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Post new topic   This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies. Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund

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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:05 pm Reply with quote        

Most of you already know of the devastation that has taken place in Japan, as well as the relief efforts that are currently underway. Many have been deeply affected by this tragedy, some even by the loss of a loved one, with the worst of it all being the uncertainty so many are now facing.
This is why we have created this thread, in hopes of directing funds to help aid Japan in facing what is to come.
Kaishi will be taking commissions in which 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross. Commissions will also come with a Japan Shirt, so go check them out! (they're in the second post)


As a thank you, we will be giving "Japan Shirts" to everyone who donates 1$ or more to an organization of their choice that is currently helping aid Japan. If you wish to receive a shirt, please forward proof of your donation to japan@midorea.com, along with your username.

If you are buying a commission from Kaishi, please refer to her post regarding payment instructions.

Where to Donate
Many organizations are currently helping Japan with disaster relief, but if you do not know of one to donate to here is a list:

American Red Cross
Hands on Tokyo

Spread the Word
Feel free to use these banners to let others know about our relief fund, or show your support for Japan.





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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:36 pm Reply with quote        

As I'm sure you all know by now, a week ago Japan was struck by a 9.0 earthquake that resulted in a tsunami that has caused widespread damage along the coast, wiping out the region surrounding the northern city of Sendai. The death toll is rising as more bodies are found, and thousands are displaced and homeless in the aftermath of the tsunami. Not to mention the nuclear crisis, the people who have had to evacuate, and the brave men fighting to solve the problem! The Japanese are strong, amazing people, and they've pulled out of crazy things before, but that doesn't mean they couldn't use our help. While sending the Japanese your thoughts is a nice idea, what they REALLY need is money for food, clean water, and accommodations for these people and the search teams still scouring the ruins for survivors.

So what am I doing? I'd like to offer a little incentive, so I will be taking digital commissions (price details below). I will be donating the profits from these commissions to the relief fund of my choice.
Edit: Donations will be sent to the Taylor Anderson memorial fund.
Information about the fund
An article about Taylor
And a post from my blog

I hope no one minds that the money won't be going to the Red Cross.

If you can't afford to buy one right now, I am going to keep these open for a while on my DA page, so you can always contact me later or just donate directly to the Red Cross! If you would like information regarding donations, please PM me and I will be happy to send you information. I urge you all to please consider giving up just a few dollars to help these people, even if it's only one for the shirt!

Order information:


$10 > sketch waist-up / $15 > full-body
example of the one I did for Cat

$20 > color
example from art exchange, but there will be some shading. I think you guys know what my art looks like by now, lol.

- PM me with your requests, DO NOT post them here
- Please tell me what color you would like if you get a sketch
- I can draw just about anything except mecha
- If you would like a specific pose or expression, by all means let me know - that makes my job easier!
- Although there is no cap, I will be going in the order that I get them. I will do my best to get them done in a timely manner.
- You may buy more than one
- You may donate as much as you like!
- Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Payment instructions:

Please pay at the time you make your request. Paypal payments should be sent in the appropriate amount as a GIFT to dwing.maya@gmail.com.
Put ONLY "Payment for art from [your Mido username]" in the comment box! Do not mention donations or Japan! Paypal is being a real jerk about this. Any additional comments you want to make should be sent to me via PM, I don't mind the spam, haha.

If you don't have paypal, you can donate using one of many services online and simply send me screen-capped proof of your donation in one of the above amounts (or more ;D). If you need help finding somewhere to donate, Google has a nice list!

***If you would like to buy both a commission and an event shirt, please add $1 on to your commission purchase, and I will send you one.


Kupsy - $20 // done
Sly - $21 // waiting on order
Maeve - $21 // waiting on order
Soleil - $21 // done


Please note that these are about half of my usual prices and that I do NOT take commissions anymore. If you like my art (and are not already in my eternal art shop queue), you will absolutely not have this chance again!


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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:32 pm Reply with quote        
If you have any questions, please just ask. Smile

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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:47 pm Reply with quote        
What an amazing idea, you guys rock!
I sent in $6.00, it isn't much but it's all I have.

R O Y G. B I V

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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:57 pm Reply with quote        
Thank you so much for donating! I shall go send you your shirt. Bouncy Heart

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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:01 pm Reply with quote        
I am having trouble figuring out exactly how to donate. I am so used to clicking links like that and it taking me directly to Paypal and the like. I guess I am just a bit slow on the uptake here. I will figure it out I think heh. Sweat Sweat



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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:03 pm Reply with quote        
Oh, it's ok! I should probably have included an explanation on how to donate. I'll go do that now. Smile

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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:27 pm Reply with quote        
Ok I sent the money 20 Dollar's for Japan seeing as I love that country and would love to live there if I could.



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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:35 pm Reply with quote        
Thanks so much, you two!!


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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:37 pm Reply with quote        
It's no problem for me at all, I love to send help where it is needed.



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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:10 am Reply with quote        
Sent some money through eventually, despite my slow paypal skills.
Thanks for setting this up, so far I've found nowhere else (which I'm actively on anyway) that has something like this.



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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:26 am Reply with quote        
What happens if you want to donate, but you don't have a Paypal?

I used to have one, but after getting nothing for it but a mountain sized headache, (Hackers tried to steal my money. And then Paypal said I needed to pay for whatever I "bought" anyway.) I shut mine down and decided not to ever have one again. (Same thing with Ebay.)

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:07 am Reply with quote        
I had set up a donate button, which I'm pretty sure would allow you to pay with your card, but paypal will take out a fee if someone donated through that way.

Perhaps I could put it up there for those who do not have an account? I'll even cover the fees myself. Smile

And thanks again everyone for your donations. I was really surprised to see so many had already donated this morning!

*goes to send the shirts*

[edit] I added the button. There should be an option on the page for those who don't have accounts. Smile

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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:08 pm Reply with quote        
This is a great idea guys! I'm really glad that you're doing this, and I don't mind helping out, at all. Big Grin I've just sent $21.00 to kaishi (at least, I hope I've done it right, since it's been ages since I used PayPal. Sweat ) I will make a request for a commission when I've had time to think on it; however, I would have given money for this without any incentive at all. Everyone deserves help in a great time of need like this, and what kind of person would I be, if I didn't send some money when I could afford it?

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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:31 pm Reply with quote        
I got your donation, Sly! Thanks :3 You can take your time thinking on what you want, lol, no rush. I went ahead and sent you your shirt!


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