Same. The only things around here are Chinese places.
Except one Japanese restaurant. Buuuut I dunno if they have noodles. *looking it up*
LOOK AT ALL THESE LOVING GIFTS! *snuggles* Thanks all. :3
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"Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor manténganse alejado de las puertas."
Disneyland was fun! :D
Sadly reminds me of my first boyfriend's valentines gift which was a bear and flowers. We're still great friends but I feel bad nowadays that I gave it away. ;n;
I mean, yay happy thoughts! xD
Thanks everyone <3
I am a Global Moderator. Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to PM me.
"Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor manténganse alejado de las puertas."
Disneyland was fun! :D