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 PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:04 pm Reply with quote        
fickle wrote:
why are you done after that? burpees are suppose to get your heart rate up, it's a cardio exercise. you're not tired even though it feels that way. you have a lot of energy to burn. and also, if you do exercise, you wouldn't have any trouble staying up because you'd be more energetic. it sounds funny, but you need to burn energy in order for your body to produce more, otherwise it will put it out as waste or store it in fat.

it's ok if you can only do 2 burpees though, but i think you can do more. are you pushing yourself to your full potential? my advice would be to do as many as you can, even if it's 2, 6 nights a week. if you keep it up, you'll be able to do more and more. you see, what happens is your body adapts to it, it gets used to it, it starts to expect it which is what you want. pretty much, it prepares you for the next time you do burpees, your muscles adapt to being able to do burpees. all it takes is routine and time for your body to adapt. just give your body the chance to get used to it and adapt. be patient with your body, you'll be rewarded. it's an easy challenge. my favorite fitness instructor says "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" working out is not hard, it's challenging and easy.

why not push-ups? it's easier on the knees. just keep your back straight. it's also cardio, it'll raise your heart rate and breathing, you're not dying, you're not tired, not even if you feel a burn in the arms, that's just lactic acid. stop when you lose form.

anyways, it may be easier to go out for a run. i think you clearly need a little cardio since all you do is sleep and when you're not sleeping, you're tired.

i don't have any advice for fixing sleep patterns ):

why do you get negative?

Don't worry about sleep, I've got that. It's just a time issue.
I get negative because I'm too hard on myself.

Burpees and fitness:
I don't think you quite understand. I am really out of shape and weak. I have a hard time doing push-ups because my stomach is in the way. I can barely do crunches well. that's why burpees are hard. It doesn't help that my ankles are weak and I have a really, really hard time getting the motivation to work out. I mean, I just have so far to go.
Running is horrible, to me. Shin splints, asthma, out-of-shape, etc. All of it gets me and says "Stop!"
I do a lot better with strength training, because it's more centralized work; just the legs, back, arms, etc.

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 PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:52 pm Reply with quote        
Oh haha, I definitely don't eat healthy all the time either. I eat snacks often, and sometimes when I'm too lazy/tired/busy to cook, I just eat junk food instead of dinner. xD Luckily I enjoy cooking, so those times are rare.

Thank you for all the tips and the videos! I think you're right that the hardest part is getting started. That's true about a lot of things in life. And haha, I have never done burpees, but I kind of want to try now. The person in that gif makes it look so easy, but you guys all make it sound awful. xD

gataki_xx wrote:
And I'm back!
Exam prep takes away all my free time T_T

Anyway, burpees do look like they live up to their name. Cute and innocent, but terrifying.
I check the calendar on wii fit whenever I remember to play it... about once a week. Mostly, I tend to stick to the Just Dance games cause their a fun workout and I can't dance to save my life x.x Get to accomplish two things at once with those games.
And great job with the first page Fickle! Looks awesome ^.^

Hi, Peril -wave- I have a question about the Vegan lifestyle. Hope you don't mind ^^;
How did you get into it and manage to stick with it? Is it easy to find a variety of protein substitutes? (I eat vegetarian 6 days of the week cause of concerns about the last question ^^; )

Oi, sorry I missed this!

Yes, there can be a surprising amount of variety in a plant-based diet. In our culture, meat is generally the main course of a meal, but many other foods, such as pasta and potatoes, are very filling and make a good main course when combined with nutritious vegetables! A lot of people have concerns about protein, but getting protein on a plant-based diet is actually very simple! Beans have become a staple food for me. They are high in protein and make an excellent substitute for meat in chili and Mexican dishes. Soy and almond milk are also high in protein, and they have no cholesterol and significantly less fat than dairy milk. Nuts are an excellent source of protein; I eat peanut butter with almost every breakfast. If you like to cook, learning how to prepare tofu, seitan, and/or tempeh might be worth your while, as they are plant-based foods that can substitute for a variety of meats. But in general, most grains and vegetables do contain a good amount of protein, so it's pretty likely that your current vegetarian diet already has enough protein in it without any changes!

