Have you read Twilight? |
Yes, and I love it! |
18% |
[ 10 ] |
Yes, but it was okay... |
20% |
[ 11 ] |
Yes, but I didn't like it at all! |
25% |
[ 14 ] |
Nope.. haven't read it yet |
36% |
[ 20 ] |
Total Votes : 55 |
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:35 am
| I feel like the only one here who liked them. ^-^;
I'm not a crazed fangirl...and I'll quite likely never ever read them again despite owning the fourth book [I didn't feel like waiting months for my friends to get through so I could borrow it because they are very slow readers whereas I zip through books in a matter of hours.]
They may not be written the best but the story was still interesting enough for me. I also have a thing for vampires...that could've been a big part of it. Give me vampires and I'm happy. x'D The more people rail on it, though, the more annoyed I get. -.-; I can understand opinions. I accept opinions. If it's not for you then that's no problem. To each their own. But the people who constantly complain and put it down [especially those who haven't read it and complain about the entire story and how it's written...how do you know that much if you haven't read?] get real annoying real fast. >.>; And I saw one argument on it where the person didn't get a single fact about the books right other than the romance...that was just outright hilarious.
I plan to go see the movie simply for one scene. I won't say which because that'd be a bit of a spoiler but it's nothing romantic. >3
All in all...it was just a good way to pass the summer. And gave me something to do during my breaks at work! xP
[Sorry for the long post! >.>;;]
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Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:05 am
| I actually haven't seen anyone complaining of the books till now, which is why I asked for peoples opinions. I wanted to see if there truly were others out there that were not pleased with the story in general.
But due to my curiosity, I have a feeling I might pick up the book and read it. To get a feel for what the hype is. Don't know when it will happen, but I'm sure it will.
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| _________________ *Has been kidnapped by RL* |
Assistant Admin
Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:05 pm
| @Kethien: *is curious as to which scene you'll see* o-0
Oh, I hate it when people don't read it and call it rubbish. ><;; Or "I could only get half-way through it. It sucks!" Honestly if you haven't read the whole thing then you didn't get the whole feel of it. Maybe the beginning had a rough start but it all pulled together for a great ending? You just never know.
And I lent the last book to my friend at the beginning of the school year, three months ago. Guess who's still reading it? D:
@Mere: In all honesty it's a decent quick read. I did get lost in it and thought it was great. Once I went back and thought on it though, I realized that it isn't all that great. If you want to read it then go ahead, but don't expect much. xP
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Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:52 pm
| Haha I won't expect much, especially after some bad reviews. I just wanted to make sure that this book wasn't completely perfect, and that I would feel let down if I thought otherwise when reading it. ^_^;
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| _________________ *Has been kidnapped by RL* |
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:06 pm
| I read the book after I heard about the movie. I've read the first 3 in the series so far. I have not seen the movie, but I loved what I've read of the series.
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Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:29 am
| I absolutely LOVE the Twilight series! I own and have read all four books in the series and saw the movie twice now. And yes I"m obesssive, lol. I have an Edward tshirt from Hot Topic, am always wearing my Cullen crest necklace, and even had my hair cut like Alice Cullens- well lets face it, the hair style was cute! lol
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:52 am
| I haven't read the twilight series, but I do remember picking it up in a shop reading the blurb thinking, 'romance' and putting it straight back down again. I will admit that romance is a genre I enjoy writing but not reading, so I think it's likely that I'll never read this book. The film; I don't know from the trailer it doesn't look like anything particularly special, but I'll try not to judge, at least, til I see it. If I see it.
Though for a media exam I have to comment on the progression of the vampire/dracula films so I don't think there's any way I'm gonna get around seeing it.
Other than that I have no issue with the books/fangirls who are obssessing over it. As long as they arn't bothering me, too much. XD
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| _________________
Art done by Crow  |
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:02 am
| Honestly i can't believe i didn't read the book when it first came out. i love it. i have all 4 in the series and i have read them all in record time believe me. i just love the way the books are set up and writting stephanie is a really good writer. ^^
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| _________________
Call me Pump-chan *giggles*
Come join me at Pumpkin's Corner
16 days till my hubby to be comes home
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:43 pm
| I am on the last book now and I really enjoy them. I like the romance part of the book although I find myself mad at my boyfriend when I'm done for the day. What a slacker. I like the characters and the story (it doesn't drag circumstances out longer than necessary). The only thing I don't like about the books is that the main character seems to act very childish and doesn't stand up for herself. She lets herself be in a controlling relationship and doesn't take pride in herself.
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Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:37 pm
| ;-;
Not Twilight DX
It's freakin' pissing me off with all the crazy girl fans.
I have this friend who is like IN LOVE with it and she spends all her time reading the book,she spoiled the whole thing for me.
I mean puh-leez,couldn't they come up with an original plotline?It's always the same,new girl moves into town,meets a different type of boy,saves her,they fall in love then end.
No offense to Twilight lovers,but i'm pretty much sick of it.All my friends are all,"Edward this,Edwad that" and I really don't want to hear about it anymore.
I don't really see whats so good about it,isn't there like 20 books with the same plot?It's all so good because it has a hott vampire,nothing special.
I had it spoiled from a friend,she showed me the "Best parts" in the movie.I pretended to act excited and we spent our whole time looking for the pirated part of "Edward saves Bella from Jacob" on Youtube.
I use to think it was the best book because all the girls at my school are reading it,but now I know he perfect book has a bad side and i'm not buying it^^
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| _________________
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:24 pm
| i agree with Fuzzey, its getting on my f*cking wick, all these airheaded fans who only like it because "there's a hot guy in it" get a life, vampire films are overrated, the only good vampire films are the lost boys, dracula: dead and loving it and the christopher lee dracula
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| _________________ vixie chan loves you
click the egg
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:41 am
| I haven't read "Twilight" yet, but I've seen the movie yesterday. It was...okay. Didn't suck completely, but I wasn't impressed. If you somehow manage to forget that the Cullens and Nomads are vampires and that Jacob and his tribe are supposed werewolves, it's a rather cute romance. Bit naive (okay, rather naive XD), but still cute. There were a couple of scenes that I liked (like the one where Bella was falling asleep with her head on Edward's chest, that was SO cute it made me go "Awww..."). Would I watch it again, or next parts? Sure, why not.
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Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:25 pm
| I haven't seen the movie or read the books, and I most likely will not in the near future. Why? I personally don't have interest in anything involving vampires. Especially romance.
As with many things, if the fandom scares the crap out of me, I'm more or less going to back away from it. I have a couple of friends who enjoy the series, and their love for it is frightening.
This is a question to the fans of the series, what's so great about being in a relationship with a vampire?
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Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:11 am
ariyaki wrote: |
This is a question to the fans of the series, what's so great about being in a relationship with a vampire? |
Or, for a vampire, to be in a relationship with a human, for that matter. :P Especially if the said vampire doesn't drink human blood. He can't even use her as an emergency snack...which Bella would gladly agree on, I believe. XD
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Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:04 pm
| In all honesty Twilight irritates the balls outta me.
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