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 PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:23 am Reply with quote        
I hate confrontations, but luckily all the thefts I stopped where peaceful interactions. I only really pursue it if the art has personal meaning to me, like an artist on deviant art who I have admired and respected for ages had a piece of hers fall into the evil clutches of photobucket. I've been doing my best to keep it off places it doesn't belong cause she really doesn't like people using her art.

But I see alot of tracers , I've never been able to trace well. Some people claim it helps them learn but I've never been able to pull much from it.

Sorry for the little rant there ^^;;


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 PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:07 am Reply with quote        
I know how much you might be attached to your art on the web, but once you share your art with the world its out there..for anyone to steal. Sort of asking for it really. You could feel flattered they chose yours over the millions of others.

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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:38 am Reply with quote        
Was so not thinking the title was leading to this...

Art theft is awful, I have had people take my photographs,
as well as art pieces I have done and claimed them.
I myself put my name in the photographs, so... stupid move for them.
Although it still drives me absolutely crazy.

I do not know why anyone would so blatantly use the poses,
as well as the exact expressions, positioning and object obstructions.
That is just waiting for someone to say something.
Not only is the art being thefted, but it is the internet.
So even if not in the first time it is there,
within hours someone is bound to notice the images resemblence.
Ugh, I really dislike art theifs.
People stole my pixelled doll, and I worked hard on her dress.
Created it from a real dress but it looked really good.
Ah well, I will never understand the reasoning for this.

Sorry for ranting and getting a little off topic I think. Duh


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 PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:59 pm Reply with quote        
tracers are the scurge of the artistic comunity. I have no artistic skill so I dont try.

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 PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:02 am Reply with quote        
I cannot remember where but on Gaia someone had a source from a website that you input the image you believe is traced and it will search the internet for images with the same lineart or similarities and then you can judge. I cannot be of help with the exact name but there is a site which seeks out false images.
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