Cutting things out of your diet can be hard at first, but ultimately it just takes some getting used to. It's often easier if you do it gradually. The whole process requires a lot of learning, so it's best not to bombard yourself with it all at once. Otherwise your first vegan grocery shopping trip will be a nightmare of reading labels and looking up weird ingredient names on your phone. :P Just take it at whatever pace you're comfortable.

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Peril is also Zillah.

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 PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:24 pm Reply with quote        
neomattlac wrote:
Don't worry about sleep, I've got that. It's just a time issue.
I get negative because I'm too hard on myself.

Burpees and fitness:
I don't think you quite understand. I am really out of shape and weak. I have a hard time doing push-ups because my stomach is in the way. I can barely do crunches well. that's why burpees are hard. It doesn't help that my ankles are weak and I have a really, really hard time getting the motivation to work out. I mean, I just have so far to go.
Running is horrible, to me. Shin splints, asthma, out-of-shape, etc. All of it gets me and says "Stop!"
I do a lot better with strength training, because it's more centralized work; just the legs, back, arms, etc.

i knew that you were overweight, and i know it's hard, and i know you have struggles that you have to overcome. youre right, i dont understand what it's like to be in the situation youre in, i was in the opposite situation myself. it's not going to be something that you quickly accomplish, it will take time, months, and the sooner you can get your head around this, the better. to me, thats more motivation to get you to start now. i know what it's like to be put off by the physical stresses, breathing hard, feeling tired, the burning feeling in the muscles, is what happens to your flesh during a work out, it's normal. if theres pain in your muscles, bones, and joints, stop. find a comfortable position. you must distinguish between good and bad pain. you dont push yourself to the point you have an asthma attack or shin splints, thats bad pain, but do push yourself to 110%. theres low impact cardio. when you squat for burpees, you can push one leg back at a time, and bring them forward one at a time too, then just stand up arms raised in the air instead of jump.

gosh, idk how i'm sounding to you. my intention isnt to get you to do something that is super hard for you. we started talking in the advice thread, this is my advice. i don't know how much trouble your movement restrictions are, i am trying to understand though, just know that. you said that you could do 2 burpees, and after that youre done. and you said that you can do pushups and crunches, and that youve difficulties with your stomach being in the way. if you can do burpees, pushups, and crunches, then stop convincing yourself that you cant do any at all because of your stomach. this is the reality youre living in. is the cause for you not wanting to do these exercises your stomach, or your mind? since you can do these things with limited movements, i know it's your mind. no excuses! don't compare yourself with other people, you can do them to your fullest potential.

working out once a week is like forgetting a doctors appointment and taking the medication all at once right before your next visit. bodies dont work that way, it takes time for things, habits, and changes to stick, which is why it's important to stick to a consistent routine. you can do what youd like, my opinion is that i think youd greatly benefit from cardio especially if you want to have more energy to spend during the day, see results quicker, and be fit so that you can do pushups no problem.

anyways, why are you hard on yourself? and hows your strength training workouts? Happy

saygen, oh yes, a competition with our own self, i like that idea Happy perhaps there can be a reward system too, to whoever participates. i can only do art, i dont have any silver or items to give away. i'd have to find the time to draw too. idkidk.

fitnessblender looks like they have nice HIITs. and it's cool that they dont play music in the background, that way i could play my own. lol, i gotta say, as much as i like cassey ho, her selection of music doesnt suit me. except that one time she played lana lol.

peril, tell me about it! im trying to make a habit of good life skills. like making a to do list when i wake up. theres lot's of room for improvement still on that. :P
burpees lol. sometimes i see stars. *o* theyre really good though, gets the sweat pouring.

