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 PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:12 pm Reply with quote        
Quinn jogged back to the fire escape she had mentioned. There were a handful of zombies clustered around something on the ground in the alley. There were horrible squishing, ripping and crunching sounds coming from the group. Oooohh, jeeeezzzz. The teenager needed to swallow several times to keep from losing whatever she might have had in her stomach. All the same, she tasted bile.

“Uh...” She had not idea what to do. There were too many to fight. She couldn't just lead them all away and expect them not to follow her right back to the people she was attempting to help. And the roamers on the street were getting closer. Though the zeds that were trapped in the auto mechanic shop were giving her a strange idea. She couldn't put the all in the auto shop. But she might be able to get them stuck in one of the surrounding buildings. As long as she didn't get herself trapped as well.

“Hey! Douchebags! I've got some A1 sauce in my pocket!” She yelled at the feasting zombies. A couple looked up from their meal and lurched in her direction. The rest followed. “Yeah! Come get me, if you think you can!” She moved quick enough to keep out of reach of the approaching undead, but slow enough to keep their attention. They followed her into a nearby building, leaving the escape relatively safe for the others.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.
Sev en Ester

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 PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:55 pm Reply with quote        
Hal watched as Clara jumped and swallowed hard. Bat firmly clenched in his hand, he moved a little closer to look over the ledge.
He took a deep breath and jumped off, ending up in a roll landing. His back and shoulder throbbed but he ignored it for now.
Cola made a resounding bark up on the roof and Hal flinched at it.
"Cola!" He hissed, "Cola! Come on girl, jump down, I know you can!"

Cola disappeared for a moment and was flying down the next. The dog landed unsteadily but walked fine over Hal.

He looked over just in time to see the woman leading a whole pack of zombies in to a building.

"Hey!" He shouted at them, running a good distance away from Clara and Cola, whom he had to stop before the dog followed.

"Over here! Don't want to play with your food!" He waved his bat menacingly. "I'll give you a good chase, OVER HERE!"

Zombie Take-Over
Try to survive.

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 PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:01 am Reply with quote        
The zombies that hadn't entered the building yet turned to face the man she had 'spoken to' earlier. If was good to see the others off the roof, but seriously, couldn't they just leave a brilliant, improptu, flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants plan alone? They could get killed that way. And so could you if you don't pull this off. Focus, Quinn scolded herself.

The teenager lead the undead mob around the building, slowly picking off zeds that got within reach of her weapons. The kukri may have been shorter and somewhat lighter than the crowbar, but it got the job done. I'll need to find a sharpener for this dude. It's not going to last long this way. She impeded their movements with closed doors. They wouldn't hold forever, but they'd keep the bloody things out of her way for a good amount of time. Tired, hungry, but happy to be in one piece, Quinn made her way back out.

She emerged, alone, from the building to see how the others fared. Hopefully, the guy with the bat had enough smarts to take out the zed heads and keep from getting chomped. She hoped they were alright. Groups were a good thing to have during an outbreak of this magnetude.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.
Sev en Ester

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 PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:10 pm Reply with quote        
Hal backed off a bit seeing a good bunch of the zombies start for him. He took off at a run to lead them a good ways away but not too far. He knew what to do, it was just finding the right place...
And there it was. The alley was narrow, barely wide enough for him to get his shoulders through but the perfect spot in a fight. The zombie followed him, single file..

Hal raised his bat and smashed it down hard enough to crack the skull open and the brains splattered to pieces on the ground. One, two, three, four, seven, ten...He climbed over the bodies as he went, soaked in blood all over. He felt it dripping down his face and sticking his shirt to his skin...

When they were all just rotten flesh on the ground he ran out of the all, shaken, and back to the group. The other woman seemed fine, he was glad.

But... he was covered in blood...he felt hismself freeze as panic started ripping through him. It was all over him, he had to get it off...He tried to rub his face clean on his sleeve but it was soaked red to. He shivered in disbelief and self disgust.

Zombie Take-Over
Try to survive.

