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Post new topic   Reply to topic Idependence and Individualism
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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:44 am Reply with quote        
Argh, this already gets me fired up. WHOO. Alright, let's do this.

One thing that Americans like to be known for is independence: "I am my own person and no one can tell me otherwise. I will do what I think is best and won't rest until I get what I want."

This seems like a beautiful philosophy to follow. I know that I would personally love to have the willpower and innate capabilities to make this statement true, wouldn't you?

Well, the issue here seems to be hidden behind the powerful words, and it reaches two levels: societal and personal. However, I think that the following rant ... rant will go in-depth enough to properly elaborate on both.

How can a society properly function if each member is a powerful individual who refuses to take orders from anyone; someone who has no superiors?

It just won't work. In order for a society to work - much less a government - there needs to be a group of superiors and a group of inferiors. Without this, no one believes in authority because everyone believes that they have it.

The easiest way to look at this is to spend a day in a high school; full of rebellious teenagers who all think that they're more intelligent than their superiors and refuse to take orders from them. Ignore the good kids (all five of them) for a moment. Take a look at the trouble-makers and you'll see a disturbing trend: these are the kids that are raised and surrounded by the adults who consistently break the law. These are the kids who will grow up to be that exact same group of people, all because they believe that no one can tell them what to do. They believe that only THEY know what's right for them. They believe that the system is built against them and only trying to pull them down. They believe that the only way to get anywhere in life is to ignore the law and "do what they have to do."

This is dangerous. This mentality is destructive to the society that the government is trying to uphold. As the government continues failing in consistency and efficiency in capturing and attaining criminals, more and more people are beginning to believe that it's okay to do whatever they want because there will be no consequences to it. Furthermore, even in prison, they maintain this mentality and it's even fed. No one is being assertive enough over them because societal standards PROTECT them.

When it comes down to it, being politically correct and allowing such people to maintain such independence in prison only leads to further destruction. The higher-ups are too busy keeping the public content with how they handle things to properly handle the situation.

Whoo, I already see a slipperly slope here, but I'm to lazy to change it.

Add me on Skype! I'm ewitsChu. Even if we've never talked, just tell me your username in the friend request and I'll accept.

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