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 PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:43 pm Reply with quote        
Okay sooo...I'm not really a fitness buff or anything, but I have been trying to get more active recently- for the past three days I've played at least 20-30 minutes or so of wii table tennis (which is way more than i usually do- my main exercise is the minimal amount of housework I do when I actually do it, and walking to the mailbox basically). It's amazing how a computer generated opponent for a sport game can really bring out your competitive side. I spent at least half an hour today trying to replay this one mii in the table tennis because I JUST CAN'T BEAT THEM YET.

But I do have a question. After day one, I tired myself out. Day two, my arm that I was using mostly for the games hurt, but I continued to play a bunch too. Today, same thing: my arm hurts like heck, but I really can't get my left arm to feel comfortable playing yet, so I automatically end up returning to my right arm to play even though it's not helping.

Should I try a game that I'm better at with my left hand or just some other exercise while my right arm heals? Or is it okay that I'm still using it while it's strained as long as I'm taking pain killers and anti-inflammatory stuff to keep it from hurting/getting worse?

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 PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:19 am Reply with quote        
yes, it's recommended to work something else to give it time to heal. if it's overworked, it'll get worse and instead of feeling stronger, you'll feel weaker. i remember the first time i overworked my quads doing drops. when i went to sit down, i fell into chairs instead of sitting. i couldnt hold my weight lol, and it wasnt just soreness, there was a stinging feeling in my quads. soreness is good but i felt a stinging feeling when i was trying to hold my weight up on the way down into a chair, and that stinging is bad. i can't explain it well. anyways yeah, rest that arm and do other things until it heals.

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 PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:45 pm Reply with quote        
Probably should have read this today first, buuut oops. Well, I did end up feeling better today in regards to my arm anyway. And i tried to do a little extra with the other one...Plus, of my 30min of Wii Resort sports, I actually spent half the time on swordplay instead of table tennis because I was getting too frustrated. I JUST CAN'T BEAT THIS PERSON. *adrenaline rush much*

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 PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:22 am Reply with quote        
lol, maybe one day *shakes fist* you'll pwn that mii. then afterwards you can run with a knife, every body knows you run faster with a knife. xD

i wanna play with a wii. /has never played with a wii

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 PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:01 pm Reply with quote        
You should come play with my Wii.
I actually meant to say that my stomach gets in the way of push-ups, not crunches. I can actually do six to ten push-ups, if I let myself drop from about halfway going down. My sit-ups count is usually around twenty, but lately it's dropped because I've been a bum.
Sorry if I sounded like I was angry or whatever. I was having a really bad day mentally, and it's still following me, though I'm getting better. What had happened was that I had realized that I had surpassed my starting weight and I had told myself a while ago that I wouldn't ever do that. I had (and still do, partially) felt so defeated because of it, that I just let everything go to shit.
I can do cardio, but I much prefer strength training. If I had a punching bag (or rather a place to put it), I know I'd be better off, but that's what I said about a barbell and a jump-rope before that, and dumbbells before that.

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 PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:22 am Reply with quote        
So I finally beat that dang Mii today during my first 15 minute sprint of table tennis. then I beat the one that came after that fairly easily (only like 3-4 tries). But now I'm on a new one who's been whooping my butt for twenty minutes minimum and mostly causes me to give her points without meaning to. THOUGH, we did get a funny volley going before it timed for her point with an out of bounds volley. o.o;;

Fickle, I'd tell you to come play with my wii, but...The room we use barely works for me and my dad to play together. IT WORKS, just not well. Clutter and stuff. Oops. Probably should be reading warning labels more.

Oh well, even with little room, I managed to both whoop his butt at table tennis and bowling, but as well got my butt kicked in swordplay. That guy is strangely vicious at that for a newbie...