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 PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:28 pm Reply with quote        
Quinn was pleased to see that the others had survived the group of zombies that went after them. The man looked mortified, being covered in blood and zombie juices. She probably looked just as bad. The weapons in her hands were completely encased in brains and other unmentionables. As were her hands and well, Nerts. I'm a mess, she thought looking at her blood splattered clothing. She approached the others, trying to appear non-threatening, despite outward appearances. Last thing I want is to look like a maniac, with these bloody things, she thought about the items in her hands. She considered wiping them on her pants, but she figured it would serve no purpose. They were just as gross as the rest of her things.

"Chill out," the teenager stated calmly, when she was close enough to be heard without yelling. "Unless you have an open wound somewhere, or you got some of it in your mouth, you should be fine. But if you got bitten, you're going to be in trouble." She thought about different rules concerning zombies from comics, games, movies and other things. Most of the rules were the same. Though, something about the situation bothered her, well, outside the obvious anyway. "You guys alright?"

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:19 pm Reply with quote        
"Yeah, I think," Clara said, looking at the newcomer. She had stayed beside Cola, waiting for Hal to come back. And she was a bit shaken, seeing both of them covered - partially and completely - in blood. "Just in case, it would probably be a good idea to take it off as soon as possible." She too had thought about the possible contamination, and she didn't want to be caught with potential zombies around her. The ones roaming in the streets were already enough. "If only we could find a safe place to stay," she wondered out loud.

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
Sev en Ester

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 PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:30 pm Reply with quote        
Hal nodded shakily as the woman told him to calm down. He took the blood soaked shirt off, sealing his lips shut and clenching his eyes closed so as not to allow any of the infection into his body. Once the shirt was off, he ran a hand through his red locks only to realize he it was soaked with the blood as well.
He heard Clara say they needed a safe place and nodded his head in agreement. "W-we should go l-look." It disgusted him how weak his voice sounded. Cola was about to lick his hand but he pulled it away fast enough. "No licking, Cola," Hal said sternly. "Not until I've...cleaned this off..."

Glancing back at the others he asked if they knew of anywhere that might be less dangerous than where they were now.

Zombie Take-Over
Try to survive.

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 PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:52 pm Reply with quote        
Quinn put down her weapons momentarily, to remove her hoodie. Her undershirt was relatively clean. At least, cleaner than her jacket. She wiped her face, hand and her weapons off with the inside of her overshirt and tied it around her waist. She stuck her kukri back in its' sheath. The teen kept her crowbar in hand, just in case. She needed to clean off, badly. She didn't know the rules of absorbing the zombie virus through her skin. But it couldn't be good.

At the mention of safe places, Quinn wanted to find someplace to crash for a bit, and maybe eat something. And shower. But, she didn't know her way around. She went through a mental checklist of places that were and were not safe to hide in, 'hmm'ing slightly. She needed to consider places that would be accessible to the dog too. So a water tower was out. "If we can find someplace we can fortify we should be safe long enough for the crazies to settle down or get eaten," the teenager mused aloud. "Someplace with heavy duty fences or really big wall. Maybe a boat. Wait, no. I get seasick. You don't want to go anywhere with that automated security retardation, or with huge windows. That's not going to do any good with zeds. But a jail, a warehouse, or a cemetary would be a good place to campe for a bit. Even a two story house would do. But we'd need to take out the stairs so the zombies couldn't follow us." She named off a number of places, hoping she wasn't butting into a private party.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:16 am Reply with quote        
Clara listened at what the new girl was saying. Somewhere with heavy duty fences or really big walls... She tried to think of some places she knew that could fit the description, but the few she found where too far away for them to reach. She thought about trying to exit the city for some time, because she knew some large houses could be found there. Plus, since the density of population was lower in the suburbs, the zombie population was also probably lower. Though, without any vehicle, the road would be hard, and they would probably just exhaust themselves.

"Maybe... maybe we should go look around," she said, realizing that just standing there wasn't going to help much. She was pretty sure finding a jail in the middle of the city was unlikely, but a warehouse, or a bank maybe, should be pretty easy to find.

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
Sev en Ester

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 PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:11 pm Reply with quote        
Hal was sure it would be safe if they managed to get the ferry or a boat at least to Liberty Island, after all, how many people could actually be there on a daily basis? Certainly not as many as the city held.

