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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:07 am Reply with quote        
Rhadamanthys was perched on a telephone wire. His black eyes surveyed the surrounding area, shifting from left to right. His current location was outside the local elementary school. He loved the innocence of children more than anything else in the world. They harbored little hatred and vengence, and their primary emotion was joy. Their joy made his existence on this planet worthwile.

As their parents either walked or drove them home, Rhadamanthys hovered over to the roof of the building and looked down. The residual energy still hung around the building, and he decided to stay there for the time being.

Every time he had met a human before this, they all had one of two emotions- fear or confidence. They either had no clue as to where they were going to end up, or every certainty in the world as to where they were going. He would send them where they were meant to go, and then see the next human soul. One day, though, he looked down at the human he condemned, weeping and pleading to him, and a strange feeling welled up inside of him.

It was after that he was called in for reexamination. Rhadamanthys knew that judges couldn't stay judges forever, for eventually human emotions clouded them and made them biased. Instead of joining the legions of the devil, though, he decided to flee, taking the guise of a raven and remaining eternally on earth.

((Just so you know, that's probably going to be my longest post))


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:39 pm Reply with quote        
Vyvyana hurried along the long hallway, her long ebony hair tied back so her pure white wings didn't get tangled in it. Recently, she had been summoned by the archangel Azrael for her first task as an angel-in-training. As she got closer to the chambers of Azrael, she slowed down. Knocking on the gold ornate double door, she awaited permission to enter.

"Enter." The voice beckoned and she felt her body move to open the doors and obey his word. Inside the room was the form of Azrael with his four faces and four thousand wings. Millions of eyes blinked and tongues moved all over his body. Vyvyana stood in amazement at his presence as he moved across the room, forever writing in a large leather bound book. "Vyvyana, I need for you to find a fallen angel for me."

"Yes, sir." She answered, lowering her head in respect. She heard tales of fallen angels from the other angels and angels-in-training. How wicked the deeds they did that caused them to fall from grace and be banished to Hell. She shuddered slightly at the thought of Hell. "Are you sending me to the depths of Hell to check on this fallen angel, sir?"

"No. You are to go to Earth." Azrael spoke, never taking his attention off the book. Vyvyana looked up at him in shock. "I need to see how Rhadamanthys is faring since he fled our hallow halls. You are to find him and watch him. Return when I summon you again and report your findings to me. When you walk out the gates, you shall be given a human body. Do not mess up, Vyvyana. Allow no human to know what you truly are or you shall have to face your punishment."

"Yes, sir." Vyvyana replied. Never had she thought that she would be going to Earth or in a human body. Being dismissed by Azrael, she proceeded to her destination. Thoughts of why she was chosen to how she should go about looking for this fallen angel whirled in her mind. Reaching the gates, a couple of angels who were told of her mission glided towards her. Handing her a few items and wishing her well, they opned the gates for her. As she stepped through the gates, a blind light blinded her.

When her eyes were able to focus again, Vyvyana noticed that her wings had disappeared and her white garments were replaced by a white long sleeve blouse and white gauzy skirts. Her normally bare feet were enclosed in brown leather sandals. In her right hand was a place with an address. Making her way down the road, she past by what appeared to be a school. A sense of joy could be felt radiating from the building, causing her to smile.

((Hope this is alright. And no worries. I can't promise that all my posts will be as big as this one. But I will try to do at least 5 sentences for each post.))

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:47 pm Reply with quote        
All of the sudden, Rhadamanthys felt a prescence that he hadn't felt in quite a while. He ruffled his feathers and hopped over to the edge of the building to see what was there. Looking down, he saw a young woman nearing the school. She may have looked like a normal human being, but he could tell that she was not. 'So... they've come to check up on me, have they? Well, I guess I'll play along with their little game for now. No way I'm going back there. I like it on Earth." he thought as he flew down towards her.

He landed on a low tree branch near her and croaked, flapping his wings. She didn't seem like a big-league angel just yet. Knowing how the choirs liked to work, this was most likely her first mission on Earth. He had never gone to Earth, for his job as a judge forbade him from coming in contact with human just in case they clouded his judgement.


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 2:53 pm Reply with quote        
The croak of a bird caused Vyvyana to jump. Looking around, she saw the culprit on the branch of a tree close by. Walking up closer, she felt that the bird was no ordinary bird. She couldn't place the vibe it gave off so she warily trekked past the tree. I was never told what the fallen angel's presence would feel like... She thought to herself. She didn't want to disappoint Azrael or the other archangel's so she decided to speak to the bird.

"Amicus , EGO vilis vos haud vulnero."She spoke softly, the words translating to "Friend, I mean you no harm." She knew that the divine beings spoke in Latin but wasn't sure if a demon could. If the bird shows me a sign, then maybe this is the fallen angel I was sent to find. I wonder if it would be this easy to find him. She wondered to herself. The joyous feeling that she had been experiencing was fading and replaced by a new one, something she couldn't name.

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:45 pm Reply with quote        
The raven cawed back at her. His suspicion was correct, so he decided to show himself to the young woman. In a swirl of black feathers, he changed form and became a young man with swept back black hair and grey eyes. At this time, he chose to wear a light grey sleeveless shirt, ripped blue jeans, and worn black converses.

"No need to talk like that around here. You'll look silly to any passers by. If they see you speaking to a bird in Latin, you'll be put in a loony bin faster than you could say 'Bob's vestri immunda'." He laughed. "So, they've finally decided to have somebody come down and visit me, huh? Well, how about we go elsewhere for this conversation?"

