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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:03 pm Reply with quote        
StarCraft takes place in the distant future. Human exiles fight for survival on the edge of the galaxy, and a unified Terran government has formed through espionage, deceit and military might. In the midst of these events, the Zerg have begun an invasion of the Terran worlds, along with the war against the Protoss.

The plot of the original StarCraft game revolves around the Terran civilization in the Koprulu Sector, which was founded by former prisoners exiled from Earth. The most powerful Terran faction is the Terran Confederacy. It is opposed by other factions, such as the “Sons of Korhal,” a paramilitary organization. The arrival of the Zerg, led by the Overmind and its Cerebrates, greatly complicates matters for the Terrans. The Zerg Swarm is itself closely followed by a Protoss fleet led by the executor Tassadar, which burns the surface of any world the Zerg infest.

Episode I

In Episode I, the player assumes the role of a colonial magistrate of the Confederate colony of Mar Sara. He soon meets local marshal Jim Raynor. After being arrested by the Confederacy for destroying Confederate property (even though it was infested by the Zerg), the player joins the Sons of Korhal, who free Raynor from prison. Raynor also joins the Sons of Korhal and frequently accompanies the player on missions. After the Protoss destroy the Zerg-infested Confederate colony on Mar Sara, the leader of the Sons of Korhal, Arcturus Mengsk, uses psi-emitters to lure the Zerg to Confederate installations and further his own goals. Mengsk acquires the services of General Edmund Duke, a Confederate general, and sacrifices his second in command, the psychic Sarah Kerrigan, to the Zerg to ensure the destruction of the Confederacy. Raynor is outraged and flees with a small number of soldiers, accompanied by the player. Mengsk then uses psi-emitters to destroy the Confederate capital world of Tarsonis by means of Zerg infestation. Mengsk reorganizes what remains of the Terran population under his control into the Terran Dominion, crowning himself Emperor.

Episode II

In the second episode, the player assumes the role of a newly created Zerg cerebrate and is entrusted to the care of the chrysalis. It soon opens to reveal Kerrigan, who has been infested by the Overmind. Meanwhile, Tassadar has discovered that the Zerg cerebrates can be near-immediately reincarnated by the Overmind unless they are killed by the dark templar, whose energies match those used by the Overmind. Tassadar allies with the dark templar, and while he distracts Kerrigan, the dark templar Zeratul assassinates the cerebrate Zasz. This disrupts the Overmind’s control over the Garm brood (causing chaos as the brood runs rampant), but also allows the minds of Zeratul and the Overmind to come into contact for a brief second, enabling the Overmind to learn the location of the Protoss homeworld of Aiur, for which it has been searching for a considerable amount of time. The Zerg soon invade, despite heavy Protoss resistance, allowing the Overmind to embed itself into the crust of the planet.

Episode III

In the third episode, the player takes the role of the newly appointed Protoss fleet executor, replacing Tassadar, who has been branded as heretic by the Conclave (the Protoss ruling council) for working with the dark templar. The player at first serves the Conclave in their fight against the Zerg on Aiur. However, while on a mission to arrest Tassadar, the player ends up joining him. This results in a Protoss civil war with Tassadar, his unlikely templar allies, and the dark templar pitted against the Conclave and the Khala. Tassadar and the dark templar prove themselves by having Zeratul slay two Zerg cerebrates. The Conclave then reconciles with Tassadar and the dark templar in time for their assault on the Overmind. The Protoss are aided by Raynor and his raiders. When the shell of the overmind is destroyed, Tassadar channels dark templar energies into the hull of his ship, the Gantrithor, and crashes it into the Overmind, sacrificing himself in order to slay it.


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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:05 pm Reply with quote        

NO Godmoding,
no sexual content,
follow all midorean rules
, have fun,
limit characters
resoursces are time based
limit army number


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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:09 pm Reply with quote        








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 PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:33 pm Reply with quote        



Description:She has long flowing blonde hair tied back into a pony tail she has dark green eyes and wears the armor of the ghosts.

Bio:She was haired as a ghost to work with raynor and his bunch after later learning her father was killed in battle working with the sons of Korhal. Her mother tried to get her to stay but was later killed by the zerg herself.

Weopan]The rifle that the ghosts use and she can even clock and set of a nuke.

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:05 pm Reply with quote        
welcome Happy hope it turns out good

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