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Midorea Forum Index / The Storybook
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 PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:57 pm Reply with quote        
As I dusted off the cobwebs of sleep,
Outside my den I did creep,
Stretching in the glow of the setting sun,
I began to wonder if I was the only one,
Alas! There was a wolf in the dale,
Limping in the misty vale,
So, to her, I did run,
Since I was the only one,
I then greeted her with a yip,
In my direction her head did whip,
Her eyes gazed at me with intense hate,
It was then that I know our twisted fate,
Twisted fate,
I then helped her back,
To my den through the inky black,
Then I figured there was a need,
For in her state she could not feed,
Out of the burrow I did bound,
To see if there was any fodder to be found,
Then suddenly, a stealthy leap,
Three rabbits I did reap,
These to her were my gift,
I never seen jaws so swift,
And while she viscously ate,
I knew our meeting was a twist in fate,
Twist in fate.
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