and say hi, so...hi Laugh

How yall doing? Smile

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 PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:46 am Reply with quote        
Happy hey...guys..... I'm bored...
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