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 PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:51 pm Reply with quote        
How much do you plan for things? Or do you plan at all?

I'm the type who has all kinds of plans swimming around my head, but I don't often write them down. Lately, though, I've been doing that more often since life has just gotten busier. I've never jumped into something without having some sort of plan. I get anxious when I don't try to account for various possible outcomes for my actions.

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 PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:05 pm Reply with quote        
Plans? What are those?
Usually I just run directly into whatever it is I want to do. Completely naked. Neutral

But seriously, I have a pretty bad habit of not thinking things through, which I've been trying to break by forcing myself to write out my objective and how to reach it. Usually it works out regardless, but having a clearer idea makes things less stressful. Hai

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 PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:29 pm Reply with quote        
I'm like Cat. I'm a 'shoot from the hip' kind of person.

Really gets me in trouble when it comes to planning out steps toward my future career, but on the other hand, planning for my future stresses me to wit's end. I make small plans which include one/sometimes two steps, but that's it. Wrapping my head around the big picture overdoes it for me.

If you ask me what I'm doing today, I rarely know. I'm envious of people who can make and follow lists. I'd lose the list in my cluttered room, trashed purse, or backseat of my car. XD

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 PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:57 pm Reply with quote        
I vary with plans depending on what it's about. I'm actually better off not making them, since whenever I bother to make one it usually fails to be done. But sometimes I do follow through. >>; Things I tend to plan with are things like appointments (when to have them and whether it's possible to have them close together), or hanging out with people. I don't really plan for a lot of other things though o.o;

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Strix Varia

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 PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:41 pm Reply with quote        
In military terms there is a difference between strategy and tactics. Strategy is the overall goal or main path for getting to a goal. Tactics are the specific detailed maneuvers you use to achieve the primary strategy. You might need to engage in dozens or even hundreds of tactics to achieve a single overall strategy.

I tend to decide what sort of long-term goals I want to achieve. That usually takes some serious planning. Financial, social, and possibly political concerns have to be considered for where you want to end up in a given situation.

However, I afford myself a great deal of leeway for deciding how to reach that overall goal. Often times, the decisions I make are last second improvisational guesses more than anything else. As long as I can justify them into my final plan, I consider it a win.

For example I have recently bought a house. I made sure that I had the ability - barely- to not only buy it but to be able to afford the taxes and upkeep. It is in a place where I will be happy to live for many decades to come - I hope. However I have bought many impulse items for the house and yard. And I make decisions about what to do with my house almost randomly. But generally I am able to incorporate my random choices into my goals and pretend I meant to do them all along!

Most decisions in my life end up like that to some extent.
colonel cadaver

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 PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:29 pm Reply with quote        
The only time plans actually go well for me is when I'm going to hang out with someone. Other than that whenever I make plans for myself they never work out or actually happen. Or they happen but it's at a strange time. I had always wanted to go to at least part of the UK in my lifetime. A local College offered a program to go to Wales for a month and live there as a student so I jumped on that.

Most long term plans in regards to careers have been hit and miss. I wanted to be a hair dresser but I didn't think I'd be good at it so I got a job as a deli clerk at a bakery/deli, then I went to school. After I wanted to make drinks for people so I got a job as a barista and I've done a bit of Bartending at a pub I was a server at. That escalated to wanting my own Cafe. Neither of those jobs worked out for me due to management even though coworkers and customers always praised me and I never had a complaint.

Anyway I got my current job at the gluten free bakery as a dishwasher. So far I'm rocking it. After a month of working there the owner I never really speak to because I report to the head baker and not him approached me. He asked me what my long term goals are and if I would ever consider a baking position or at the flour production facility. When he asked my long term goals I just stared at him like this Oh Mai .

Que Sera, Sera.

Strix Varia

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 PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:10 am Reply with quote        
Well I always have liked they old saying "If you want to hear the universe laugh, just make a plan"
colonel cadaver

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 PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:27 pm Reply with quote        
lol! That's a good quote.


This is Drai. Please dress him up then pm me the result so I can put it on my profile. I wanna see what people come up with. ;3
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