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 PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:28 am Reply with quote        
I wasn't sure wether to put this in the Battlegrounds sub-forum or here, but i think it's more appropriate here really xD;

well... i really like battling, when i first joined it was a great way to make silver and crystal shards too (since that was during the winter event also)

but i find that now im up to level 8, its actually costing me more silver than its earning me, due to needing to heal after almost every single battle (unless you come up against something thats a very low level, but mostly you dont haha)

the cost of complete healing at the temple is 35 silver, but i dont think you can ever get that much silver from winning a battle. so all im really suggesting is that you get more silver from defeating higher level enemies. Smile

the only other problem i have with the battle system is that enemies seem to be capable of getting critical hits - whereas we cant! xD

what do you guys think?



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 PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:00 pm Reply with quote        
I usually just try to flee from those big, badass monsters that would kill me quick. I prefer to stick to killing the weaker monsters, and that's pretty easy for me.
But I like fighting the Spiffy Sh!t. That's AWESOME. Especially because of the silver bag drops. xD

I also just replenish my life once it reaches to around 50, out of my total life which is around 120. I think.

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hey mang.
I'm Christian! I'm loving it bbycakes.
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