Assistant Admin
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:44 pm
| So I pulled a stupid and left my flash drive (which has my entire event thread) at a relative's house. It's been a stressful two weeks, lemme tell ya.
Anywho, this is my thread... placeholder... until the meantime. Figured I might as well publicize my stupidity for your enjoyment. SO. Until I get the flash drive (which will be tomorrow) why don't you all try to guess what I'm doing? (Kaishi already spoiled part of it, but you can guess the other. :P) Keep the placeholder active! There's a prize in it for ya. But I won't say what it is until the actual activities start. If anyone guesses correctly (staff members, STFU!) then you'll get the fabulous-surprise-something-or-another thing.
'Till then, I'm passing out. Good night! XD
Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Midorean Parade. I know that we have a lot of talent here on Midorea, and I want to showcase it! Whether you're an artist, writer, singer, or actor, you can enter your work into The Midorean Parade.
The rules are simple: Enter any (original) Midorean-themed work that can be showcased in a slideshow or video. These can be past projects or something completely new, from a piece of fan-art to a poem, whatever you want! The entries won't be judged or ranked in any way - I just want to show off your amazing talents. However, every person who participates will get something at the end of the event. ;]
That's it! You can enter your work through the thread or a private message, and no form is required. (Yep, it's all pretty laid back.)
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Assistant Admin
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:44 pm
| Black Cat Auction
That's right, I'm auctioning off a black cat. :3 To ensure that "rich" Midoreans don't have the upper hand here, you may only bid for this item with the event currency, Tickets. You can't bid in this thread, however, as the posts would be counted as spam. Please take all of your bids here.
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Assistant Admin
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:44 pm
| If you'd like to see any other contests or anything here, feel free to make suggestions. Whatever makes you all happy. ^^
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Assistant Admin
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:45 pm
| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Ehcuag Emmef
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:10 pm
| Haha, nice. Well, good luck with getting your actual thread back XD.
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| _________________ Don't bother me. I'm listening to Green Day. Come chat with me? |
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:14 pm
| You know I won't say anything~
Night, Chu!
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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:13 pm
| -sits on chu-
chu is gonnan have a mystery hunt and hide snakes and crabs everywhere
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| _________________
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:18 pm
| oops, sorry Chu XD I deleted what it said in my thread so now it's a .. re-secret!!
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Assistant Admin
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:45 pm
| Thread's up. I could've sworn I had more though. XD
Haha, you're fine, Kaishi. XD It's my fault.
Hiya everyone. I'm doing alright - just a little stressed. All three cats have been sick lately, and so has my mom, aunt and grandma. Then other stuff. Now I'm just tired. x.x Again. How are you all?
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:48 pm
| I'm pretty ok despite having just ruined what seemed to be a really good thing. But me and the guy are still friends and will still hang out and stuff so its cool otherwise.
Sorry to here about the kitty's your mom and your gran though sickness sucks.
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| _________________
Assistant Admin
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:01 pm
| Bah, boys. I've been talking to various boys lately too. I dunno... Despite what I thought before, when I was actually in love, I'm actually not too romantic. I'm more interested in more... realistic aspects to relationships, like trust and stability. Which is extremely hard to find in young men. XD
But whatever. Relationships aren't everything, and we all certainly have more important things to worry about than love. Whatever happens, happens.
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Assistant Admin
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:46 am
| Anyone up to chat? I'm bored. D:
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:51 am
| I'd chat with everyone in the universe right now <3 But I'm not sure if you or anyone else is actually online right now lol... Ruuuule Britannia, Britannia ruuuules the crap timezone~♪
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| _________________
Assistant Admin
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:09 pm
| Poop biscuits. :[ I missed you!
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| _________________ Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.