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Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:51 pm Reply with quote        

Land of the Ancestors [LOTA] was the very first Breedable/Changeable pet shop on Midorea! The pets are essentially just centaurs with masks; all of the adult centaurs have unique masks covering their faces. But you are welcome to delve deeper into the world and culture of the centaurs; just visit the RP thread!


1. Introduction /Index
2. Rules & FAQ
3. Stages & Guilds
4. Trading Post
5. Sales & Prices
6. Customs
7. Breeding
8. Current Sales
9. Current Events
10. Inhabitants
11. Reserved
12. Reserved
13. Reserved
14. Reserved
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:53 pm Reply with quote        

1` Follow Midorea rules and TOS, of course!
2` Do not steal art OR concepts, thank you ^^
3` Please be polite to everyone and anyone
4` Please respect my art, and respect me as an artist. Criticism is welcome, but flaming is not.
5` I have the right to change/add rules when I please.

PLEASE /PLEASE/ READ THESE! The ones in red are ACTUAL frequently asked questions.

Q: What is a breedable/changeable pet shop?
A: A B/C is a shop that sells pets that have stages, usually infant -> child -> adult, like these centaurs are. But a lot of people get really creative. Obviously, I don't. They can also (but not always) be breedable, meaning you can "breed" two adults together and receive a new pet starting from the infant stage.

Q: May I have a centaur for free?
A: Sorry, no D: There may be events and contests in the future that give away free centaurs, but for now I'd like to get something for them. I put a lot of hard work and love into these ^^

Q: How many centaurs can one person have?
A: As many as you want/can afford!

Q: When will my centaur go on to the next stage?
A: I'm in school. It's anybody's best guess. I'll try to grow infants at two weeks, and children at four weeks, but this may not always be the case. Just be patient. Centaurs grow in batches, meaning if centaurs are bought on the same day they will grow on the same day, with the exception of breedings.

Q: Do all centaurs have to have masks?
A: They all have masks. That's the defining characteristic of them, and a huge part of their culture both traditionally and spiritually. You can read more in the roleplaying thread, the link is in the first post. Only the adult stage has a mask, but the children stages have their faces turned away, and I did my best to cover the infant's faces.

Q: Where can I put these?
A: In your signature, on your profile page... yeah, that's about it xD. I highly recommend saving the image file onto your computer, though, in case my photobucket account goes wack. EDIT;; You may put these on forums or sites that are made specifically for keeping adoptables and having all of your adoptables together. This DOES NOT include Gaia, Solia, any other avatar site, or forums that are designated for an adoptable site. Only sites that are made for housing adoptables from all over the internet, and there must be credit and a link back to this shop.

Q: Can I put these on other sites?
A: No! Please keep them on Midorea only! If you want, feel free to PM me and ask exclusively, and depending on if I trust you or not, I'll allow you to show these elsewhere. No offense, but art theft is surprisingly common these days! Also, see the answer to the question above.

Q: How can I get a necro?
A: Necros will pretty much always be off limits. You can only get one by really special events, which will probably include a lot of effort and creativity.

Q: How come sometimes a class is available, and other times it isn't?
A: Classes will randomly be unobtainable depending on how many there are of them. For example, if I'm finding a lot of people are becoming merchants but not workers, I'll make merchant unavailable.

Q: When do we pick what class our centaur is?
A: When your centaur finally becomes an adult, you will get a PM asking you to pick one of the available classes for your centaur to become!

Q: What is a normal and a draft?
A: This is a normal centaur. xxx
This is a draft centaur. xxx
The draft line art is simply a stockier horse body, mostly around the legs. They also have leg feathers (those fluffy things- they aren't actually feathers, they're just called that). There are, of course, female versions of normal and draft.

Q: What is the difference between adoption and buying from a flatsale? Why should I pay that much for an adoption?
A: Well, for one, you don't have to sit there waiting for the next flatsale. Once you submit an adoption request I get to work on it right away (more or less, anyway). Also, all flatsale babies are Gen. 1, but an adopted infant is at least Gen. 2, possibly a further generation if one or both parents are already Gen. 2. Also, this isn't exactly a rule, but I imagine any centaurs you get from normal sales are siblings of sorts, or just unrelated centaurs. Adopted centaurs are, by common sense, your centaurs' child.

