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 PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:33 am Reply with quote        
Well, anyways, long story short. Cute girl from college actually is coming to my birthday party on Saturday, and I don't know if I can ask her out without getting drunk, but I can't do that because a) I've never been drunk before and b) I have to take people home, because my friends are bums who don't have cars or full licenses.
And Maeve keeps banging a rubber percussion instrument that doesn't make pleasant sounds, Catghost keeps hiding the sticks of butter and bananas, and killerkitty is intent on giving everyone here a lapdance.

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:35 am Reply with quote        
Hi everybody! Good to see the thread is alive again Wink

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:17 pm Reply with quote        
Oh hai!
I don't know who you are, but hai!

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:19 pm Reply with quote        
Oh hai! Hai I remember you, jojo!~ Do you remember me? Duh Anyway, how ya been? Or anyone else who feels like answering, how are you? xD;

I'm tired...and trying to figure out where/how I can scrounge enough money for painting supplies before payday...but life is good.~


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 PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:07 pm Reply with quote        
I'm doing good, but somehow this Text-Enhance thing keep pointing out random words to me. It's always spam.
As for the cute college girl who came to my birthday party, I did ask her out, and she said yes. We had a few dates, but things have really slowed down because she went away for a few weeks.

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:42 pm Reply with quote        
@Sly I remember you. Bouncy Heart I've been up and down and all around. My nana had a heart attack a few months ago and just recently they found another clogged artery, but at least it was before she had another heart attack.
@neomattlac was she a nice girl? You gonna ask her out again maybe?

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:24 pm Reply with quote        
Yay! You remember me!~ Bouncy Heart I'm sorry to hear about your nana, though. Sad My grandma and I are very close and that would be hard for me if she had any major health concerns. I am glad they were able to help her before anything else happened though. Even though I'm just a stranger on the internet, I truly hope everything works out for her...and you.

Anyway, what's everyone been up to lately? I've been busy and not really online a lot. Did you miss me? Hai


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 PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:14 am Reply with quote        
I want to. She's a wonderful girl. It seems odd, but the part that makes me nervous with her is that she's normal. My first girlfriend had something wrong with her(though I couldn't put my finger on it), and my second one was waaay too innocent, and had a few health issues.
This one is as normal as they come. Parents are well to do, both programmers. She grew up in one area, went to a few different private schools, plays clarinet, speaks quietly, and is the cutest girl ever.
I plan to go out soon, but the longer we go out, the more nervous I get. This is because I can't read signals, or rather I'm not good at it. I can't tell if she wants me to make a move, which move, whether or not she cares for me, or whether she thinks I'm brushing her off.
@Sly - I always miss your bodacious bod. What do you paint(and what with)?

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 PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:58 pm Reply with quote        
@Sly thank you. Lately it seems strangers on the internet are better listeners than "family". It's hard to think of her as being gone someday. hopefully not anyday soon. I just lost two cats. They died a week apart, and that's been hard on me too. Seems like no matter what bad things happen.
@neomattlac it's nice to hear you are nervous, means there's relly something there. But I can understand when you're not used to normal. When someone normal comes along it makes one a little uneasy. She sounds nice though. I hope it goes well.

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 PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:27 am Reply with quote        
I just need to mind a place quiet and alone to meditate. I used to have a few places, but nowadays it's a bit harder to find one.
And I never thought of the nervousness that way. It makes me feel a bit more relieved.

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 PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:44 am Reply with quote        
Aw, I'm sorry jojo. Sad I think, usually, when bad things happen it just makes everything seem worse and like only bad things keep happening, whether it's actually that way or not...if that makes any sense at all. It may not, as I'm pretty sleep-deprived right now. Duh Either way, it's going to sound corny, but I'd advise you to just count your blessings and keep looking up; things have to get better eventually because nothing's permanent in the grand scheme of things. Here's me hoping stuff gets better for you sooner rather than later, though.~

@neo: Glad to know at least some part of me was missed by somebody. xD; Well, in answer to your question: I paint a lot of stuff, but right now it's for a class so I'm painting a still life with acrylics. Blah still life. Neutral Anyway, I hope all goes well with your girlfriend. From what you've said she sounds nice...and you deserve a nice relationship with a nice girl. Sweat


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 PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:42 pm Reply with quote        
Considering my future, having a girlfriend is actually probably a bad thing. I'm sure you've heard my rants on my aspirations.
As for deserving, I don't think so. I'm a good guy, but always for the wrong reasons. I'm nice, so that I can get what I want when I ask for it. I don't know.
But y'all made me think about some messed up stuff last night, and I realized... stuff.
I eat, because taste is one of my only positive senses. I am sad, because I'm lonely. I asked my gf out because I wanted her company. I don't want to lose her because I would be lonely again. But I'm lonely because I don't connect to people. I don't connect to people because I'm afraid of hurting them, and of them hurting me. That's from some kind of buried experience, and it's tied back to my sadness/depression/loneliness.

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 PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:45 pm Reply with quote        
I understand being afraid of hurting others and being hurt. I have trouble trusting people in general because I have been hurt. Like I had said earlier about people on the internet listening better than so called family. I have been hurt alot by "family" in the last three or so years. It's been enough to make me wanna walk away and say if you are not in my life than so be it because I can't take the B.S anymore. It's hard when you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop as they say.

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 PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:20 pm Reply with quote        
Neo, I think everyone deserves a relationship, no matter who they are. Also, everyone gets lonely, and a major componet of most relationships is the drive for companionship. And a lot of people are afraid of being hurt, or of hurting someone else but that's a fear that gets eaisier to overcome as a relationship progresses, I think. Of course, everyone's different and I'm not trying to shrug off your reasoning or feelings, just trying to let you know that you're not alone in your feelings and I don't think you should let your inhibitions stop you from persuing a meaningful relationship at some point, should you ever want to. Of course with my own history of failed and just generally sucky personal relationships, I'm likely the last person who can give advice in this regard, but I'm just trying to give my input...for what little it's worth. Duh

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 PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:10 am Reply with quote        
Thank you Sly and jojomade, but I don't know what makes me deserving of a relationship, considering I don't care as much for people as they think I might. If you've heard the experiment with the button that shocks a person in the other room, then I'd be one of the first guys who'd push the button. I'm not a good guy. I've always wanted to get into a fight, I've had dreams where I killed my own family and felt no remorse, etc. Despite all that, I also have times where I regret even small things to the point where I feel like I could cry. I also can't cry.
I know. That started about the time my Pop Pop(grandfather) died, when I was around 5 or 6 years old. I didn't connect with people much after that either. Maybe that's when it all started. Maybe I blocked myself off because of him. Which is odd, because I didn't particularly like him, but I do know I loved him as a grandfather. Life is too short for me to be regretting, but I still do it. Frank Sinatra's "My Way" describes how I kind of want my life to be.

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