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Joined:  16 Aug 2010
Total posts:  59
Find all posts by Aileen Lightbearer
All about Aileen Lightbearer
Well, I wrote out this long complicated About Me page for MWC, but to tell the truth I really don't feel like posting it all here. So here's the important parts:

1. My name isn't Aileen. Nor is it Zandra Fletcher, which is my fanfiction penname. These names are both infinetly cooler than my real name. I chose Aileen because it means 'lightbearer' in Irish and it sounds nice.
2. I cannot be on the computer every day. I have school. I have a mother who thinks I spend way too much time on the computer. So DON'T KEEP BOTHERING ME! I WILL BE ON EVENTUALLY.
3. I have a website with a couple of friends called 'Abstract Ink'. Here's the link:Link!. If it doesn't work, I'll try to fix it. I'm under my alias of Zandra. It's awesome. Hope to see you there!If you want to find my writing, go to Writing and then Zandra.
4. I love joining RP's that have been sitting around with no replies for all of forever. If you have an RP that no one is joining, PM me! I'll join up!
Aileen Lightbearer's Character
Image Description Level
Forge Forge Skill 4
Enchantment Enchantment Skill 1

Vital Stats
  Health Points:: 37/50
  Mana Points:: 10/10
  Weight: 25/1,080
  Experience:: 410/1,000
Armour Class Armour Class 20
Strength Strength 16
Intelligence Intelligence 9
Wisdom Wisdom 9
Constitution Constitution 19
Battle Statistics
Victories 16
Defeats 0
Flees 1

Aileen Lightbearer
Level: 1
   Class: Fighter
   Race: Tribe of B'asat Iqui
Tribe of B'asat Iqui
   Element: Energy
   Alignment: Holy

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