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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:29 pm Reply with quote        
Hi hello! I'm Juneberry, just another general roleplayer looking for partners. I have a little form in the listing sticky, but...I wanted to make this too at this point. Anyway, I tend to prefer 1x1 RPs, but will do small groups if the plot seems fun and the people are willing to be patient with me. I don't really care what level your writing is at- as long as I can read it, I'm pretty much a happy berry. In terms of length, I admit I do prefer longer posts, but I won't complain too much as long as I have something to reply to.

What I RP...
-Any gender
-Mostly any age group-
-Any gender pairing
-Romance (I like having some Romance in my RPs)
-Multiple characters
-Various races (Humans, aliens, vampires, cyborgs, some demons)
-Fandoms (generally with OC)

What I Don't RP...
-Horror themes
-Most Canon Characters

Pairings with large height differences
Futuristic setting
Rural setting/some sort of 'far from civilization' thing
Anything else really

Harvest Moon/Rune Factory (May play RF3 Sofia)
Natsume Yuujinchou
Phi Brain (may play Ana if wanted)

So yep. You can ask me if you have something else in mind and we can talk about it. Don't ever be afraid to ask okay? Happy

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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Rei Ann

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 PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:22 pm Reply with quote        
So I found a few of my old plots. I've got two Pirate related plots. As well as a medieval setting plot, that sort of has a Harvest Moon feel to it. I think you might like that plot a lot.

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 PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:17 am Reply with quote        
Hi, June-June! If you're interested at all, I'd love to do an RP with you.~ I'm seriously better at original than fandoms though I could do either. If your interested, let me know and I'll try to throw some ideas your way. Sweat

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:47 pm Reply with quote        
Rei: I'm already excited. Tell me all of them and we can work on something. Though I admit, that last one obviously catches me more for reasons xP

Sly: I'd love to RP with you too! Also, neat nickname. Not one I've had before actually o3o But anyway, I'm very happy with original RP too. Throw your ideas my way. I'm a bit out of brain juice from being sick, so it's hard to make a plot without a base right now ^^;

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:31 pm Reply with quote        
Yeah, I don't know why I called you June-June, honestly...just thought it was cute at the time. If it bothers you, I won't do it though. Heh heh. Sweat

Anyway, I'm kind of interested in doing something supernatural maybe. Let me brainstorm for awhile and get back to you, if you don't mind...my brain's sort of slow at the moment. xD;

And quit being sick, ya hear! Jab Illness spoils the fruit. >W>


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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:34 pm Reply with quote        
No, I thought it was cute too! That's why I noted it. I get nicknames a lot, so it's rare I hear one I haven't heard before, especially such a nifty one <3

And no problem, I'll wait. Supernatural is fun! I look forward to seeing what you come up with~ o3o

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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Rei Ann

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:13 pm Reply with quote        
Juneberry wrote:
Rei: I'm already excited. Tell me all of them and we can work on something. Though I admit, that last one obviously catches me more for reasons xP

Let's go with the last plot first.
An illness has spread throughout a small country, and most people have gotten the illness and are on the verge of death. A young female doctor is the only one who will even take patients with this illness. She trying to find a cure before, anyone dies from this, and before she loses her parents.
Enter a handsome doctor from out of the country, searching for a cure to save his mother and sister, and knowing that he is being tested to learn kindness and compassion, he’ll have to make a choice that will alter his life. Yet this doctor is rude, and seems to have selfish reasons for everything.
The two meet. He laughs at the women he meets trying to save everything, telling her that eventually someone will die from this illness. Yet this doctor has created a mixture, that slows down the illness, he eventually shares it with her, but she still needs the cure. They must find a way to get what the need to create the cure, before time runs out.

So I'd want to be a female doctor, but there is always a queen from another land, who's advisors are making horrible laws and she goes and travels the land to find out what really happening with her people, and a childhood friend of the doctor's who is a guy.

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:21 pm Reply with quote        
I actually want to play the male doctor anyway in that plot. I have a guy who'd be perfect for it! Seriously, Shawn actually makes a perfect fit. I'm scared.

But it seems like an awesome mix. And it even fits in the aspect that he has a sister and mother (albeit his sister normally hates him because of the selfishness, and has a toddler she takes care of as a daughter). I can't imagine the sister being sick, so I might ask to change it to his 'niece' and mother, but I like the general plot and the communication info~ <3

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:22 pm Reply with quote        
Sooo....June-June, how would you feel about doing something with, like, ghosts and ghost hunters? I have a vague idea for this, and I think it has the potential for drama, silly antics, and a little bit of rivalry, or possibly romance, depending upon what you're interested in. Just let me know what you think...and if you're totally not into it, I'll think of something else. Sweat

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:35 pm Reply with quote        
Ghosts and such are fun. Can't say I know how to play a ghost hunter well, but I do have some ghostly characters and such~ Sounds fun to me! Did you want it to be a very broad idea, or did you have a more specific interlude for the silly antics and rivalry and such? o3o

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:49 pm Reply with quote        
Well, ghostly characters are just as well with me. I only have a vague idea anyway because I am an uncreative sloth lately I figured it could be something that grew quite well spontaneously, if that makes any sense at all.... Sweat

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:52 pm Reply with quote        
So basically we can just wing it? That's fine with me! So...I think I'd like to lay a ghost to start out, but I can play two or more characters if you'd like to even the playing field so to speak. Do you have a character in mind already?

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:09 pm Reply with quote        
Yeah, I like to just wing things on occasion; sort of helps spontaneous creativity, you know? So if you're ok with that, then yeah, we'll wing it. As far as I'm concerned, you can be one or more characters, whatever you'd be comfortable with. I've actually got an idea for two characters as of right now. One is a college student and member of a paranormal investigation team of sorts, and the other is a ghost with kind of a zany backstory. I could write up some profiles to give you a better idea if you'd like...? Sweat

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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:12 pm Reply with quote        
I don't need profiles, but I won't say no to them, either. My character I've decided on for sure is a ghost who doesn't really accept he's a ghost/poltergeist and is ironically afraid of other ghosts and such.

I may make another character too...Maybe my dullahan can be handy? Or just the normal human who always notices non-human characters and wonders if it's something strange about her or something? Hrm...Abby is fun because she's purposely named Abby Normal. So...maybe I'll use her for ha-has. Happy

PM me to RP. Always looking for partners~
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 PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:18 pm Reply with quote        
Hmm...well maybe I won't write any at the moment then, if you don't mind. There not something I usually use in my own writing, anyway..... Sweat

I quite like that idea of a ghost you have. And Abby Normal, haha indeed. Laugh

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