I know for me, jumping off of what neo's saying, I'd probably be similar. I'm not a big cardio person personally, but that's just because I'm out of shape and quick to sweat like a pig. Family trait the sweating is- that and my high weight level. According to a height weight chart I used to do some character development, I weigh twice what I should. So apparently I need to lose like a hundred pounds at some point. To get to a hundred pounds, which is the ideal height for someone as short as me.

But I do like strength training actually, and mild cardio. I used to do a lot of step classes and stuff, and I don't dislike using the bikes for a mild workout. But I much preferred my martial arts, and will probably still be using it to keep warm if we lose heat again during the storm coming tonight. Happy

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 PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:31 am Reply with quote        
neo, oh it's cool, i didnt think you were angry. i don't know if i sounded pushy. i was trying real hard to stress the importance of cardio without sounding pushy. approach it as your heart desires! Happy i took a chill approach to it myself. like i didnt go for an hour run twice a week or something, that was too much for me. i fit in like an 8 minute HIIT cardio routine once a week. it was real short, i start off real small with things cos i dont want to dread the experience.
hey! it's ok. it's something that doesnt have to affect the rest of your life. youve gained weight, where do you go from here?
sometimes it happens when people change diets, they expect to lose weight and they gain it instead, stick with it though. or it happens when people starve themselves, their body thinks theres a famine and stores energy in fat cells for emergency. never ever keep yourself hungry! though it is important to note when youre just thirsty, drink some water and wait about 10 minutes, see if you were really hungry. it's wintertime now, we're not out and about as much, and with all the holiday foods theres a good chance to gain weight. but don't fret, whatever the reason is there is a remedy. make note of what happened so that you may better handle the situation. you have information at your fingertips! theres a lot of information on the internet, i know it can be really overwhelming and very contradictory cos people say different things, it's helpful nonetheless. recently, ive been watching freelee the banana girl, shes a fruitarian who eats mono meals for every meal. thats one kind of fruit for a meal, like 7 dragon fruit or one whole box of oranges etc. while i am highly skeptical about how healthy her diet is, a lot of what she says is helpful.

music can help you get the urge to want to move for 5 minutes. strength training, weight lifting, resistance, things like that is wonderful for your shape/figure, but you wont be able to see your figure if it's hiding under a layer of fat covering it and the only way to get rid of fat is cardio. but anyways, id like to say again that you can approach it to your hearts desire, as much or as little as you want, or after youve made a habit of strength training 2x a week c: ive seen people who had mattresses leaned against a house or wrapped against a tree with duck tape lol! for a makeshift punching bag. id imagine that would be much harder cos it's against something hard, but it does the trick. punching air also does the trick. but youre ok! dont beat yourself up, it might be muscle weight that you gained. thats good!

june, awesome! and thats weird, how did she get a point with an out of bound?

i used to press buttons like crazy when i went against my brothers at fighting games. did all kinds of special moves, they asked me how i did it and i had no idea how. i really sucked.

aha, sweating is good Happy how tall are you? according to a few sites, i should be 108-121 pounds. i wonder about the credibility of these things sometimes.

martial arts, i really want to do some form of martial arts. my boyfriend talks about learning jujitsu, i should put that on my goals list. what do you do? i think i most prefer pilates. my boyfriend has a book about pilates, i read some of it and i thought it was interesting how much control you have to have of each move. then i searched for it on youtube and saw this move, it looked so pretty, i wanted to do it too.

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 PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:15 pm Reply with quote        
No, she got a point because I hit it out of bounds, but we kept the volley going anyway because the game took a while to note her point down xD

And that's how I won most fighting games too. I'm the type who rarely reads instruction manuals. I just press random buttons until I figure things out. I really zoom through tutorials in games too. ^^;

Sweating is good normally, but not if you're doing nothing. Unfortunately, my family has a tendency to sweat out of nowhere too. But...I'm 5'0". According to the site I used for character development, I should be between 90-110. Not sure how true that is. But if that's the case, I need to lose at least eighty pounds either way xD

