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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:44 pm Reply with quote        
Yes, my only concern is for lurkers or Battle System users. On a normal day, I'd find it hard to get to 10 posts a day unless I really try, and something like 30 or 100 is kinda scary. I do like the current gift-box system.

O shucks what's up buddy

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:23 pm Reply with quote        
even so, there is no incentive to play on the site with other users, i visit a few times a day when i am on that much and there are next to no posts on the site barring the rp section

we really need /some/ incentive to play


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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:33 pm Reply with quote        
littl3chocobo wrote:
this seems like such a good plan but it has been 5 months and nadda, i know life is time-consuming but golly v.v

Well, considering we only have one programmer, and she's also our main admin, and pixeler, and everything else... Hai

Some new things should be happening soon though. I dunno if this was taken into consideration, but yeah, I still think it's a good idea. Mido could definitely use some more posts. Wink

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.

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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:38 pm Reply with quote        
Catghost needs a promotion. ;-; Or maybe Chu?
Or both of them!

<Insert awesome siggeh here>

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 PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:06 pm Reply with quote        
killerkitty wrote:
Yes, my only concern is for lurkers or Battle System users. On a normal day, I'd find it hard to get to 10 posts a day unless I really try, and something like 30 or 100 is kinda scary. I do like the current gift-box system.

But if there were incentive for posting, more people would be active, right? So it'd be easier to get more posts, right?


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 PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:37 pm Reply with quote        
Dunno, I see how it could be intimidating/irritating for lurkers or people who don't post much for various reasons, but then again, people who post bring more activity to the site, and activity brings more people, and/or helps keep the site alive. So giving them rewards for being active/incentive to be more active would be kinda nice.
((Plus, whatever that reward is (gold or items), chances are it will be available on the marketplace for other users to buy.))

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
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