Q: What are companions?
A: Basically familiars of your centaurs. The smaller ones will be put on the same lineart as your centaur, the bigger ones will possibly be put on separate tags of their own, so as to not obscure the centaur art.

Q: What are biases?
A: To make it clear, your centaurs aren't actually buying these animals (I have no clue where they would go to purchase such things!), they are probably just coming across the animal, wounded or otherwise, and becoming friends with it. Different classes have an easier time befriending different animals, so to show this I have made the companions cheaper to those classes.
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:53 pm Reply with quote        

Aww, you have a cute little baby centaur! Be sure to keep him close, they tend to wander off unexpectedly.

Wow, they grow up so fast! These little guys are full of energy and always ready to play.

Full-grown centaurs have a very strong sense of community, and centaurs that travel without a herd are considered the rarest of oddities.



The Guild of Shaman

necro;; (unobtainable) Necros have a variety of tasks they perform, many of which lay claim to tradition, superstition, and the supernatural. Because of this they are one of the most revered classes among ALL the guilds, and even enemy herds will respect another herd's necro. Necros create a centaur's mask when they come of age and they perform many of the ceremonies chartering souls both into life and out of it. They must also communicate with a herd's ancestors when the community cannot come to a decision, then inform the herd of the ancestor's wisdom. Because of the obvious power a necro holds, a necro must find his own student, one that displays both the intelligence and benevolent qualities that are obligatory to maintain peace within the community. Other small tasks include cremation ceremonies for bodies that are not given to healers, asking nature for rain, sun, etc, giving personal advice to herd members about death, love, marriage, birth, etc, and keeping the masks of deceased herd members.

bard;; Basically the historians of centaurs, bards have stories, songs, and traditions passed down to them from their mentors, and in turn they will pass the same down to their students. Bards also write down important events, people, and newly found traditions in either a poetic or story format. Bard students are called scholars, and one bard can have up to six scholars, most of whom come to the bard with the request of apprenticeship. Other tasks include entertaining at festivals (singing, playing music, dancing, acting, etc), and creating maps.

healer;; The name kind of speaks for itself. Healers are the doctors of the herd, and are very knowledgeable in herbs, medicines (mixtures of herbs and sometimes other ingredients), anatomy, types of illnesses and diseases, and the weather (a bit random, but it makes sense- the chances of different kinds of illnesses increase or decrease with specific weather. So if it is going to be rainy the next day, a healer would make sure to have the herbs and medicines that cure colds). It is not uncommon, nor considered a dishonor to the dead centaur, to give a corpse to a healer Shaman in order for them to dissect the body in the name of knowledge. The amount of healers allowed is based on the overall number of centaurs in the herd (about one healer to every ten centaurs is a good ratio).

The Guild of Warrior

protector;; Trained in defense with minor offensive strategies, protectors are the main defenders of a herd when the herd is being attacked. Protectors must be strong, quick, and well coordinated with each other. Archers are usually in this class, not with the soldiers. Other tasks include being spies, military messengers, and lookouts.

soldier;; An upgrade from a protector. Soldiers are taught more offensive attacks and are the ones sent out to attack other herds. Soldiers rarely help defend their herd, it is custom to instead retreat with the other herd members in the midst of an attack. They are sometimes called to defense when the herd is at an obvious disadvantage. Soldiers tend to be the cockiest of all classes, which is usually put up with, as they are the main upholders of the herd's pride. The amount of soldiers allowed is based on the amount of protectors (about one soldier to every five protectors is a good ratio).

guard;; (obtainable only through events) Guards are almost like the generals of the warriors, and they have previously been both a protector and a soldier. They are the ones whose orders are followed when there is no time for a discussion, such as in an ambush or a surprise attack. They are also the ones who think up military strategies and formations, and they bring the rest of the herd to safety while the protectors are fighting. Other tasks include keeping peace among the herd members and/or herd alliances, training young centaurs basic defense, and keeping track of the herd's population and item/food stock.

