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Do you have crazy awesome dreams?
 72%  [ 13 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
I don't remember my dreams.
 22%  [ 4 ]
My dreams are all nightmares.
 5%  [ 1 ]
I don't know what you're talking about, but is that bacon I smell?
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 18


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 PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:33 pm Reply with quote        
Alright. This only took me what, a month an a half to finish?! Jeez. Anyhoo. Here is Tsemara's character #1.

Name: Toni Wolverton
Nickname: Myth (Short for MithLycos)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation: Part time Student / Part Time Volunteer at an animal rescue facility
Faction: Dreamer
Abilities: Master Shape-changer: Toni can take the shape of a gray wolf, an ice dragon (Silver dragon from D&D), a red tail hawk, and any combination of said animals.
Adept Gravity Defier: She can use wings from either dragon or hawk form though sometimes she combines them for kicks. She can walk on walls and ceilings with a bit of effort. Her levitation skill leave something to be desired, most of the time.
Apprentice Chi User: She can put up basic, fleeting, shields if the situation merits it. Sometimes she can manage a basic sphere of energy that is used like a grenade. Both give her a headache is used for more than a couple minutes.
Personality: Toni is introverted, and not too keen on being in large and unusually loud groups of people. She prefers settling down with music playing, volunteering, or flying. She's not one to start a conversation, but will glad partake in a lengthy discussion if the conversation is something she is familiar with or likes. Toni has been told that she has a slight hero complex, and will rush into danger to defend her friends and family fiercely if they are threatened.
Description: She is pretty nondescript. Toni is just over 5'4”, with long brown hair, brown eyes, medium build, and tan skin. Her fingers are callused from different tasks she does with her 'job'. She's a staunch believer of comfort over fashion, when it comes to clothing. And any time she appears fashionable is purely by accident. She's mainly in jeans, cargo pants, or long shorts, a long t-shirt of sorts, and hiking boots.
Biography: Toni was born, the oldest of three. She grew up in a middle class neighborhood, roughhousing with her brother, playing tag with the other neighborhood kids, or getting into mischief. She became aware of her abilities in the Dreamscape in her early teens, and has since been attempting to perfect them. It wasn't until she was fifteen that she was able to use some of her powers in the Waking world. She let her siblings in on her secret, in case she got into a spot and needed someone to cover for her. This caused some problems with her immediate relatives, but things have generally calmed down since. Toni likes to waste time flying around the neighborhood, when the ravens aren't around at least. She had decided that she doesn't like them very much.
Other: She usually pays them no mind, there are a handful of scars on her person, mainly on her extremities. They don't look like self mutilation, but some people wonder all the same. She either blames them on job related accidents, or relates a story so outrageous you have a hard time figuring out if it's true or not. She carries a collar and dog license (with her brother's phone number on it) in her pockets for when she's out in public-ish areas in wolf form. Most of the time it seems to work.
Played by: Tsemara

Now I just need to figure out who to make as a second character. I've got three characters in mind, but I only want to use one.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:46 pm Reply with quote        
Name: Tomas Learmount
Nickname: Tom
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Occupation: Lodge Maintenance worker
Faction: Norm
Abilities: none
Personality: Tomas is a very flighty and forgetful young woman with a very whymsical personality. She does her best to help anybody who needs help, even if it means getting herself in harm's way. She is known for daydreaming and spends most of her off time wandering around the forest and writing songs. Unfortunately, she is kept very busy maintaining the lodge- cleaning up messes, fixing broken lights, and other odd jobs around the place.
Description: Tomas is an average-heighted female with long red hair and a cheerful smile. She wears an olive green jumpsuit and an orange shirt under it with a brown belt loosely around her waist. On her feet are usually black combat boots. For a better idea, click here.
Biography: Tomas was born very close to a small mountain lodge, and became very good friends with the elderly owners. She always believed in fairies and loved building little houses for them out of stones and sticks in the woods when she was little. She did well in school, even though all of her teachers commented on the fact that she spent more time staring out the window than doing schoolwork. When she finished school, she went to work in the lodge. She now stays in a small room at the lodge and is very cheery and helpful towards any visitors to the lodge.
Other: She loves playing the fiddle and will occaisonally sit on the front porch of the lodge playing for anybody who comes by.
Played by: Keylaleigh