In terms of martial arts...I studied mostly Karate and a bit of Tae-Kwon-Do. I personally found Karate more interesting and fun, and I'd taken it for a couple years- not that I got very far on the belt thing, but I did get one level higher than a white belt (at my dojo, we had to get two colored 'tabs' before we went up a solid color though). I hear about jujitsu many times but haven't actually taken it. But I used to love pilates! Pilates and yoga are both very calming and yet a great workout. Though...I actually don't know if it's a good thing for me to be doing them- but my doctor said I can even though I have hyper-extensive joints, so I should really go to the free yoga classes at the hospital sometimes if I can get there~

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 PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:01 am Reply with quote        
I weighed myself and got screwed up mentally. I started strength training more and (as I should have expected) I gained weight. The issue was that I was already tied with my max weight ever and now am at my heaviest weight ever, only 2-3 pounds from where I said I'd never be. It just feels so hopeless, ya know? I've got areas that I do well at, but it's hard to even focus on those. Worse though, my mind is now in this downward spiral because of that way in. It's like the day I had by butt handed to me by a friend.

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 PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:56 am Reply with quote        
oh i see lol! thats funny.
i get really into tutorials.. i suck at games lol.

hmm, theres gotta be a cause to sweating a lot.
are you interested in losing weight? Happy

aw, why'd you stop?
the yoga instructor might suggest modifications so it's easier on the joints. i'd watch out for any pain, going slower is a good idea if it's not comfortable. ive seen one pilates instructor on youtube who can bend her elbows more than normal, probably not as far as yours but it didnt bother her.

neo, im glad to hear your strength training more! thats awesome.
wow, 2 pounds? that could be anything. fat, muscle, urine, last nights dinner.

it feels hopeless, but it's not that way at all. see, you still have your body and it doesnt have to stay the way it is forever. i say again, youve gained weight, how are you going to move forward from here?

if you feel like a real loser it's probably because youre being a real loser. if theres a problem in your life, realize it, know what it is instead of trying to think about other things and come up with a solution. it doesnt have to bog you down. you cant come up with a solution if youre sad because of it or if youre trying to not think about it cos it makes you sad. think about it, come up with a solution, be happy youre coming up with a solution. whats your next step?

think about what you want to do instead of what you dont want. so "i want to lose weight" instead of "i dont want to gain weight" and in realizing what you want, you can think about the things you must do to get what you want.

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[color=orange][size=18][u][b]im draw freebs

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 PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:10 pm Reply with quote        
So I joined a gym and I've been going 4X's a week for the last two weeks. I'm hoping I can keep up this pace, but we'll see.

I'm one of those people who can put on muscle like putting on clothing - legs, arms, core, and I love it. Feeling pretty pumped right now because of my success so far. Gotta fit into a bikini in two weeks...which won't happen, but mentally I'll feel great about myself. Fuck yeah! Weeeee

Ever try losing weight before vacation? How'd it go?


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 PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:11 am Reply with quote        
hi saygen. thats awesome Happy is it your first time? and i hope youre doing well.

hey, i'm totally jelly. i struggle to put on weight lol. success totally boosts the self esteem, i'm happy for you. fuck yeah!

i've been thinking a lot about my body image and feeling confident, it's been a great motivational factor for me too.

i havent tried losing or gaining weight for vacation before. i started working out about 2 years ago, and since then, i havent had the opportunity to have a vacation. before that, i didnt know anything about health and fitness.

i want to try losing fat for this summer, i want to see my abs >u< so i want to start running. i admit i'm a little intimidated.

what are you doing for workouts?

edit: i'm doing good so far. i've been doing harder butt workouts for about two months now, or a little more, and i can see major improvements Happy

i went running with zero drop sneakers 3 days ago, i have to get used to it. i went running for just a quarter mile and my calves hurt like crazy yesterday and today. i tried foam rolling the pain away. it helped a lot but i still looked silly walking up and down the stairs xD

only this moment is life
[color=orange][size=18][u][b]im draw freebs
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