The Guild of Crux

worker;; The workers are just that- workers. They are the blacksmiths, masons, weavers, foragers, fishers, teachers, etc. People in this class, though not revered like the necros, still earn a lot of respect among their herd, and the death of a worker is mourned even more than the loss of a warrior. Workers are also the only centaurs who do not circulate among their herd's alliance. Protectors, soldiers, healers, even necros, may all go to help an ally when they need it, but workers may not even sell their services in another herd. Instead, they can only sell their products, which they do through merchants. Kind of put-together list of more specific worker jobs.

merchant;; Merchants are possibly the bravest centaurs in a herd. They gather products that the herd's workers wish to sell, and (most often by themselves) they set off to go to other herds. They are also kind of the postmen of centaurs, as many merchants will take letters and bring them to the other herds, then bring their letters back. Products are usually only sold to ally herds, but merchants still have to cross enemy lands to get to their allies. Some merchants have protectors go with them, others do not. It is not uncommon (though not necessarily common, either) for a merchant to leave the herd and never be heard of again. In return for their bravery and service, merchants are given shelter, food, and entertainment among the herds they sell to, and of course their own herd. The amount of merchants allowed is based on the amount of workers in the herd (about one merchant to every twenty workers is a good ratio).

***Generally when stating their occupation, a centaur will say their guild first, and then their class. i.e. "Shaman healer" "Warrior guard" etc. Also, the guild title is capitalized, the class title is not.
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:53 pm Reply with quote        


Twin Potion; 2000 silver :: Ensures that a centaur couple produces twins.

Same Sex Potion; 100 silver :: Allows two centaurs of the same gender to breed.


Sunstone; 8,000 silver :: Out of Stock :: Turns an eagle into a phoenix.

Moonstone; 10,000 silver :: Out of Stock :: Turns a fox into a moon fox.

Amber; 4,000 silver :: Out of Stock :: Turns a lizard into a fire lizard.

Pearl; 4,000 silver :: Out of Stock :: Turns a lizard into a water lizard.

Blue Lace Agate; 4,000 silver :: Out of Stock :: Turns a lizard into an air lizard.

Carnelian; 4,000 silver :: Out of Stock :: Turns a lizard into an earth lizard.

[b]Companion Animal:[/b]
[b]For which centaur:[/b]
[b]Companion Name:[/b]

Squirrel :: Out of Stock :: 500 silver :: Bias; worker 200s

Rat :: 1 In Stock :: 500 silver :: Bias; merchant 200s

Bird :: 2 In Stock :: 750 silver :: Bias; bard 400s

Lizard :: 1 In Stock :: 750 silver :: Bias; worker 400s

Snake :: 1 In Stock :: 1,000 silver :: Bias; protector 600s

Fox :: Out of Stock :: 1,200 silver :: Bias; healer 800s

Eagle :: Out of Stock :: 1,500 silver :: Bias; soldier & bard 1,000s

Lynx :: Out of Stock :: 1,800 silver :: Bias; protector 1,400s

Wolf :: Out of Stock :: 2,000 silver :: Bias; necro & guard 1,500s

Bear :: Out of Stock :: 2,000 silver :: Bias; healer 1,500s

Fire Lizard :: Out of Stock :: 3,500 silver

Water Lizard :: Out of Stock :: 3,500 silver

Air Lizard :: Out of Stock :: 3500 silver

Earth Lizard :: Out of Stock :: 3,500 silver

Phoenix :: Out of Stock :: 6,000 silver

Moonfox :: Out of Stock :: 8,000 silver


Armor :: Out of Stock :: 2,000 silver

Dagger :: Out of Stock :: 500 silver

Sword :: Out of Stock :: 600 silver

Spear :: Out of Stock :: 650 silver

Bow & Arrow :: Out of Stock :: 800 silver

Whip :: Out of Stock :: 1,000 silver

Custom Weapon :: Closed :: 2,500 silver
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:00 pm Reply with quote        

Flatsales 800 silver per centaur
First come, first serve! Anywhere from two to eight centaurs will be displayed, along with a date and time that the flatsale starts. On the stated day/time, the flatsale will begin, and the first person to claim a centaur is the one who gets it. The sale ends once all centaurs are claimed. Flatsales are so named because of the one flat fee that is paid per adoptable.

Auctions Starting Bid: 100 si | Maximum Increment: 1500 si
When a centaur is put up for auction, there will be a start bid (usually 100 silver), and a maximum bid increment (so that the price doesn't just get jacked up really high within a few hours). Bid increments are the highest amount of silver that you can raise the previous bid, but you may bid lower than it, of course. Buyers will continuously raise the bidding until either the end of the auction. The last person to bid then gets the centaur. Usually only one or two centaurs are auctioned off at a time.

