Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:29 pm
| I honestly don't get it.
People are trying to amend the Constitution to take away gay rights. Where do these people get off saying the Constitution, what gives everyone rights, should take them away?
I really don't understand where the hatred comes from anymore.
I mean, the bible does NOT say anything against a man loving another man. All references to homosexuality prove Jesus was in reference to straight men who would cheat on their wives with male Pagen whores. PROOF SAYS MEN LOVING MEN IS NOT SACRILEGIOUS! D<
If America ever amends the Constitution to take away gay rights, I'm moving to Canada.
Think I could be a good Canadian actor? XD
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| _________________
"Women don't want to hear a man's opinion. They just want to hear their opinion in a deeper voice." - Jeff Foxworthy
Naked for absolutely no reason.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:28 am
| Are you actually being serious? There are people trying to take away gay rights? Well, thats ridiculous.
I'm not sure I really understand this. So many people have fought to recieve gay rights etc how can the govt. accept these rights just to end up rejecting them anyway? I have absolutely no issue with homosexuality and neither does anyone that I'm around. I don't think that being gay or bi or a lesbian is in any way different to being straight and I don't understand how anyone can think of it any differently. Just because you fancy your own gender does make you any different to someone that fancies the opposite gender, you still have the same emotions.
Also correct me if I'm wrong but I think personal taste whether it be romantically or personally has nothing to do with religion. You can't stop yourself from falling in love with someone. It just happens. And I don't think the religious community should segregate someone for that. Especially the religions that appear to fight for world peace and love for thy brother. I almost feel like they are contradicting themselves.
(if you are religious and I have offended you, I'm sorry, also feel free to set me straight in anything I have said ^^)
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| _________________
Art done by Crow  |
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:10 pm
I was SO pissed when prop 8 passed.What the freak!
I mean,is it their fault they like the same sex?
I mean,of course I didn't want this to pass because i'm bisexual,but what is wrong with being gay?
My mom didn't want this to pass,but I kept telling her to say yes because gays aren't some kind of alien out to kill,they should be treated with respect too.
This is another reason I wanna leave the country,right no I feel really bad for Ellen and Portia D;
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| _________________
Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:23 pm
| i dont really think that gayness is a thing to be worried about. i mean, serooiusly, its not like somebodys gonna get killed cause of it. its almost like people are butting into things that dont concern them. its not anything to look down on.
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Kryztol Thorn
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:12 pm
| Actually, I think it says in Leviticus, the book of rules God gave to of his prophets or something that 'if an man lays with another man as he would with a woman, they much both have their head cut off'. Or something to that extent.
But hey, I'm a Christian, and I'm completely fine with homosexual people - I have a lot of friends who are, and I'm bi myself.
I think most of the hatred of gay people comes from a fear of not understanding things.
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Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:26 pm
Kryztol Thorn wrote: |
Actually, I think it says in Leviticus, the book of rules God gave to of his prophets or something that 'if an man lays with another man as he would with a woman, they much both have their head cut off'. Or something to that extent.
But hey, I'm a Christian, and I'm completely fine with homosexual people - I have a lot of friends who are, and I'm bi myself.
I think most of the hatred of gay people comes from a fear of not understanding things. |
See, I'm Christian too, and I think people who hate gays just want the world to be run there way. There's nothing wrongs with gays, I even kinda want a gay friend xD
Who should say that it's wrong?
I still don't understand the whole 'marriage is between a man and woman' thing. They say marriage is Christian and they shouldn'tlet gay marry because 'its wrong'. While plenty of people who marry aren't even Christian >.>
One more thing, since it's really Christians who want to change the government's laws, isn't that not allowed? >.>
Is the government supposed to not be run or have anything to do with the Christian, Jewsish, or any other faith?
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| _________________ Angelic.Demon's mule :D
Kryztol Thorn
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:50 pm
| Clarity - Everyone wants the world to be run their way - it's natural for humans.
