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Post new topic   This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies. ~ New Year's Rave Party 2011 ~

Have you taken any resolution for 2011?
Yes, and I'll share it with you. ~3~
 25%  [ 2 ]
No, just haven't found one yet... o.O
 12%  [ 1 ]
No, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions or never follow them anyway. <.<''
 25%  [ 2 ]
No, I'm just too lazy. XP
 37%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 8


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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:20 am Reply with quote        
hahaha yea Happy he looked so confused when the woman was beckoning him to come in. he pointed at himself as if to say "what... me? o.o" and she was like YEA YOU XD

so funny to be in a shop full of women + one super camp guy all squealing and freaking out... hahaha Bouncy Heart



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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:49 am Reply with quote        
Did he just kill it or fling it out?
Because if it were me, I'd be mean and just kill it. die, you motherfather. Thank you for coming in, but now it's time for you to die. Goodbye, you spider, goodbye.


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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:30 am Reply with quote        
XD Wow, that is pretty hilarious. Reika's little comments to the spider if he were in the same situation, just made it all the funnier. Laugh

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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:41 am Reply with quote        
hahaha XD;
nah, he didnt kill it.

he just walked up to it, grabbed it in one hand (and it was so big you could see its legs all sticking out through his fingers!!) and walked out of the salon and put it down on the edge of the road, i guess so it could crawl down into a gutter or something XD ahah



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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:53 am Reply with quote        
HELLO SKY (in reference to your hello, this is not a stalker hello XD) and everyone else~!!!

HAHA I LOVE THAT STORY. 8D I've had experiences like that before - when I was eleven and we were all in dance class rehearsing for some random performance (I hate dancing, but never mind that), there was this huge lizardy thingy that crawled up to my teacher and suddenly the whole class was screaming until I picked it off her leg XDD I felt like some sort of hero. And then last year another lizard turned up at cooking class (I don't like cooking, just EATING YUMYUM :3) and I picked it off the sink in front of a screaming class and teacher. ^_^

But just out of curiosity, what is it that makes creepy-crawlies scary to the mass public? I think they're fine, as long as they're not... *shudder* dead.

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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:02 am Reply with quote        
Little extra-information #1: Winter freezes all stupid insects in Canade.
Little extra-information #2: Spring defreezes them and they are still alive. Lips are Zipped

I generally don't kill insects. Well, ants, yes, because some decided to make a nest in my house once.
My own contract with insects is: I don't kill you if you stay outside. If you're suicidal/stupid and come in, I reserve the right to kill you. Not that I really have too, the cats in the house will probably go crazy and kill you before I even notice your presence anyway...

Dunno, I heard that fear of insects and crawlies is a survival thing, inherited from our ancestors. Like, some insects and random crawlies are poisonous and/or can give certain diseases, so the cavemen who were afraid of them and stayed away from them survived. I personally don't mind, as long as they don't enter my personal space. Wink

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
Pocket Size Ninja

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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:25 am Reply with quote        
Anyone around?

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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:46 am Reply with quote        
Yup, sorta. Hai
Hello Pocket! ^^

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.

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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:53 pm Reply with quote        
Thanks, Poofle. Hehe, you called me "Sky." I'm relived to know that you aren't a stalker. Laugh

And HUUUULLLOOO, POCKET!! How've you been? Happy

Also: ew bugs. Mad Despite what I said earlier, I'll kill them, if I must but I really just prefer that they stay away from me all together.

Chere and Rose

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 PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:33 pm Reply with quote        

Pocket! You're back! ninja! yay

*insert something witty here*

Boredom Chat <<Page Contest

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 PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:26 am Reply with quote        
-pops randomly into the convo like Poof- ^^

Lizards aren't that bad, but spiders and -shudders- roaches... and things like that... noooo, stay away from me!!
If I see a roach, even if it's outside, I'll distance myself at least several yards from it. xD
And yes I'd rather they be killed, 'cuz they're creepy. >.>


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 PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:57 am Reply with quote        
*hugs spiders* Don't worry dears, we don't all hate you...

.... << ... >> .... Anyway...
Hiya thread! <(o.o)^
Been in a bit of a huffy mood lately, so not been posting as much...



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 PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:01 pm Reply with quote        
Hiya, Kupsy!~ :3 Well, here's hoping your able to...get un-huffed? xD; Seriously though, hope things put you in a better mood soon, dear. Sweat

As for me, I've been...working. 10-12 hours a day (or rather night) for the last 3 nights in a row; this'll be number 4. I'm dead. Seriously. That's it. The end. Goodbye Sly, it was nice knowing you. Neutral


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 PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:04 pm Reply with quote        
D: *tries to revive Sly with chocolate milkshake*



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 PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:11 pm Reply with quote        
*Opens one eye from where she lays, sprawled on her back, on the floor.*


Is that...chocolate? Shocked

Well, I 'spose I can stick around a bit longer, if it is. Wink

Don't worry though, Kupsy dear; I'm immortal, at any rate...I was just being dramatic. Tired of work though....Blah. >.>;

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