Raffles 25 silver per ticket
During a raffle, users will buy tickets to get their name added to the list. Then, using a random number generator, Doctor will have a name "drawn" and the person/s whose names were picked will get the centaur/s. Usually only one or two centaurs are raffled off at a time. Ticket prices may vary depending on the raffle!
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:15 pm Reply with quote        

Customs are currently;; CLOSED


Customs are centaurs that are made-to-order; the buyer can completely customize the centaur to what they want (granted it can be done with the line art). The only downside to this is that custom centaurs are more expensive than any of the normal sales. The more difficult the centaur is, the more silver they will cost.

1` Please understand that while I always do my best to create what YOU want, I have Creative License to adjust colors, items, line art, etc, if I feel it is not aesthetically pleasing.
2` I only take three slots at a time, possibly five if I get a lot of orders. But don't worry, I will try to open customs often.
3` If you are unsatisfied with your custom, simply tell me what you don't like about it and I will re-do it for free.
4` While you technically created and paid for your custom centaur, you are not allowed to sell it or give it away to anyone else. It is still my art.
5` Please refrain from ordering un-natural colors as natural colors of the centaur (i.e., you can't make a centaur with green hair, but you can make a centaur with white hair that dyes it green).
6` Please PM me your orders, do not post them in this thread.

What Will Set The Price
If you want to have the cheapest centaur possible, these are some things you should probably stay away from.
Two or more colors in the hair/tail
A lot of jewelry

>>>I encourage people to make as elaborate masks as possible. In the end you'll come out with a unique mask, and that's important! The mask is the most defining characteristic of your centaur. So no matter how elaborate your mask is, it will never up the price.<<<

One Stage Customs 3000 to 5000 silver, depending on complexity
These centaurs are immediately on the adult stage.

Type of Custom: (One Stage or Full Stage)
Guild & Class:
Body type: (normal or draft)
Markings: (only body markings, obviously, can't do face ones. any torso markings must be tattoos)
Skin color:
Mask: (please be descriptive of the mask as possible)
Mask colors:
Hair/tail type: (curly long, wavy short, etc- please specify w or w/o bangs!)
Hair/tail color: (there IS hair dye for unnatural colors)
Clothes: (if no description is given, males come without any clothes by default and females come with a cropped tank top-like-thing)
Tattoos: (can be on the horse or human bodies)
Items: (please keep in mind the restrictions of the line art)
Extra Notes:

Full Stage Customs 6000 to 8,000 silver, depending on complexity
These custom centaurs start off from the infant stage and progress through the stages.

Type of Custom: (One Stage or Full Stage)
Guild & Class:
Body type: (normal or draft)
Markings: (only body markings, obviously, can't do face ones. any torso markings must be tattoos)
Skin color:
Mask: (please be descriptive of the mask as possible)
Mask colors:
Hair/tail type: (curly long, wavy short, etc- please specify w or w/o bangs!)
Hair/tail color: (there IS hair dye for unnatural colors)
Clothes: (if no description is given, males come without any clothes by default and females come with a cropped tank top-like-thing)
Tattoos: (can be on the horse or human bodies)
Items: (please keep in mind the restrictions of the line art)
Extra Notes:

EXTENSIVE__ (optional for full stage customs)
What hints of color scheme do you want to be shown in the infant stage?:
Do you want the hair / tail to progressively shift color?: (If the tail is black and white, have the infant stage's hair be mostly white and slowly have it be more black as she grows)
Any items that the centaur should have since infant/childhood?:
Extra Notes:


COAT AND MARKING REFERENCE CHARTS COURTESY OF isolated-design.deviantart.com, line art courtesy of virochan.deviantart.com.

Realistic Coat Colorings
Realistic Leg/Face Markings
Realistic Body Markings
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:15 pm Reply with quote        

When all slots are full, breeding is closed.
1. Empty
2. Empty
3. Empty

Breeding Form
[b]Type of Breeding:[/b] (Normal, Same Gender, etc)
[b]Parent #1:[/b]
[b]Owned By:[/b]
[b]Parent #2:[/b]
[b]Owned By:[/b]
[b]Roleplay:[/b] (all of it, please!)