"Why don't we go to the coast line...a harbor at least. I don't think zombies can swim and maybe we can keep safe in a boat yard.." Hal suggested.

Zombie Take-Over
Try to survive.

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 PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:58 am Reply with quote        
Quinn nodded agreement to the moving around. They ought to have attracted a sizeable horde by now, with all the noise they've been making. Maybe they're just late. They'll get here, she figured. She siged slightly at the thought of a harbor. That's all she needed. Fighting zombies and seasickness. All the same, the brunette decided to give the adults as much information as she could think of offhand, concerning zeds and watercraft.

"It's a good idea. But we'll need to be careful about other boats if we just hang around the harbor. Zombies can't swim, they don't have the brainpower to figure the movements out. But they'll definitely drift where the currents take them and they're capable of pulling themselves up onto a craft. So we couldn't relax even if we head out to sea. But we can difinitely breathe easier there," she explained. Figuratively speaking of course. She could already feel her insides churning, and she hadn't even had a chance to even look at the coast, much less a boat.

"And we'd also have to consider food. It'll do us no good if we starve to death because we didn't plan ahead of time and got lost at sea or something."

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:53 am Reply with quote        
Clara listened to her new companions. The harbor seemed like a good place. She wasn't sure about the boat either, considering if the zombies managed to get on board, they would need to evacuate quickly and a boat just didn't seem like an easy place to escape from. Nevertheless, if they could find a small drivable boat, they could escape to a farther place, where there was less chance of having zeds running around. And the harbor probably also had some warehouse and the like, where they could hide if the boat solution didn't work.

At the mention of food, Clara looked at the bag placed on her shoulder. She had completely forgot about it during her run, but fortunately her tight grip on the straps had managed to keep the bag where it was. She brought it down and looked inside, wondering what she had had the time to pack. Some energy bars and cans, maybe enough to last a few days if they were careful. But they would certainly need more, and with most of the stores robbed and burning down, the girl couldn't really see where they could find anything to eat. Sure, there was the option of trying to fish, hunt or gather something in nature, but she preferred not having to rely on that much, just in case they were not lucky at those things.

"I have some things, but it won't lead us far," she said, replacing the bag on her shoulder. "I guess we'll just have to look for that too as when walk around," she said. She got ready to start walking, but quickly stopped in her motion. "So, uh, where's the coast line anyway?" she asked, realizing she had no idea of where they were in the city now.

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
Sev en Ester

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 PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:23 pm Reply with quote        
"I grabbed some food, but not much," Hal said. Should we look for something in a store first? The harbor may have vending machines with cleaner water too."

Zombie Take-Over
Try to survive.

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 PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:28 pm Reply with quote        
"I don't have any food on me, sorry." Quinn said quietly. "I didn't have time to grab any." Her stomach growled at her, mortifying the teenager. SHUT UP!!! She distracted herself by thinking about rules concerning foodstuff.

"Um. I suppose we can raid any supermarket we come across on our way to wherever we decide to go." She glanced around, keeping an eye on the locations of zombies that were beginning to head in their direction. "We really ought to move, but I'm not from around here, so I don't know where to go. I'm not entierly sure how I got here either."

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:45 am Reply with quote        
Violet wandered through the streets, keeping her sister nearby. So far, they'd been having no luck in finding ammunition.
"Did we check this house?" Asked Violet's sister, gesturing towards a little wooden shack.
"It looks familiar... Lets check it anyways, who knows, maybe we haven't." Replied her little sister. So they wandered over towards the rotting shack, keeping a safe distance. If there were any zombies present, they would need to make an effort to avoid them. Ammo was scarce, and they needed to avoid any confrontation, if possible.
They opened the door, and with a horrifying creaking sound, light washed into the one-roomed house.
"It looks clear, lets head in." Said Violet after a careful review of the room. She had learned almost all of the traps the mildly stupid zombies knew, and she knew exactly what to look for.
Unfortunately, they found no ammo. They were forced to move on, wandering through the streets, looking for other survivors.
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