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Midorea Forum Index / The Storybook
Post new topic   Reply to topic A continuation of another's thought

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 PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:51 pm Reply with quote        
So this isn't really a "read my stuff and tell me what you think" thread, it's a writer's game, so i don't know if it should be in here or in the game forum (if it belongs there please let me know and i'll fix it)

Pretty simple, every person will post some form of writing (story, poem, prose, whatever you want) that connects back to what the person above you posted

so i'll start with
"We throw ourselves headlong into frenzied revels of a fading youth, lost in a prolonged ecstacy of breath and bodies and sound and life writing in rythem to the thumping of bass and a thousand simultaneous hearts grasping at that moment that will freeze the metronome of time's constant tick tock tick tock ticking away wonder and innocence and the childlike wholeness of being"

the next person along the way could start their piece with "the childlike wholness of being", or use any part of the piece (time's metronome, thumping of bass, etc) as inspiration and branch off from it however they like. as long as the next post directly connects to the last bit of the previous post
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