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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:13 am Reply with quote        
The curling iron that was hanging at her side dripped with blood to the same beat as the ticking of a clock. Each drop seemed to make it more apparent that she was a rather disturbed child, more apparent that she needed help. It also made it more apparent that she had absolutely no interest in looking for help for anything other than a way, or a place, to hide for awhile, hide until this cleared up and she wasn't being hunted anymore. She knew that she would have to hide, since there was no way in hell that she would let herself go to a psychiatric ward. She was not interested in being in one of those small rooms, and she mere thought was enough to almost make her drop to her knees, almost writhing in fear.

She didn't drop to her knees this time though, no. She stayed standing, and she kept that twisted smile on her face as she listened to the blood drip from the curling iron she was holding. Each second that went by, and each drop of blood that hit the floor, seemed to be counting her sanity away, seemed to be driving her farther into the darkness that she knew she would never surface from. It was impossible for her to, she knew that, and didn't care.

Nothing she did seemed to make a difference to the remains of the woman that was in front of her. The child had tried, dear Lord had she tried. She did everything she could to try and shove her natural instincts aside, but of course, it didn't seem to matter. The woman had never noticed when she seemed to be close to snapping, when she seemed to be close to going outright insane. Granted, it didn't matter now.

There, now you don't have to deal with me anymore. The child thought, knowing that the woman in front of her had cursed the fact that she had taken the child in, several times, over the two years that the child had been under her care.

Now you don't have to worry about the fact that adopting me was a 'mistake'. You have no idea how accurate that is, either. Or at least, you didn't, until today. She added mentally as her smile grew to something more akin to a grin. A rather sick and twisted grin at that.

She brought the curling iron up to her lips and held it about an inch away from her face. After a moment, she licked it, not too much, but enough that it really was noticeable she had just done it.

Too bad your flesh is marred by the constant supply of prescription drugs you kept putting into your body. She thought calmly, almost too calmly. If anyone had have actually heard her say that statement, it would have made their skin crawl, considering it was coming from a child. More specifically, someone who looked to be only six or seven years old.

Which was more than apparent when you sewed my lips shut earlier tonight. I tried to give you a chance, I tried to hold back my natural instinct to kill you. Fuck did I ever try, but that was the last straw. I couldn't hold back any longer... she thought as her grin seemed to get more sinister. Her mold green eyes seemed to light up with her thoughts, almost as if she was relishing in what she had done, loving the sin she had just committed.

You fucking bitch. Killed by what you worshipped, how appropriate. She added just before she heard the front door slam shut and the voice of the man that was her adoptive father.

"Marissa! What's for dinner?!" He called from where he was, and the girl froze, her expression turning to something more akin to fear.

"Anna, I made another appointment with that child psychologist too." He added, his voice getting colder. The child, Anna, started to shake from fear. She knew that she couldn't be caught by him, since he was a cop, he would piece it together far too quickly for her tastes, but she knew that there was nothing that she could about that. Well, other than run. She had absolutely no idea where she would go, but she knew that almost anywhere else was better than where she was now, and the risk of possibly being locked up somewhere.

No... nononono Anna said mentally, panic starting to creep into her thoughts as the iron dropped from her hand and hit the floor with a 'clang' and 'thud' type sound. She looked over to the door, which was closed, thankfully, but it wasn't locked, or barricaded. As such, to fix that for the moment, Anna reached a hand out towards the door and several vince protruded from her palm. As they neared the door, they thickened until they were about two feet thick, and stuck by the door.

With any luck... that will hold him back for a little bit. Fuck, I wanted to enjoy this a bit longer. Anna hissed mentally as she heard her adoptive father approach the door and try to open it. When he realized that he couldn't, he started pounding on the door, something akin to panic becoming evident in the pounds.

"Marissa! Are you alright!? Let me in!!" He called out, but it was muffled from the four feet of vines that were covering the door, preventing it from opening.

I need to get out of here. Anna thought as she looked towards the door to the bathroom. She rushed over, but once her hand was sitting on the door handle she hesitated, for she knew that if he were to stop panicking and think about it, the only way out would be the bathroom. As such, she left it clear and headed towards one of the windows that was nearby. She opened it, and was extremely thankful that the screen was already out since it had just been busted and needed to be replaced.

This is the only way out if I don't want to be caught... she thought as she quickly climbed out. Her small frame was able to fit through it with little difficulty, and after a moment of struggling, since her shirt had managed to get caught on something, she was falling two stories to the pavement below. As she fell, she reached out her hands to the ground, almost as if she was begging for it to come up to her. A moment later, several rather large vines sprouted up from the ground and cushioned her fall considerably.