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 PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:47 pm Reply with quote        
Woo! Welcome aboard! I'm getting my intro written up. And I'll put a link to your character up shortly.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:33 am Reply with quote        
What we really need is a nightmare character. I'll see what I can do.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:49 am Reply with quote        
I actually have a nightmare character, as well as a norm. I just haven't finished writing them out. And I wanted to keep my options open in case I wanted to add someone else to the mix.

My nightmare character, I'm planning to have as a NPC. He'll be a character that anyone can use. I'm sure there are some people that can put him to good use. This dude has been a part of the story since I first started writing it into a comic. (I never got very far in that venture simply because I suck at drawing settings.)

But you're more than welcome to make your own. The more the merrier.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:02 pm Reply with quote        
Hehe! I'm working on a bad guy character, and I persuaded a friend to join the website just to be a part of this roleplay.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:15 pm Reply with quote        
Sweet! Thanks! Perhaps, if I can get my bad dude written up, they can join forces and cause some mayhem. Because mayhem is fun.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:22 pm Reply with quote        
Oh yeah! And yes, that is Alice Cooper in comic book form.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:25 pm Reply with quote        
Name: Malphas Wood
Nickname: Mal
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Occupation: Unemployed, Petty Thief
Faction: Nightmare
Abilities: Shapechanging Adept: Malphas loves to transform into a variety of poisonous snakes.
Illusion Master: The ability he spent most of his time developing as a child, he can now make anything appear to be anything else and keep that up until he wills it to change back. Mostly he uses that ability to create tickets or invitations to expensive galas, and sometimes money.
Telekinesis Apprentice: While in control of his telekenetic powers, he cannot lift objects that are over twenty pounds in weight
Personality: While on the outside he is a gentleman, he is really a two-faced, backstabbing, slimeball with a streak of kleptomania. He does a very good job keeping up his personable outer shell, loving large, fancy parties loaded with cash and free food, both of which he takes lots of. Try to keep from angering him, though, because he can be murderous if you do.
Description: Malphas is a very snappy dresser, usually in a suit jacket and top hat wherever he goes. Under the suit he always wears a black tanktop and jeans. He has long black hair that never seems completely washed and always wears dark makeup under his eyes that look like black tears. He also carries his enchanted cane sword everywhere he goes. In other words, he looks like this.
Biography: As a child, Malphas suffered from many horrible dreams that left him sleep deprived and almost unable to function in the waking world. After a few years, he learned that he could manipulate them in order to make his nightmares good dreams. As he matured, he learned how to manipulate his dream abilities in real life and used them to take advantage of other people, telekenetically removing their wallets from their pockets or pocketbooks from tables. He constantly moves around, using the stolen money to purchase train and plane tickets.
Other: None
Played by: Keylaleigh

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:26 pm Reply with quote        
I figured as much. Though I'd need to wonder about a comic that had him in it , you know?

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:36 pm Reply with quote        
The comic he was in was based off of one of his albums, the Last Temptation, written by Neil Gaiman. Alice Cooper played the part of The Showman.

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 PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:37 pm Reply with quote        
Sounds crazy. But I think I read enough comics without adding yet another to my list.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:20 pm Reply with quote        
I think I'm gonna make a character for this...

Looks cool!

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:23 pm Reply with quote        
I'll try to complete my character tomorrow.
Been busy catching up with lots of stuff this week-end...

*goes to read what happened in all the role-plays*

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.

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 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:25 pm Reply with quote        

I look forward to hearing from both of you.

Wolf at heart.

Malverne wrote:
Hang on...you went to attack a coyote...with a KATANA?! Dude, that's so badass.
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