He wasn't very surprised by the young angel's visit. Rhadamanthys knew that it would happen eventually. They always gave their fallens a second chance to redeem themselves. He wasn't sure if he was going to take it yet, though. Best let the girl say her piece, though, before making a decision.


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:15 pm Reply with quote        
As the raven swooped down and shifted from a bird to that of a man, Vyvyana backed away slightly. Some of the rods he spoke confused her but now she could tell that he was the fallen angel she was sent after. Nodding to his suggestion of going elsewhere.

"Pardon me. A loony bin is?"Vyvyana asked, her eyes scanning the man from his ebony hair down to the shoes. She didn't get the sense of danger so she relaxed her body some. "How did you know I was sent here to visit you?"

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:28 pm Reply with quote        
"Well, you do have a very angelic prescence about you, hun. And why else would an angel come down here? Earth is not exactly a popular tourist spot." he chuckled. Boy, she was new. "And pardon my speech. I've been living here for way too long, and have started to pick up human sayings. Now," he put out his arm as to link elbows. "Shall we?"


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:36 pm Reply with quote        
"I guess it isn't exactly the best place to be. I've heard the stories of the evilness in humans' hearts." Vyvyana said, hesitating to take his arm. She let out a soft sigh as she decided to link her arm with his. Azrael didn't ever mention to her what she was to do if she met the fallen angel. Maybe he assumed I would be stealthier than I was. She thought to herself, a pang of fear hitting her as she wondered if she made a mistake by allowing this person to know she was here.

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:43 pm Reply with quote        
"Yeah, humans can be pretty evil. But there is also goodness in their hearts." They walked off towards the main stretch of the small town that he decided to call his home at the moment until reaching a small cafe. As the shop bell jingled cheerfully, the owner looked up and smiled. She was a middle-aged Chinese woman with smiling eyes and a cheerful expression. "Hello there, Rich!" She said with a very thick accent.

"Hey there, Yin." He smiled and walked up to the counter. "I'll just have a hot chocolate. And another one for her." He pointed to his traveling companion. The woman nodded and started making them up as he put the money on the counter. "Well, pick a seat and we can talk things over." he swept his arm over the small tables and chairs.


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:51 pm Reply with quote        
Vyvyana followed the man into the small town and then in the cafe. Her body tightened up as the woman greeted him. The few rules they did give her and other angels-in-trainings flew through her mind as she made sure she didn't break any. Looking up at the man when he commented on picking a table, she walked towards a table near a window and sat down.

"I don't know if I'm supposed to talk to you." She responded, staring down at the table.

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:04 pm Reply with quote        
He sighed. He had never really gone through this Angel-In-Training rigamarole, so he wasn't exactly sure what their procedures were. The training for a Judge was very different from the average angel's. "Well, you're talking to me now, and it would be impolite to leave after I purchased you a hot chocolate." He smiled.

She most likely thought he was some sort of evil demon. That's what all angels-in-training were told about fallens. But not all of them were horribly demonic. A small handful of them, though, managed to integrate with human society quite nicely. Rhadamanthys was one of those few. He had an apartment down the street and worked at the local record store. He knew that he would leave in a few years when people noticed that he wasn't aging, but he would make his time here as pleasant as possible.


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:25 pm Reply with quote        
Vyvyana nodded, still looking down at the table. He was correct. It was rather impolite not to talk when he was offering something to her. She wondered if he had ever gone through the same training as she was. Only one way to find out... She thought to herself.

"Would it be impolite to ask if you're been through the same training? I dare say that I haven't had much training myself."She spoke, peeking up at him to see if his expression was a nice or not. "Thank you ever so much for the drink."

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:42 pm Reply with quote        
"No problem. And no, it's not impolite to ask. When I went through training, I wasn't allowed to interact with anybody ouside my teachers. They didn't want me forming any biased opinions about humanity." He sat down across from her. "Now that I'm actually here, I wish that I had never been placed under the task that they assigned me to. Yes, Earth has its evils and hatred, but there is an equal amount of good. Like Ms. Henderson, the lady who volunteers over at the animal shelter, and Yin here, who's able to put up with me every day."

Yin chuckled as she heard him remark about her. "You aren't hard to deal with, Rich. You're a very polite young man, if I do say so myself." She walked over with two mugs of steaming hot cocoa topped with whipped cream and a chocolate sauce drizzle.

"You flatter me, Yin." Rhadamanthys smiled as he picked up the mug and took a sip.


Megami Rizu

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:51 pm Reply with quote        
"Gratias ago vos benigne.' Vyvyana replied to the woman, quickly realizing she spoke in Latin. "Thank you kndly, I mean. Sorry, I tend to slip into Latin when I'm nervous." She turned her attention to the man and eyed him as he sipped on his drink. Copying his moves, she took a sip of the hot drink and allowed the heat to flow down her throat. The taste was very good and she knew she never tasted anything as good.

"This is my first time here..." She remarked, blushing slightly. "Does... these humans know what you are?" She asked him in a hushed tone as the woman had walked off.

Are You a Betting Man? ~Quest Thread~

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 PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:59 pm Reply with quote        
Yin smiled and then walked away from the table to tend to another customer. Rhadamanthys chuckled. "Yeah, you've never been away from the Upstairs before. Thing is, I only used Latin when talking to my superiors. I dealt with humans on a daily basis, so I learned how to speak many languages almost fluently. English is my best, though."

He shook his head. "They have no clue as to what I really am. It's
beautiful, really." He leaned back in his chair. "I walk among them, and they are none the wiser. Really, you don't have to worry about humans much. Only a few of them are truly sensitive to our existence, and I've only brushed shoulders with one of them. Lemme say, that was an amusing experience." He laughed, remembering the street crazy that he met when he first fell.


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