She deserved it bastard. And you do to. She thought bitterly as she grabbed hold of the vines and started climbing down to the pavement pieces below. When she finally reached the ground, she looked up at the window she had just come out of and smirked.

I hope you love what you find. Anna thought with a rather sadistic tone to her thoughts before turning on her heel and running. She had to get away from there, she had to find somewhere to hide.... She had to. The child refused to be locked up, it would most likely kill her if she was, and that was something that was extremely hard to do.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:31 am Reply with quote        
The girl had ran, and continued running until she reached the city.

It was late at night... almost 2 in the morning, actually, and there was not a soul out at the hour. The wind was chilly, and it seemed to be threatening to rain at this point... in fact, a few drops started to fall.

She has slowed down to a slow trot, when a voice... a familiar voice, actually... called to her from an alleyway.

"So... you did it, kid." he said to her.

"Didn't think you had the guts to give that bitch what she deserved." he continued.

"So congratulations are in order. Bet it felt good too." he added, smirking some.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:33 am Reply with quote        
Anna didn't react when she heard the voice. She just stayed as she was, hunched over with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath from the run.

Damn straight it did. She thought, making sure to project onto the one who approached.

It was something I'd been refraining from doing for the past two years. she added, her exhaustion evident in her thoughts.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:46 am Reply with quote        
"Heh, that's a good girl." he said to her.

"Regardless, you may want to duck out of the public eye." he continued.

"Odds are he's probably discovered his darling wife, and probably called in in, while going out to find you personally." he warned her, as sirens could be heard in the distance.

"Oh! Might be them now!" he said.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:49 am Reply with quote        
Almost instantly, even in the poor light of the area, he would have been able to see the colour drain from her face.

Shit.... she thought I didn't. Dammit, I should have waited. She added before looking towards the man.

Thank you for mentioning that, I probably wouldn't have thought of it, quick enough. Now, I'm going to take off so that you don't end up in trouble. she added

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:00 am Reply with quote        
"Come on." he said to her.

"We can cut through some back alleys and see if we can dodge the police." he continued.

"So hurry up, or get caught." he added as he started to disappear deep into the darkness of the alley.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:02 am Reply with quote        
Anna looked at him with a slightly puzzled expression before the sounds of the sirens made her jump. Almost instantly, once she heard them again, she followed the man, and rather quickly too.

Why are you helping me out..? she asked, almost hesitantly.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:13 am Reply with quote        
"Well, I'm partially responsible for your current predicament." he said to her, before they passed under a street light.

He then turned to her and grinned, showing many rows of shark-like teeth.

"And as you may have guessed already, I'm not human... like you. And we gotta stick together."

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:15 am Reply with quote        
When she saw his teeth, she half froze.

... No... she thought to herself as she half stared at him, disbelief in her eyes.

You can't... are you ... naturally a lantha...? she asked, her thoughts echoing in his skull, and her disbelief there clear as day.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:25 am Reply with quote        
He took off his glasses next, his eyes changing from that of a normal human's, to a clear and almost hollow turquoise color.

"I'm a full-blood Lantha." he told her.

"And even though you are a Draydin, I bare you no ill will." he assured her.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:27 am Reply with quote        
Anna took a step back from him, her natural distrust evident.

"...." She was silent. She honestly had no idea what to say.

... Well, alright then. She said, her tone hesitant.

At least you're not banishing one that could almost be considered one of your own. she added after a moment.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:35 am Reply with quote        
He nodded as he led her through some more of the backalleys, until they reached a place that seemed abandoned.

"Alright, in here." he said as he opened a rusted door for her.

"We'll slip in here and then I'll get us far away from this area."

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:37 am Reply with quote        
Anna nodded and followed him, doing as she was told. She wasn't sure why she was trusting him as she was, but she was. She wasn't interested in trying to figure it out herself, either. She just figured that it was because of the fact that they were both on the verge of extinction for their kind.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:44 am Reply with quote        
He waited until she was inside, before following and shutting the door behind him.

The building was in dire need or repair, and seemed to be ready to fall apart at any second.

"Alright now..." he said to her.

"How long can you hold your breath?" he asked.

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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:47 am Reply with quote        
Mmmm, about ten minutes..? Maybe? Never timed it. She told him honestly. She knew what was about to come, she'd fought with lantha's before. She knew he would most likely question how she could hold her breath so long, when she was but a child though.
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