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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:31 pm Reply with quote        
Twin Pines High School, Monday Morning 8:00

Twin Pines High is a normal school in Anytown, USA with no special qualities, a mediocre sports program, an average graduation rate, and generally nothing that would set it apart from any other area high school. It is small, holding about 1000 kids, so they all know each other very well, much like a small town. Gossip does not need to travel far and spreads like wildfire when something occurs that is a little out of the ordinary.

And this is where we set our scene...

Jingwei sighed as she looked around the school. What a boring little place. It was much different compared to the types of places that she usually traveled. But dad said that it would be good for them get a taste of what normal life was like for a while, so they moved to a small apartment and she was enrolled in the local high school. Already she was given funny looks. Then again, she was a minority, being half-Chinese while the rest of the school was full of Europeans.

She would make the best of her situation, though. She would get through this thing called "High School", and then go back on the road.



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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:43 pm Reply with quote        
(I thought that we were going to have it placed in Europe. How can it be in Anytown USA if its in Europe)

Izzy was wandering around the town where he had been his entire life. He was walking onto the school grounds when he felt a new presence in the school. One that was like his own. Ok? Thats weird. From what I know that isnt one of my siblings. I've never felt this person's presence. It doesn't seem to be the most joyous. Oh well. I'll try and make friends. Izzy was very good at making friends. Mainly due to his empathic abilities.

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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:02 pm Reply with quote        
((sorry... Anytown is my default setting for any roleplay. I figured that your character would be a new guy as well, coming from Europe and all))

Jingwei stared at the thing the woman at the front desk called her "locker", and then at the little piece of paper that supposedly had the combination. "13, 24, 15..." she muttered to herself as she spun the dial on the thing. She didn't understand the convenience of such things when it would be much more useful to carry her things on her back where she could always reach them.

But it was part of being a normal teenager. And if that was what she was supposed to be, that was what she would do. And she would do it well. Well enough, she supposed. After a few minutes of fiddling with the dial, though, she grumbled, giving up and kicking the locker. "Stupid thing." she muttered as she tried once again.



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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:13 pm Reply with quote        
Izzy followed the flow of the presence to where he saw a chinese girl. He focused really hard and teleported to the empty hallway across from where she stood. He walked up behind her and asks "Need any help with that. You must be new here. Im Izzadore but you can call me Izzy. I've been here my entire life basically. I know the whole place. Would you mind if I help you get to your classes and introduce you to a few people?" He did this sort of thing with all the new kids. It was just a nice gesture that he normally extended, however this was different.

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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:20 pm Reply with quote        
Jingwei jumped a little bit at the voice behind her. Well... that came out of nowhere. She thought to herself as she turned to face the new presence. "I'm Jingwei, but you can call me Jenny if that's simpler." She said to him with a little bit of an accent. She had very good English, but she spent a lot of her time with a father that almost exclusively spoke in his native tongue, so her speech had that flavor to it.

"And yes, I would love some help with this thing." She gave it a venomous glare, knowing very well that it was an inanimate object and wouldn't respond, but still thinking that intimidating it might force it to open. "And with the rest of my day. That would be wonderful." She smiled.



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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:24 pm Reply with quote        
Izzy laughed a little. "Well I'm glad to be of help. Now whats your locker combo this way I can get it open?" He stepped around Jingwei and put his hand on the nob. I hope my pwers didn't deceive me by making me feel the presence of a half human. Izzy could always tell if someone was human or not just by the way their brain and emotions were wired.

(I think I'm going to add mind reading to the list of powers he has. But it wont manifest until later.)

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 PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:21 am Reply with quote        
Jingwei showed him the little paper that the desk lady gave her. "Here it is. I'm not sure exactly sure how this is supposed to work, or how useful it will end up being." She sighed. She didn't approve of her father's choice to move to such a small town to live a "normal life". She would much rather be traveling the world like they had been doing since she was born, learning about new cultures and never attending these... school things. But what father declared the family do, the family did.



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 PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:44 am Reply with quote        
Izzy took the paper and silently read to himself the numbers as he went along unlocking the locker. "16, 27, 30." He heard the small click and the opened the locker. "There you go. Now what classes do you have today? This way I can give you pointers on the teachers and also show you how to get there." Being very cheerful was one of the things that people liked about Izzy, however many people also hated it. They thought that he was too cheerful to be real.
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