Every different type of person will be persecuted at some time. Jews - the holocaust, Coloured people - you know the time, Christians - most of the Roman era. Before a few decades ago, not many people were homosexual, and those who were probably wouldn't show it that much, so it's only a "new topic" so to speak.
It's different and a change, so people will be against it; that's life.
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Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:35 pm
| True, so true.
Really, I'm just not really like the Christian Faith that much anymore, so I"m a bit biased right now >.>
I sort of still believe in god, just not their teachings at my church and youth group. I was mad they wanted me to convert my Buddhist friend.
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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:28 am
| Anyone who takes the bible word for word is a silly goose. Mainly because those people who say they do, only pick and choose the parts they want to believe in. Like that passage about not having relations with the same sex.
I'm just glad I live in Canada. Honestly, It really boosts my sense of pride knowing that homosexuals are equal under the law.
I don't think anyone really had huge problems with gay marriage in the end.
Although a couple years back (or so) the Conservative party was trying to get the law revoked. So yeah, even though we have it, doesn't mean it'll stick I guess.
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Kryztol Thorn
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:35 pm
| Raspberry - Why is someone who takes the bible word for word a goose? They're just following their religion, albiet a little more strictly than some people.
I take more offence to you saying that than to homosexual people, actually. I think that people should be able to believe what they want. I don't follow the bible word for word, but I believe that most of it is a metaphor for what God wants.
Just like people want others to be careful about what they say about homosexuals, I would be careful about what I say about other religions as well. Telling someone they're a silly good because of what they believe is probably not the best way to get on their good side.
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Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:58 pm
| Oh for sure. People can believe in whatever they want to believe in.
But I'm allowed to have my own opinion
To ME, if they take the bible word for word, they are ODD. Because it's not what I believe in at all. It is different from me. Thus, it's silly.
I'd more respect someone saying they believe the bible to be a metaphor.
Because, to me, that's plausible.
You keep on believing what you want. You keep doing what you want, it's none of my business. As long as you respect my opinion and my choices. Which you obviously haven't. I didn't insult anyone.
It was an opinion.
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Kryztol Thorn
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:04 pm
| Sorry, that was a bit harsh of me. But I take my religion pretty seriously even if it doesn't look like it. xD
I took your words the wrong way. I think you're entitled to your own opinions, and I'm entitled to mine. xD
I think it's not really about the words themselves, but more about the message behind the words.
One also has to remember the fact that the bible was 'written' years and years ago, so circumstances have changed. Homosexuality is fine, in context to the times we live in now, I believe that the bible doesn't really have anything to say on the matter.
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Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:47 pm
| You must also take in fact it was roughly translated from the original language to many others, which could have messed with the teachings of the bible, and could have been changed by the translators as well.
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Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:49 am
| question, if everyone is so pissed...
if you love someone enough why do you need a document from a government to say you do? Why marry at all?
I mean marriage isn't really holy or special anymore, near everyone does it, and now the government controls it
Why marry?
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Why you ask? Because I am the Mad King of Midorea!
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Assistant Admin
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:46 pm
| I agree, Max. Well, partially. I kind of do want to get married in the future, but really I just couldn't tell you why. I DON'T like jewelry, so it wouldn't be for a stupid ring. It's not holy to me, so that's out. A paper? I'd probably lose that.
Men = Scum in my family. Yet, the only person I've ever looked up to - my aunt - married and has two children. She's the happiest person in my family to me, and I'm sure they'd all agree. Because of her it's been installed into my mind that with marriage comes happiness, even if it truly doesn't give me anything. All it really is to me is a waste of time and money, but my desire for happiness shatters my logical perception on things.
Not to mention I have a strong view on families, and marriage creates them. I've always wanted to be that "prefect" mother and wife.
To gays that want to marry though, religion could play a role in it. The main aspect I guess though would be that they just want to be accepted. They want the right even if they don't do it.
It's like the right to bear arms. You may not own a gun or ever intend of owning one, but you do want to HAVE that right, don't you? (I'm not speaking to you in particular.) It's just something that we want to BE ABLE to do.
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