Normal Breeding
Consists of
` Different sex couple
` One infant
` 10,000 silver if both parents owned by same user
` 5,000 silver each if parents owned by different users
` 20 posts each of romantic interaction between parents OR an extra 2,000s
` 25 posts each during pregnancy OR an extra 2,500s

Twin Breeding
Consists of
` Different sex couple
` Two infants
` 20,000 silver if both parents are owned by same user
` 10,000 silver each if parents owned by different users
` Twin Potion found in the Trading Post for 2,000 silver
` 40 posts each of romantic interaction OR an extra 4,000s
` 40 posts each during pregnancy OR an extra 4,000s

Same Gender Breeding
Consists of
` Same sex couple
` One infant
` 10,000 silver if both parents owned by same user
` 5,000 silver each if parents owned by different users
` Same Sex Potion found in the Trading Post for 100 silver
` 45 posts each of romantic interaction OR an extra 4,500s
` If you want to have fun you can pick one of them to get pregnant, in which case RP requirements will be the same as a different sex couple (20 posts of romantic interaction, 25 posts of during pregnancy)

Same Gender Twin Breeding
Consists of
` Same sex couple
` Two Infants
` 20,000 silver if both parents are owned by same user
` 10,000 silver each if parents owned by different users
` Twin Potion found in the Trading Post for 2,000 silver
` Same Sex Potion found in the Trading Post for 100 silver
` 80 posts each of romantic interaction OR an extra 8,000s
` If you want to have fun you can pick one of them to get pregnant, in which case RP requirements will be the same as a different sex couple (40 posts of romantic interaction, 40 posts of during pregnancy)

Consists of
` One infant, not carrying either parents' genes unless by chance
` 2,000 silver for an infant for same sex couples
` 3,000 silver for an infant for different sex couples or a single parent
` An example of RP interaction of any kind
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:15 pm Reply with quote        

Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:16 pm Reply with quote        

Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:16 pm Reply with quote        
Centaurs will be organized, in order, by: Herd, Adult Stage, Guild, Class, Child Stage, Infant Stage.

Pop. Census: 90 members
User-Owned Centaurs: 50

The Guild of Warrior

Shota | Dr. Tick Tock | Male | Herd Founder

Solace | Verance Lilicria | Female
Azhnira | Weaseldale | Male
Silas | Sly | Male
Tatsuo | Kupsy | Male
Dazben | lexi luthor | Male
Daichi | lexi luthor | Male
Freyja | Sly | Female

Noa | Dr. Tick Tock | Male | Twin of Aon
Mana | Icewing | Male
Nuria | KoyiTar | Female
Asteria | Kupsy | Female
Belinha | Sly | Female
Asea | Kylana | Male
Tari | killerkitty | Female
Del | Dr. Tick Tock | Male
Mahlevi | Squid | Male | Related to Lucia??
Kaleema | Catghost | Female

The Guild of Shaman

Abyl | Dr. Tick Tock | Male

Kris | Kupsy | Male
Anthea | Angelic.Demon | Female
Elkin | Maeve | Male
Vin' Dorai | Malverne | Female
Nadija | Weaseldale | Female
Vanyel | Overlord Branny | Male
Da'Kiri | lexi luthor | Female

Tanwen | Dr. Tick Tock | Female
Blaine | Weaseldale | Female
Beau | Icewing | Male
Jaide | Angelic.Demon | Female
Jaxim | Malverne | Male
Lucia | Kupsy | Female | Related to Mahlevi??

The Guild of Crux

Silme | Kylana | Female
Jas | Weaseldale | Female
Amon'zal | Sly | Male
Da Qiao | Kupsy | Female
Adelais | Weaseldale | Female
Thabrix | Keylaleigh | Male
Quetzal | Icewing | Female
Casanova | Squid | Male
Syliin | Dr. Tick Tock | Female
Jacques | Icewing | Male
Desthe | Maeve | Male | Bear-Forager
Nallia | KoyiTar | Female
Aria | Angelic.Demon | Female | Twin of Jackson
Jonira | killerkitty | Female

Aon | Dr. Tick Tock | Male | Twin of Noa
Lynette | Angelic.Demon | Female
Reza | Maeve | Female
Tristan | Weaseldale | Male


Jackson | Radioactivity | Male | Twin of Aria

Fabian | Lilykin | Male

Aia | Chu | Female

Ayan | Catghost | Male

Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:16 pm Reply with quote        
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:16 pm Reply with quote        
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:17 pm Reply with quote        
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:17 pm Reply with quote        
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:19 am Reply with quote        
Posting is now open! ^__^

Hopefully people will actually post.

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